Part 2

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Jenson and Mike were sobbing on the couch so hard that they didn't even notice Foxy standing behind them. He had somehow broken into the room by scratching through the stainless steel and weaseling his way in through the hole he had made.

"Hisssss..." Foxy wheezed brokenly.

"WHAT THE-" Mike and Jenson whirled around in shock. Mike screamed.

"Foxy!?" Jenson was about as shocked as her dad. "How did you get here?!" She grinned.

Foxy wheezed something, sounding very broken. "What was that, buddy?" Jenson stood and approached the character.

"JENSON DON'T!!!" Mike screamed. Too late.

"Open wide..." Jenson stood on her toes and looked into Foxy's mouth. Rows of sharp teeth sat arranged in his mouth. "Just as I thought!" Jenson reached in and tapped Foxy's voice box a couple of times. "Good to go! Now, what was that you were saying?"

To Mike's complete and utter shock, Foxy began to speak to them. "I am here to-here to- to speak to a Mike-y-y-y-y Schmidt." He uttered, still sounding a little broken. His voice, though, sounded like a male pirate's, with what sounded like a British-Scottish accent woven into it. Mike's face went all-out pale.

"Foxy..." Mike stood up in surprise. "You're... You're ok?!"

Foxy almost seemed to smile. "O-o-of course I a-a-am, Mikey."

Mike felt like he was going to throw up. "Oh god... Foxy... I-I can't believe it's actually you..."

Suddenly Foxy's eyes flashed red with the word "MALFUNCTION". Foxy reached out and promptly placed his hands on Mike's shoulders.

"Time to finish what we sta-star-sartedddd, Mikey." He grinned demonically, revealing at least 32 freshly sharpened canine teeth.


Foxy leaned in closer to Mike, mouth open slightly wider, looking as though he was going to bite him in the head, when suddenly... she appeared.

A woman. A very strong-looking, well-curved woman with a bushy tail, Foxy's large and fuzzy ears and a wet black nose. On her right eye there was an eye patch (like Foxy's), and her shirt was a low-cut tank top with a V-shape on both the top and the bottom. Her hair was long and mahogany, which contrasted perfectly with her jade-green, Foxy-like eyes and bright red lipstick. Everything about her reminded Mike of Foxy, only she was human (or at least human-like) and had both hands intact. In her hands she held a long silver sword, and she stood posed like a ninja ready to fight.

"Back off, Foxy! HIYAH!" She swung her sword over her head and sliced open a panel in Foxy's neck. Foxy recoiled in what seemed like pain and let go of Mike. The woman slid her sword into a holder strapped to her shoulder and punched a code into a number panel revealed in Foxy's neck. The animatronic's eyes immediately rolled back into its head and fell to the ground. For a minute everyone was silent. Then Mike blew up with pure anger.

"WHAT on EARTH did you do to Foxy?!" Mike snapped. Jenson stepped back, shocked by what she had just seen.

"Calm down, idiot, I've deactivated him. He'll wake up soon but for now we have to get the flip outta here." The lady spoke like Foxy, except she sounded like a female pirate and had no accents woven into her voice.

Jenson stared for a moment. "Who..." She stepped forward a bit. "Who are you?"

The lady rolled her eyes. "Don't think I've introduced myself yet. Oh yeah, that's because WE'RE KIND OF ON A TIME CRUNCH HERE!!! But, if you insist..." She smiled. "I'm Foxy, the real pirate fox."

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