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When Brandon left the apartment that's the last time I saw him. Our last year in college had been too stressful for me dealing with the school works, my part-time job and of course the heartbreak. I don't know if he's avoiding me but I can't seem to see him around the campus, well maybe because this year we don't have any class together. I didn't even see him during our graduation day, he was supposed to deliver his speech in front, but he wasn't there.

I know he's still mad at me and I deserve it. I should've told him sooner instead of hiding it away from him. Thomas and I aren't talking anymore, I visited him last month, and told him about what happened. He was even the one who told me not to come back and to salvage what I could in this relationship but seems like Brandon's already done with me. It's time to say goodbye to this city, this apartment and to him. I tried calling him, but he's always out of reach. I was starting to worry that something happened to him but Allison was the one who assured me that he was fine.

Now I'm packing all my stuffs in the apartment, I stop every once in a while everytime I see one of Brandon's things lying around. Starting to put them in a different box, thinking about dropping it tomorrow morning at their house before I move out to Sea Isle. I miss him so much that it's tearing me up to leave him without saying goodbye.

"Have a safe trip, Nat I'll be sure to give this to him." She pause for a while and sigh, "Are you sure you don't want to leave a note for him?"

I shake my head and give her a tight smile, "It'll be easier for me to leave, plus I don't want to give myself some false hopes for his reply. Just tell him goodbye for me."

Allison nods and hugs me, "Alright, see you when I see you then."

"Yeah, see you went I see you."


"Miss Natalie Brown, this is for you." My assistant editor went inside my office bringing the telephone.

I remove my eyeglasses and reach for the phone, "Who's this?" Gretchen hands me the telephone.

"Didn't give me his name, try to ask him yourself." she states and left my office.

I bring the phone close to my ear, wondering who this might me because Dad never calls me during office hours. Well maybe this is one of the clients, "Hello, This is Natalie Brown Chief Editor of Skylights Publishing Company speaking may I help you?"

"Natalie." My eyes widen upon hearing the familiar voice, I long to hear for years. "Hi this is Brandon, can we talk?"


Waiting nervously inside the fast food restaurant Brandon told me, fidgeting with the straw as I watch the people line up to take their orders and go. I've sitting here for about twenty minutes already, but my heart never rests, it just keeps beating so fast that it could almost jump off from my chest, that's how nervous I am. The front door opens and I quickly turn around to see who might be and to my surprise, I immediately stand up and fix myself before waving at him with a shaky knees.

"Hi." he greets when he reaches our table and sit down. "Did you ordered already?"

I was just staring at him when I noticed, that he asked me something, "I... uh... Nope."

"Alright. What d'you want?" He stand up, and asks.

"J-just a normal burger will do, thanks."

Brandon looks more mature than the last time I saw him, he grow some beard. I also noticed that he dressed up, and acts differently more masculine, and he's scent smells like wood and spices that I want to sniff on his shirt. In short, he's different.

He went back to our table bringing a tray full of foods in it and place it carefully on the table. I notice him looking at me so, I look back but he avoided it and diverts his gaze down to the tray.

"So.. uhm.. H-how have you been?" I subconsciously slap myself for stuttering.

"Doing fine. I've been traveling a lot that's why I'm here." He answers before taking a sip of his coffee, "Allison told me that you're in Sea Isle, and I was at Avalon that time visiting a friend."

"Oh that's nice." giving him a tight smile, unwrapping my burger before stuffing my face with it.

"How about you? I saw you on the news last time, Congrats." he sigh and take another sip of his coffee.

"Yeah, I'm working as a Chief Editor in a small publishing company in town." I pause for a while as I swallow the rest of the burger. "And yeah, thank you. But that wasn't just me, my team was a part of it."

Brandon nods and sigh, he's expression changes into something serious, "You know exactly why I'm here right?"

"Honestly, I don't." I look out of the window trying to avoid his look, "You're call was really unexpected. I was supposed to ask you why though, you just bet me to it."

"I just want closure Nat." He states, "I'm getting married next month."

By the time he said that, I don't know why but my heart just broke. I didn't even know that some part of me is hoping that this meet up would fix us up. But it's clear as crystal that he's just here to make it clear that we're over.

I can see him talking about something I can't understand and I can also see myself answering to him. Everything was just slowing down, and my thoughts are just all over the place. It's like the whole place is turning but I'm just sitting here steady with my heart being torn apart. I just want to run away from this place and find some place where I can cry in peace. When I finally had the strength, I stand up from my seat then walk away with a blurry vision. Not knowing where to go, all I know is I'm walking down the streets, as my tears falls down like waterfalls. I don't even know if Brandon following me now.

Everything stops when something hard its me, and I was sent to the air as I feel my bones break falling down to the pavement. The only sound, I heard was the loud whistling on my ears, seeing the people gathering around me and the rusty smell of my blood fills the air.

Someone adjusted me making me face the sky, tapping my face to see if I'm alive, but I can't feel anything. I finally break out, my brain and my body is already tired from dealing with pain. I'm shutting down everything in this world just for now. Keeping my gaze up to the sky a silhouette hovers me but I didn't mind. The pain got worse, I wanted to cry but I don't know why I can't. The world starts spinning again, the familiar feeling of dying it's like a Déjà vu. Everything starts spinning lulling me making my eyelids heavier as my breath gets shorter and my sights been in and out.

Maybe this is it, this is the ending of us. Maybe we're not really meant for each other even if life gives us a third chance we will still fail it. What happened way back is happening again. He's getting married to another girl, again. I get it, this love isn't really for us to share like what I always pictured it to be. By now I don't know if it's the end of me, but I just know that whatever happens after this, Brandon won't be there by my side anymore.


Hey guys! So, how's the story?

I am planning of writing a part two, but of course... I still have to determine that  one 😅😅

Work and school will be back soon so I might take time to update the next stories 😥

Anyway!  The book two of the Deceitful Dylogy: Collision is still in progress!

I advice you to read the first book, "SUBTERFUGE" before jumping to the second book 💕

Thank you for the votes, the reads, and the support guys 😘😘
I love you xoxo,

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