Part 1

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Mike Schmidt wasn't really looking forward to his new job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place. He sat in the cramped guard room of the building. He clearly remembered coming here as a child, but for some reason they stopped coming around the time he was 7. This was one of the things he had forgotten about his childhood. The other was how he got stiches and a small indenture in his forehead. His mother told him he hurt his head as a young child, but somehow he didn't believe her, although he never actually told her that. He sighed and ran his fingers over the dent. It was small enough for people to overlook it, so he was never made fun of for having it, but deep enough that he could still feel it. He sighed, trying to regain these lost memories of the place he loved so much.

            A small smile passed his face as one of his beloved memories crept into his head. It was of his favorite part about coming to Freddy's. There were 4 animatronic characters that were displayed there: Freddy the Bear, Bonnie the Bunny, Chica the Chicken, and his very favorite, Foxy the Pirate Fox. He would happily visit his secluded area, the Pirate's Cove, in the back of the restaurant every time he came, but never told his parents of his constant visits. His parents and siblings weren't very fond of Foxy; in fact, they really came only to see Freddy and his two companions. However, he loved Foxy as much as he could without telling anybody.  He could clearly remember one day when he secretly met up with Foxy and told him exactly how he felt about him, about how he was his favorite animatronic that exists and how that would never change and then... His memories of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza just stopped. Mike sighed and hid his head in his hands. He wished that he could figure out the answer to this puzzle, this long and tiring puzzle he lived by every day without stop.

            Just then he realized he needed to get back to work, and thank god for that, otherwise his head would have been in the clouds, until...

            He pulled out the security camera he was given out of his pocket and checked it. Lately, his boss had told him, the animatronics had been acting strange. As he stared at the large screen he found out the big man wasn't lying. He checked the hallway cameras. Foxy was sprinting down to the office at an incredibly high speed, which led Mike to wonder how many Skittles Foxy had eaten, if any at all. He checked another camera and nearly screamed. Chica was staring demonically at the camera in the corner of what looked like the party room. He quickly put the camera down, his face dripping with sweat and cold as ice.

There's one thought I'm never gonna get out of my head...

            Mike sighed and stared at the clock on the wall. 12:30 AM. He groaned. If he had any more scares that were like or worse than the one Chica had given him, there was no possible way he could survive his first night on the job. He suddenly realized how messy the guard room was. He hated messy rooms. In fact, if his adopted daughter, Jenson, had any signs of a mess in her room he'd make her clean it until it was spotless. It wasn't that he hated her; it was just that he wanted her to be successful and nobody he knew was messy and successful at the same time. Nobody except him, that is. He grinned.

            Just then the door on the left side of the room opened. Bonnie stood there before him with a crazed grin on her face.

            "CHRIST ALMIGHTY!"

            He stumbled and struggled over to the "Close Door" button and pushed it as hard as he could. He winced and Bonnie disappeared behind the thick metal sheets.

            "Thank the Lord..." He sighed with relief. "Ugh. I need to sit down."

            He strode over to the desk and sat down in the swivel chair in front of it. He buried his head in his hands once again. Then, he noticed something on the walls in front of him. He sat his elbows on the desk and slid his hands down to his chin.

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