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Remus' PoV
I walk into Virgil's room, it was dusty and a mess. It's wallpaper was peeling, the bed covers were all over the room and it kinda stunk.

I start with peeling off the rest of the wallpaper, I put it in a pile in the corner, I snap my fingers and it was gone. I snap them again and new wallpaper was on the wall, it was really dark grey almost black.

I start on the bed, I get the quilts and put them on the bed. I think for a moment before summoning a nightmare before Christmas blanket and pillows, and getting rid of the rotten ones taking them to my room. I like the smell of molde, don't judge.

I finish the room after about an hour, there was a desk in the corner with a spiny chair. Two bean bags were on the floor in the centre of the room. A bedside table was next to the bed, if that wasn't already obvious, it had a purple lamp on it. A dresser was against the wall near the door. A closet in the corner furthest from the bed. The room wasn't to big, the last thing I put before I left was a little green octopus and a yellow snake plushie on his bed. I don't know about you but I have good decore skills, I just had to remind myself this wasn't my room.

I smile to myself, proud, before sinking out.

Deceits PoV
I watch as Remus sinks out, I trust him enough. I turn back to Virgil who was a sobbing mess on the floor. "Virgil?" I ask, he jumps and tried to back away, failing miserably due to the fact his back was against the wall. "please, leave me alone. I don't want you to hurt me, please I'm begging you." His distorted voice came. I kneel down to his level, careful not to go to close.

"Virgil, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you, I'm trying to help you. Remember it's me, it's Deceit." When he first appeared in the mindscape he was like this, it took days to get him out of his room and trust us enough to talk.

He seemed to calm down a little bit, peaking out between the spider legs. "See it's just me, no one else." I say in a calming voice. I slowly go closer, 'he's like a child.' I think to myself, "D-Deceit?" He stutters. I slowly sit beside him, making him flinch, "you remember me. Right?" I ask, he nods a slightly. "How about, you uncurl from your little protection cage you have going on there." I say gently, he shakes his head quickly.

I go to say something but get interrupted by Roman slamming the door open, causing Virgil to shriek in fear, the ball that is Virgil tightening and his spider legs swinging around. I stand up and move out of their reach.

"IM SORRY!! I-I DIDNT MEAN TO!! GET OUT!!!" He screams. I turn to Roman, "you moron, I was getting somewhere! What the hell do you think your doing!?" I ask, as politely as I could. "Thomas isn't getting any better. And he's the cause for it." He says, pointing at Virgil, who was screaming at us to leave. "Thomas would be better if you didn't barge in and scare him. Now get out." I retort, "you better hurry the hell up." He huffs slamming the door as he leaves making Virgil panic even more.

I sigh turning back to him, "Virgil?" I ask he flinched. I sigh again, "Roman you idiot." I mutter, "Please don't shout at me." He whispers, I look down guiltily. "I would never shout at you." I say sitting in front of him, he didn't seem convinced. Then I got an idea. I slowly stand up and walk around slowly until I found what I was looking for. I pick up Virgil's headphones and plug them into my phone. "Is it alright if I sit here?" I ask pointing next him, he hesitates but nods.

I gently plop myself beside him, he silently flinched. "Hey Virgil." I call, he doesn't answer, "Virgil, look at me." I say, he moved his head so I was in his line of sight. I carefully put the headphones on his head, making my hand movements obvious so I don't scare him. I play a random playlist on my phone.

He seemed to relax after a minute. He uncurled slightly listening to the lyrics, this is how I got him to calm down when he lived with us.

We sit there for about forty five minutes, when I turn the music off. He looked up a bit scared, "it's just me. I just turned the music off." I say, "are you feeling better?" I ask him, he shrugged. "What's wrong?" I ask. His eyes, that I just noticed he had eight of, begin to water, "I-I'm just so s-scared all of the time. I d-don't know who I can trust. I'm scared of everyone." He says black tears slipping down his cheeks, "I don't know either, but you know you can trust that I won't hurt you." I say, he yawns slouching against me and wrapping his spider legs around me in a really weird hug.

That's when Remus chose to appear, making Virgil scream and curl back up, "Hey Virgil, sshh it's ok. He won't hurt you." I say, Remus knelt in front of Virgil as he looks up. He smiles warmly at Virgil who timidly smiled back.

"His rooms done by the way." I nod, "let's go to your room, yeah. You look exhausted." I say, he nods and goes to stand up but sinks out looking terrified. "He's way to exhausted to sink out by himself." I say. "He must be with Thomas and the others." Remus says, "someone summoned him." He continues, "he only just calmed down." Me and Remus both go wide eyed, realising how scared he must be, as we sink out.

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