Bonus Chapter: Orion's Diary

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Orion's diary
(Bonus chapter)

It was really kind of Mike to take us in like this. I was a little surprised when I first saw his house, since I'd seen some of his paychecks before, but all in all, it's pretty normal for someone like him.

Mindy cleaned out all of Jenson's drawers to make some extra cash. She told us she'll get a job soon. I hope she does; we need the money. Maybe she'll be a cop. She'd be really good at that.

When we were dealing with sleeping arrangements, it was kind of awkward at first because there are only two beds in his house. Even if Mangle can and will sleep anywhere, she still decided to take Jenson's old bed. So now I'm stuck with Mike. It's not a bad thing, believe me, but poor Mike seems really nervous about it for some reason. Maybe his parents did some stuff to him as a kid that made him afraid of sharing a bed with people or something. I don't know. He'll come clean with the reason someday, though.

Speaking of coming clean, there's something else I might as well get off my chest: Lately I've been feeling weird around Mike. I don't mean like hate or whatever. It's kind of like a fluttery feeling... It's hard to describe but I might be able to pull it off. I can't really talk to him about anything without turning red and becoming nervous, and eye contact with him is the worst. I get so wrapped up in those shiny, cerulean blue eyes of his that my knees just kind of give out. It's the worst, I know. I'll figure out what it is someday. Mike's got a bunch of books that might have something in there for me. Yeah, the books should help me a lot.

Oh, and speak of the devil! Apparently, the guy who took Mindy, Miku, Chica, Bonnie and I away to become experiments (we usually refer to the event itself as "The Murder", since we were attacked with sharp blades until the lack of blood made us pass out) escaped from prision. Yeah. Scary, right? Mike's been freaking out ever since we heard about it on the news. Freddy Fazbear's Pizza isn't going to close anytime soon, thank God for that, since the boss himself wasn't the murderer. He is, however, being pegged, and I mean PEGGED with questions. Poor guy must be a nervous wreck.

Mindy just came home from something. I don't know what exactly, it might have been a job interview. I hear the front door opening right now. She and Mike are talking about something. It sounds like she's excited about something. Really excited. She might have gotten a job somewhere. I should go ask her what's up in a few minutes.

Mike just came into the bedroom. He's not really talking, which is fine with me, but he does seem exited about something. I asked him what's up, and it sounds like Mindy got a job somewhere. He told me she did, in fact, get a job. She's now a waitress at Freddy's. I'm glad, but at the same time I don't understand why she decided to go back there. Oh well. Mike seems pretty happy, too. He's quiet as of right now, though.

In a few minutes I'm going to set my pen down and talk to him, and see if maybe he can help me solve the mysteries of our lives.

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