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"Let me just warn you," I started, glancing at Nicholas, who was cracking his knuckles. "My sisters are kinda crazy, nothing like me at all."

Nicholas smiles, shruugging, "I'm fine with that. I'm sure they aren't that crazy."

"They are!" I exclaim, widening my eyes at his statement that they weren't. "Especially my older sisters. No, my younger actually. Well no... They're all crazy."

He continued to smile, "it's fine." His eyes went back down to his hands.

Something seemed wrong with Nick, he hasn't said much during the car ride, but I don't want to get into his business. Maybe he's just having a bad day or I'm boring him.

My curiosity got the best of me and I finally asked. "Are you okay?"

Nicholas looks up at me, his smile reappearing, "yeah, I'm just thinking a lot. Sorry if I'm not really talkative."

"Oh, okay. I was just making sure." He just smiles widely at me before looking back down at his hands, his face instantly dropping. I swallow thickly, continuing to drive.

My hands fumble with the keys in my hand, hurriedly trying to unlock the door. I stick in the key, twisted it, then opened the door.

Almost immediately, loud voices boomed through the house, even though only the twins were home right now.

"I want to watch Criminal Minds!"

"I had the remote first! And Mom said you had to finish your homework before you can watch TV. So go!"

"You're not the boss of me! You hogged the TV all day after school yesterday!"

"Okay and?! That was yesterday, stop living in the past!"

I furrow my brows, peeking my head into the living room, seeing the twins standing in front of the couch, scowling at each other.

Waving them off, I went back over to Nick, who was scanning the house. "Do you want anything to eat or drink?"

His eyes landed on me, "uh, sure." I motion for him to follow me to the kitchen, thinking of something small I can have so Nick doesn't feel weird for being the only one eating.

We have a lot of fruit, maybe I could eat some of that...

"What do you want? We have chips, pretzels popcorn, Speghettios, yogurt, cereal..." I scan the kitchen, shrugging. "You can have whatever, just don't eat my mom's 'special dip' or she'll flip."

Nicholas just smiles, "what are you going to have?"

I rather not eat anything but... "Probably some fruit, I'm not really hungry."

"I'll have some too, then."

I nod, opening the fridge. "Which kind do you want? We have apples, oranges, grapes, blue berries, strawberries... Berries... We have bananas over there and kiwis somewhere in here."

"What are you going to have?"

I turn and look at him, narrowing my eyes. "I see what you're doing, you awkward person." He just sends me his pearly whites. "I'm probably going to eat grapes. Those fine?" He nods.

I take the bag, discreetly glancing at the calories and serving size.

I place grapes one-by-one into a bowl, humming gently to myself as I did so. Nicholas just watches me, probably annoyed that I was taking so long.

"What song are you humming."

I glance at him, "oh, uh, Tell Me I'm A Wreck by Every Avenue, sorry, I didn't mean to hum so loud and bother you."

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