Chapter 12

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She's still not talking to me after that fight. During our day of she stays inside our room the whole and only goes out when she needs to use the bathroom or eat. The apartment is not the same any more there's no more laughter. It's just me and the cold Natalie.

I apologize to her last night, but she just turned away from me, and we slept with our backs facing each other. Sometimes I woke up in the morning with Natalie in my arms hugging me and I just pretend that I'm still asleep just to feel her against me but Every time she noticed it she'll quickly untangle herself from me. Sometimes I tried to start a conversation, but she'll just look at me and won't respond.

Today's our day off, but she went out and didn't tell me where she's heading, so I have no choice but to stay here and wait until she'll come home. It's already twelve-thirty in the afternoon, when I got a phone call from Stacey. I was hesitant at first because Natalie doesn't want me to talk to her anymore, so I missed her first call. I thought that was it but my phone rings again and it's still Stacey, so I answer it.

"Third is this you?" her voice sounded like whisper.

"Yeah it's me, what can I help you Stace?"

"I'm at the city jail right now to visit my dad and... "  There was a small pause on the other line before she speaks again, "Third... please meet me at the café near the campus I need to show you something."

I sigh and shake my head, "Stace if this is one of your schemes again, I have to tell you... It won't work."

"Just trust me on this Third, I guess this is important for you to know."

"Alright. I'll be there."

It's strange how Stacey sounded serious through the phone, usually she always wants to flirt with me even if she knew that I'll just reject her. I quickly dress up, and leave the apartment, driving fast to the café. I don't want Natalie to get home without me waiting for her inside the apartment.

After I park my car outside, I went inside the café and look for Stacey. It wasn't long before she waves her hand to call my attention. I notice that she's alone, no other girls around just her.

When I reach the table Stacey wasted no time and say, "I saw Natalie today visiting Thomas."

I knew this is just a joke. I'm about to stand up and leave, but she pulls me back, handing me her phone. I warn her with a look, but she just nods, hesitant to look at the phone screen for the fear of seeing the truth. But it was true this is really Natalie is talking with Thomas, and they're laughing at each other. I don't want to believe the photos, but the clothes that Natalie wears in the picture was the same clothes she wears when she left home today.

Holding on to the phone tightly, I shake my head and only manage to say, "I don't understand. Why?"

"I'm not doing this to destroy Natalie, I'm doing this for you." Stacey sigh and takes her phone from me to scroll through the other photos she took on different days, it's still Natalie visiting Thomas, and they are in good terms. "You know that I'm also visiting my Dad in there right? And Every time I get there I saw Natalie with your brother. I'm sorry Third, I know it's illegal to take photos without consent but I just need to. In order for you to believe me."

After I ask Stacey to pass me the photos, I storm out from the café and drive as fast as I can back to the apartment. Jaws clenched as I watch my own knuckles turning white as I grip on too tight to the steering wheel, hitting the horns again and again when a slow car blocks my way. My breath is heaving with anger, as my palms and my soles turns cold and sweaty. I fracking need to be there before she gets home, I need to hear something from her, something to at least enlighten me about what's happening behind my back.

Opening the apartment door, I stop on my tracks when I saw her on the kitchen counter. I can't help but to grit my teeth seeing how normal she acts around me. She definitely noticed me by the door but didn't bother to look up, so I stride towards her and slam my phone to the counter with the picture Stacey had captured.

She furrows her brows at me, but I just keep my eyes to the phone. Finally, she take it and drops it immediately like my phone is burning hot for her to hold.

"H-how did you..." she stutters. "Look Babe, I... I can explain."

So I'm babe again now? She tries to hold me but I shrug her off "The hell yeah, you better should because I'm going insane trying to wrap my head around this about why are you secretly meeting my brother who fucking tried to rape you mercilessly!"

"I was going to tell you!" she cried. "But I don't know how, I don't want you to get mad at me."

Shaking my head as I purse my lips trying to stop myself from crying, "I don't think you would." I pause as I harshly run my fingers through my messy hair, "Why did you lie to me Natalie?! I asked you last time if you want to tell me something! I fucking asked you and you fucking lied!" my tears finally fell, and flows continuously on my cheeks.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry... " she put her palms together bringing it to her mouth as she keeps on repeating the same word.

Trying calm myself down, I ask her again. "Tell me exactly why Natalie? When did it started?"

She sobs and put her hand on her forehead as she leans her other hand to the kitchen counter, "It started two months ago, I got a call from him while I was at work. He said he wanted to apologize for what he did and told me not to tell you about it because he doesn want a fight anymore."

"Two fucking months, and I had no damn clue." I cry, "You made me look stupid Natalie, I sued and imprisoned my own brother because he tried to harm the girl that I love and I'm more than willing to protect you from anything even if it means my life. But damn! What the fuck is this?! You're blowing us all up!"

"He's still your brother!" she defends.

I sank down to the floor, I can't control my knees anymore. "He tried to rape you Nat. What do you want me to say? Do you want me to tell you that it's okay because he'd already told you that he's sorry? I can't even understand how you forgive him that easy."

"Because I can and I saw the sincerity in his eyes Bran. It was genuine." she walks towards me but I stop her and get up.

"Well I'm sorry because I can't say the same." my sobs were continuous that I can hardly speak, "Because the last time that that happened to you, I wasn't able to stop it, I wasn't there! Now that I was given another chance to prevent it from happening again. I won't waste it Natalie, I can't... I just can't."

"It's all in the past now Brandon."

I swear to god that I really stop myself from snapping, but it's just too much for me to take, and I completely lost my control and yelled at her, "Do not give me that shit Natalie! Don't expect me to forgive him just like that because I won't! The hell happened to you?! YOU ALMOST FORGOT THAT IF IT WASN'T BECAUSE OF THAT FUCKING PAST WE SHOULD'VE BEEN HAPPILY MARRIED NOW AND HAVE OUR OWN FAMILY TOGETHER INSTEAD OF HAVING IT SEPARATELY!!!"

I pick my phone and my keys up, pulling my jacket from the rack and walk out from the apartment. I just can't stay with her right now maybe I'll come back when I can figure all this shit out and make her understand without us fighting for our sides. I did everything I could to make our relationship different from what we had before, but she just can't see it. My heart is totally shattered by this and I don't know if I would heal any time soon.

This is just too personal for me...


Oh no 😔💔

Stay tuned guys!
I love you so much 💕

RainTrain29 ❤

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