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I drummed my fingers impatiently against Nicholas's arm, waiting for the doctor to come back after a nurse told me he'd be in "soon".

I've been in the damn hospital for over a week and I hated it. My parents have been talking about taking me to a mental facility after I was able to leave the hospital and healed more, but I always vetoed the idea.

Whenever it was brought up again, Nicholas always told me that it would be a smart idea. I don't know how I feel about group therapy and being stuck in a building for a week or two.

Apparently it's not that bad but I still was hesitant to let myself stay with strangers.

I have to wait another week to stop using the feeding tube. I hated it, it hurt putting in or taking out, it was hard to screw on the cap to the plug, and it's going to leave a mark.

Currently, I just wanted to go home and be away from hospitals forever. My family visited often, but I liked being alone a majority of the week.

Nicholas has came back a few times, but gives me enough space. He knew I was upset with being there so he just always made sure I was calm when he saw me.

"I don't think it takes 30 minutes for a doctor to come." I grumbled, poking at Nick's forearm with a bored sigh. His eyes snapped towards me, blinking a few times before he hummed for me to repeat myself. "Nevermind."

"Sorry, I was just thinking." He sent me an apologic smile, rubbing his hand across the clothed leg, my fingers continuing to move against the arm. "You know, you're like a beach ball."

I furrow my brows, "do I looked bloated?"

He shakes his head, gesturing to the plug on my stomach, "no, it just looks like one of those beach ball plugs but bigger."

"I... I mean, I guess so." I continue to move my fingers against his warm, nerves rising in me.

I was currently waiting to see if the doctor approved me of being able to eat actual food along with the feeding tube. He said yesterday he'd tell me this morning, but I was already nearly noon and I was planning on eating actual lunch today.

"He'll be here soon." My mom assured me, noticing my antsiness. I just scowl. "Hun, there's other patients and-"

"He was supposed to be here 3 hours ago, Mom." I interrupted with a huff in frustration. "I just want to eat food again and not have formula pumped into me."

She sighs, "I know, honey. Just be patient." I only nodded, running my fingers over Nicholas's arm.

His phone dinged in his hands, "oh, my mom's here."

"Can see her!?"

Nick sends me a strange look, "she's not here to see me, that's for sure." I felt much better, a smile forming on my lips for the first time today. "She's really excited to see you."

"I'm excited to see her." I carefully pull my knees up, trying to shift into a much more comfortable position. I was careful not to hunch over to much because it would hurt the hole in my stomach, so it was a bit diicifult getting comfortable.

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