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The moment the last customer left, I hurried to leave. I left all the cleaning to Lucille, but I explained why, so she understood.

The entire ride there, I was bouncing in my seat with excitement to see Anthony. I genuinely missed him, even though I saw him the other day. I just liked seeing his gorgeous face and hearing his lovely laugh.

The moment I saw him, I practically tackled him with a large hug. I was more than glad to see him today. It's all I've looked forward to since I hung up on him last night.

"It's good to see you, cutie." Anthony smiles, pressing a short kiss to my lips. "My dad is working, but my mom is home. You can finally meet her."

Damn it... I was dreading meeting his parents, I absolutely hate the awkwardness or the overly sweetness.

"What does your dad work as? Isn't he in the military?"

Anthony nods, leading me towards the living room, "he's works on a base and has a weird schedule. He's a security guard, though."

"What about your mom?"

"She's a nurse." He informed me, squeezing gently onto my hand. "I told her a lot about you, so she's excited to see you."

My cheeks darkened, "does she know about us?" He nodded. "Really?"

He nodded again, "my parents don't really care about my sexuality much. It's not the first time I've talked about a guy."

"That makes me feel less special."

Anthony laughs, pressing a kiss to my temple. "You're different, babe. C'mon, dinners almost ready."

I instantly remembered dinner and my stimach churns. My eating was getting a bit better, mainly because Anthony encourages me to eat.

I didn't throw up at all in the past 3 days and I was proud of myself. I feel like Anthony has a positive impact on my eating habits, I feel a lot happier and I'm accepting myself a bit more.

"You must be William." A sweet, female voice beamed as I stepped into the kitchen with Anthony. I see a women standing near the stove, stirring a type of noodle, her head turned towards me.

She had the same dark brown eyes as Anthony and a similar smile. She was a gorgeous women, so I understand where Anthony got his looks from.

"It's great to finally meet you." Her voice was flowy and had a softness to it that reminded me of my my mom. She embraced in a small hug, her warmth radiating off of her. "I'm Jene."

I smile at the women, "it's nice to meet you, as well."

"Anthony, you didn't tell me how cute he was. I might steal him from you."

I couldn't help but let out a laugh-like giggle, glancing at my boyfriend. He shook his head at his mom, "that's illegal, Mom."

Jene let out a sweet laugh, "hm true. I'm making macoroni with meatloaf, is that fine, William?"

That seemed so filling and so much... All the carbs in the noodles and calories in the cheese... There's protein though, so it wasn't as bad as it could be.

"That's fine, ma'am." She sends me a warm smile before she looked back at the pot of boiling noodles.

Anthony tugs on my sleeve, pulling me towards his room. Once we entered the room, he pulled me onto his bed with him, his arms wrapped snugly around my waist.

He teasingly poked at my sides making me yelp in surprise.

"Sh, my mom is going to think we're doing something bad." Anthony jokes, kissing the corner of my lips. "I wouldn't mind if we did though."

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