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Do Not and I repeat Do Not listen to How to Save a Life or Fix You while reading this. I was a sobbing mess because I put them both of repeat.

Third Person


The single word danced around in Nicholas's head as he gripped onto the steering wheel, his foot pressing so hard against the gas that he flew down the street.

At the moment, he didn't think about getting pulled over, getting in a wreck, or even putting my seatbelt on.

All he cares about was William and if he's okay or not.

The shirt distance to William's house dragged on and Nick's body was trembling as houses and neighborhoods passed, until he saw his the one with his boyfriend inside.

Neverending tears ran down his face, like they have for the past few days. He's been crying all morning and he's never experienced heart ache before. It hit him hard that he broke up with William.

He loved him more than anyone, but he didn't want to continue making him suffer, even though he didn't at all. Nicholas knew what haid was completely horrible and that William wasn't doing that well to snap.

Not even shutting the car door, Nick sprinted towards the house, banging loudly on the door, hoping someone was home and nearby.

There were only two cars in the driveway, so his nerves raised as he pounded against the wood. Both of William's parents were at work and his eldest sister was out, so only William's and Lucille's cars were parked.

The door swings open, revealing a confused Lucille, who opened the door wider. She furrows her brows, not knowing why the boy was beating against the door so urgently.

Without saying a thing, Niholas runa past the girl, directly towards the stairs. Lucille stared up at him, debating whether or not to follow after.

His heart had sunk to his stomach and blood pulsed coldly through Nick's veins. He stumbles as he rushed up the stairs, but didn't waste a second to keep moving.

Nicholas struggled to breath while taking quick strides down the long hall, gripping onto the knob of William's door, hurrying to burst into the room, hoping he was on the other side and okay.

But little did Nicholas know that he was completely was wrong.

A loud sob left the heartbroken boys mouth as he fell to my knees, in front of the boy he loved. Nicholas yells out William's name, his voice cracking as he tried to shake the smaller boy awake.

But based on William's state, it settled on Nicholas that there was a chance he was too late to save him. His hand pressed against his bloody arm as hot tears flooded down his face,burning him.

Lucille was currently rushing up the stairs at the loud, raw noises, not knowing what to expect whenever she reached the room. She cups her mouth as she stared at the scene, not knowing what was exactly happening.

Nicholas screams out for her to call an ambulance, sobbing into the younger boys chest as he repeated the last word William texted him.

Thoughts spun around in his head as Lucille hurried to call. Nicholas thought that this was his fault, that he was the reason for William to kill himself, which wasn't 100 percent true, but he didn't know that.

All he knew was he was possibly to late on saving a life.

William's blood stained Nick's hands, which was still gushing from his arm. It hadn't even been 5 minutes since he passed out from the loss of blood.

"I need you!" Nicholas cries out to his lover, guilt eating at him. "William!"

He thought he was a minute too late, and that killed him to know he caused William to attempt to kill himself.

"They'll be here in 2 minutes."

That was too long, Nicholas thought while pressing his palm into the large, deep cut. He hoped that it would help stop the flow, and it did.

He suddenly clutched the boy in his arms and let out a heartbreaking sobbed that made Lucille instantly cry, and she didn't even know what was happening.

The sob was close to the one a mother would make when she lost her child, but his had much more rawness and emotion. His lip quivered as he continued to cry into the supposedly dead boys chest.

Paramedics rushed to the room, prying the boy from Nicholas's arm, who was yelling at them to not touch the hurt boy. He knew they needed to and he could possibly be killing William more, but he needed him near.

The paramedics offered Nicholas to ride with them, but he was so busy sobbing to listen and they just left.

Moment later, Nicholas fainted. Why? From not eating since the argument, shock, and heartbreak.

(I'm fucking sobbing rn)

Lucille watched with teary eyes in the back of the ambulance as everyone crowded around her brother. She was utterly confused what was going on but she was smart enough to piece things together.

She thought her brother was dead and she's been fearing this ever since he first was admitted into the hospital for cutting and his disorders.

Rose and Daisy were still at home, confused out of their mind why their brothers boyfriend was just sobbing so loudly, why Lucille screamed into the phone, and why paramedics took their older brother. Little did the girls know that their brother was fighting for his life and Nicholas was completely heart broken.

Gabrielle was having an amazing time at her friend's house, thinking nothing in the world could possibly dampen the girls bright mood. Little did she know that her brother was fighting for his life and his sister was with him.

Mrs. Newton was pressing his palms into an oily women, wishing she was the one getting the massage. She's felt so stressed lately and a massage was just what she needed. Little did she know that her only son was fighting for his life.

Mr. Newton was busy typing on a computer, sipping his 4th cup of bitter, black coffee from a mug to keep himself awake. The worried dad was constantly thinking of his kids, especially his son, and was always convincing his worried wife that he was okay. Little did he know that the person he was thinking most about what fighting for his life.

Nicholas was unconscious on William's floor, his hands and clothing covered in dark blood. The room looked like a crime scene and the only thing he was dreaming about was William smiling. Little did the boy know what while he was passed out, his boyfriend is was fighting for his life.

I've been crying for two hours and every time I type that last phrase, I just cry harder. I am unable to write more for this chapter, I know it will make me feel horrible and cry.

I've cried over a character maybe 2-3 times, and they were from other books. Never have I cried over my own character, ive never put so much thought into a book.

Sorry for such a short chapter.


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