Part 6

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"Jenson!" Mike fell to his knees. "What has happened to you!?"
"Happened?" Jenson asked, confused. "Oh, just a few small scratches, that's all. Ohh, wait..." She pointed at her red eye. "This? Ah, I'm fine."
"Jenny..." Mike couldn't contain himself any longer. Rushing to his feet, he turned for the doorway to the lab and headed off in a full-blown sprint.
"Mike, wait!" Foxy picked up his rather heavy little sister and headed after him, albeit much slower.
"Jenny..." Mike ran to the silver-haired girl, who was bloody like her father and carried her axe. The man threw his arms around her, causing the silver-haired girl to drop the axe onto Marlon's sorry carcass and splattering blood about the place. It also produced a sickening squelch. Mike winced.
"Jenson..." He breathed into her shoulder, which was barely covered by a torn sand-colored t-shirt. "Jenson Michelle Schmidt... what has happened? Your eye... It's red. And what's this, metal?"
Jenson sighed and broke the hug with her father. "It is. I'm sorry. I've lied to you, Mike. I'm not human. I'm a robot, just like them...." She turned her head away in shame.
Mike was silent. "Thank you." He said after a while.
"What?" Jenson's head turned back slightly. "What was that?"
"Thank you," Mike pulled Jenson in for another hug. "For not telling me. You made my life much simpler. I can't thank you enough, Jen..." He sighed. "My life's been nothing but lies and Hell. Even if you're, you know, metal, at least I had someone to love all these years." He smiled. Jenson teared up.
"'Bout time you told him." Foxy said proudly from eight feet behind them. Mangle was next to him, just then regaining consciousness. "I'm proud of ya, 426."
"Speaking of which..." Mike broke the hug yet again and stared Jenson in the eye yet again. "Why do they call you that, Jen?"
Jenson shuddered. "I've kept this from you long enough, Mike.It's about time I told you..." A panel slid back from behind the girl-er, robot- and Jenson fell to the floor knees-first. In her place stood a small Asian child, clad in a black kimono with a light grey detailing around the collars and a darker grey on her obi- that is, her sash. Her hair was black as night and her eyes were splendid to Mike. Her right was otter brown; her left, cerulean blue. Just like Mike's.
"Oh, spirit..." Mike fell to his knees. "Who are you?"
"I am the child you have loved and cared for all these years." The ghost spoke softly, but loud enough for all three "living" beings in the room to hear. She had a small Japanese accent but spoke much like an American child.
"Your name, spirit?" It was obvious to Mike that this soul was from Japan, and thus should be treated with much respect; Japanese are raised to be very polite, and as such, Mike did not want to disrespect this clearly abused child in any way.
"Makka Mikulenia." The name came as a minor shock to Mike. "Mikulenia" had no known Japanese-to-English translation, that he knew; But he could tell, however, that "Makka" meant crimson.
"A lovely name..." Mike could get nothing else out.
"Thank you, very much." The child-spirit responded. "I never remembered Americans showing this much respect to one another. You must be nothing like..." The soul shuddered. "...Him."
"Whom?" Mike rose to his feet.
"Ah," Miku let out a sigh. "So you do not know, of the murderer of the five kids?"
"I do." Mike responded.
"Then you should know," The child held up a hand and raised her pointer finger matter-of-factly. "There was a sixth killed at the restaurant that came even before the one the five you know were killed at. That child was me." Much remorse was in the poor child's voice.
"Miku..." Mike's eyes filled with tears. "Please, enlighten me... What happened? Why were you killed?"
"I did nothing wrong." Miku shook her head. "I... Well, it's much harder to explain than to show it."
"Show it." Mike repeated. "How?"
"As a ghost," Miku explained, "I have the power to create illusions. I shall do so for you and your... ah..." She looked over at Foxy and Mangle. "Your lover and best friend?"
"NO!" All three responded.
"Then," Miku took another blind shot. "Your lover and his sister?"
"NO!!" The three responded again.
"Ah, whatever." She shook her head. "Relations do not matter. For now, watch." With a grand sweep of her hand, the four were suddenly transported into a dream-like environment, an island. It was a very small island, consisting of a small sea-side village and nothing modern. No roads, no cars, no telephone wires, et cetara.
"Where are we?" Mike whispered.
"My old home." The ghost looked around quietly. "Okinawa, Japan. 1972.... This should be the place." The ghost quietly progressed forward, with Mike, Foxy and Mangle following quietly behind.
"Yes..." The child inspected the area. "This is it. The day of my sixth birthday... This is it." Her gazed was averted from a sushi stand to a small house with a thatched roof. "Mike, come quick. Here it is." Mike followed the spirit to the window of the old and run-down Japanese-style home.
"My mother..." The ghost gestured toward a woman with brown hair and otter brown eyes playing with a child that looked exactly like her.
"She's very pretty." Mike complimented.
"No, not at all..." The ghost's gaze drifted about the room. "She was all I had. No father. No friends." She shook her head. "I was alone. Even on my birthday, which is today."
"That's sad." Mike shook his head. "What man in his right mind...?" He never finished his sentence. Miku turned to eye him curiously.
"Oi, it's nothing." He shook his head.
"I see." She turned to look back through the window. The mother spoke to her child.
"お誕生日おめでとうございます." She said.
Foxy heard her. However, not being bilingual like Mike and apparently the spirit, he didn't understand her.
"What was dat?" He asked, scooting over next to Mike in the warm windowpane of the Japanese home.
"Happy birthday." Mike translated.
"Huh." Foxy scratched his head. "Why didn't she just say that?"
"They're JAPANESE, idiot." Mangle snapped. "They don't speak English." Everyone ignored her and continued watching the scene before them.
「どもうありがとうございます、 お母さん。」The child politely responded.
"Thank you very much, mother." Mike translated again, surprised if his own ability. This went on for a while, the child speaking to her mother or vice versa, and Mike translating without a flaw. After some time, he found that it was the child's fifth birthday.
"Miku..." Mike quietly looked at the ghost of the small child inside the building. "Why did you bring us to this time?"
"Because, マイクさん," The ghost addressed Mike by the Japanese adaption of his name, Maiku. "Well... You shall see. I will skip to the next day for you, how about that?" With a grand sweep of a hand covered softly by a kimono sleeve, the time suddenly changed to the next morning. How did Mike know this? People rushed about, chattering happily. In a dirt road, the same child the four had seen last night played with a black cat she addressed as "Nya". Her mother watched with pride from the front porch.
"Ah..." The ghost muttered to herself. "痛いよ。痛いよ。痛いよ。"
Mike understood perfectly. "It hurts?" He asked. "What hurts?"
"My heart." A tear fell down the ghost's cheek. "It's hurts to watch the entirety of this scene." She smiled bitterly. "Do not worry, though, I am a ghost. I mean nothing. Take no pity upon me." She shook her head. The four continued watching until the mother went inside to retrieve some yen, Japanese currency.
As the mother left the house with the money, Mike asked, "Where is she going?"
"To somewhere she shouldn't have gone." The child-ghost shook her head. The illusion of her body looked up at her mom.
"Stay here." The mother commanded in her native tongue. "I love you, okay? I'll be back soon." The mother set off down the dirt road, with the child picking the cat up in her arms and following five steps behind. As the mother neared the corner or the road, though, the sound of a whirring motor became apparent to all the viewers of the event. When she prepared herself to turn the corner, a brightly colored car, a very old Ford of some sort, came speeding around the corner and hit the woman, sending blood flying and sent the woman sprawling towards the ground.
Mike gasped as people began to surround the woman's dead body. He was used to blood at this point, but this was too much for him. The child, all the while, hadn't a clue what was going on, only that her mother was dead. Thus, she wept.
"Miku..." Mike fell to his knees. Miku's head was turned towards the ground. The brown-haired man gazed about the massacre, the ballet of blood and flesh and metal, that lay about him and the townspeople of this small island.
"Your mother..." Mangle's conciousness had been regained fully, as though by some magic.
"She is dead." Miku announced, woefully laying her eyes upon the illusion of her crying human.
"That's sad." Mike let a few tears down his own cheeks as well. "She was all you had, wasn't she?"
"In terms of human love and companionship, yes." Miku nodded. "I loved her with everything I had. To be honest, if she was still alive today because I or another person had saved her, I'd never let her go if my life depended on it."
"You two must have been close." Foxy remarked.
"We were." The child responded.
"Hey," A gruff voice from the illusion sounded and a woman began to dive her way through the crowd. "Calm down." She spoke a broken but clear Japanese dialect, with an American accent clinging to her every word. Mike gasped. The woman had thick, sky-blue hair, layered into heavy ruffles, and wore a rebellious purple tank top, sliced straight down the middle and held together by a single brass button on her chest. Her jean shorts were high-cut and her boots tall and black. Her skin, though, was pale like Mike's.
"Shelia Marlon." Mike gasped. "What happened to her face?! Actually, screw that. Tell me what happened to her whole body!!" There was a lot of visible skin on the well-known killer Mike and the others had encountered back in reality, and all of it was pale.
"That was her before she became an experiment." Miku replied. The scene went on, with Marlon promising the child safety in another state if she left Japan with her. Mike gasped as the child agreed and clasped a tiny hand with hers in a handshake.
"You shouldn't have done that..." Mike muttered.
"I know." The ghost shook her head. Then she paused. "Another illusion, then, shall we?" With a grand sweep of a kimono-cloaked arm, the world around them was turned white for a few seconds. Then, when everything came back into focus, Mike and his two companions found themselves in a cold, white room, with their ghost child acquaintance standing in front of a wall.
"Miku, is this the lab?" Mike asked.
The ghost nodded. "Do not speak. Just watch..." She gestured over to another part of the room, where Gallerian, Shelia, and the child Miku stood. In the kimono-wearing child's hands were two axes. In a brown wooden chair, a man in a night guard uniform sat, struggling to free himself of the ropes that secured him to the chair.
"What is this?" Foxy muttered.
"...It's called 'Kubinashi enbu kyou'. It means 'Beheading Dance'." Marlon explained to the child, who listened attentively.
"So," The child took a stance. "I just dance... Like this..." She took a few steps in a square shape, then spun around awkwardly. "...And then, I do this..." She swung the axe around in time with her steps.
"Yes." Marlon smirked. "Then, just swing it right..." She pointed at the struggling man's forehead. "There."
The little girl's face lit up. "I get it now!" She smiled and began to dance in the heavily discorded steps she had been instructed earlier, before swiftly bringing the axes around in a circle and slicing the night guard's forehead open with them. Her blades and kimono became very red very quickly.
"He's not dead yet!" Gallerian grinned as the man howled out in pain. "Keep going!"
The Japanese girl's smile widened as she began to pick up her pace, dancing and spinning wildly in circles and burying her axe into her victim's flesh over and over until nothing but blood was clearly visible of him. The screams had died down greatly in that time and had even come to disappear.
Mike felt sick. "That was you..."
"Yes." Mikulenia's ghost responded. "I didn't know better. I was only six. I had to murder in this way to survive." She shook her head. "That's why I'm dead now." The scene suddenly changed. They were in the same place, but the wall and floors were completely clean. There was no chair, no ropes, no bloody carcasses. Mikulenia sat against the wall in a panic, as if she was trying to escape something, and Gallerian and Shelia had her surrounded. In Sheila's hand was a long, shiny knife, and in Gallerian's, a shotgun.
"This happened long before Foxy and Mangle came about, by the way." The ghost of Mikulenia mentioned to her friends. They nodded in understanding.
"Mikulenia, why would you!" Sheila demanded angrily. "Why would you let him get away like that! You knew you had to kill him!"
"Sheila, please!" The child cried out. "I don't want to kill! Okāsan said it was wrong!" She was reffering to her mother. Mike gasped.
"Your mother knew nothing." Sheila's voice was dark, cold, and angry. Very angry.
"Sheila, come on, let the poor thing go." Gallerian tried his reasoning.
"Shut the hell up!" Mike was surprised she didn't use different words, but decided not to question it. "Gallerian Marlon, you know we have to kill these guards to stay alive! Isn't that right, Makka Mikulenia?! We have to kill to survive, or else that damned killer Vincent will be back to harvest our souls at a moment's notice!" The angry Toy Bonie replacement turned back to face Miku, who was now huddled in a corner.
"And now..." Marlon raised her knife over her head. "It's time to pay for what you've done." With that, she slaughtered her mercilessly, staining herself with blood and causing Miku to scream and cry until suddenly her pain stopped and her body ceased to move. Mike burst into tears.
"You didn't deserve that!" He couldn't resist his emotions his time. "They should have let you stay alive! They shouldn't have... Why... Why did they do this..." The ghost of the now dead child wrapped her arms around Mike's shaking body. Strangely, even for a ghost she felt pretty solid.
"Mike, don't cry. Please." She whispered, noticing Foxy and Mangle had begun to cry, too. "The past is the past. We cannot change that."
"I know..." Mike whimpered. "But still... Why you, of all children..." Mike stopped his crying long enough to look into the ghost child's cold eyes. "Miku, listen to me. Since you have been stuck on the Earth like this, let me make it up to you. You were forced to commit countless crimes for the sake of your survival. I don't like that, and I bet you didn't either. Since I love you so much, and pity you almost as much, I will be there for you whenever you need me. I know how you feel. You were neglected. Abused. Used. I was just like you. My family didn't love me. Hell, they still don't." Mike thought back to when he was five, how his siblings first began to torment him and how his family called him worthless, pathetic, idiotic and other things. He thought back to how his step father had almost hit him with a truck on purpose, and how his mother pressed a hot iron to his back when he was seventeen just to watch his pain and laugh. "Please, Miku..." He begged the little girl. "Stay with me." He smiled at Foxy and Mangle, who smiled shaky smiled back. "Stay with us."
Miku gasped. Suddenly, the bloody massacre of her former body disappeared and they were back in the lab, back in the present, back in reality.
"Mike..." She gently took her "father"'s head in her hands. "I'd love that. I really would... I wish I could." She smiled before looking ahead and losing the pleasant look. "After that incident, I, as a ghost, possessed a strange marionette doll. If I'm correct, I should have the illusion of it somewhere..." She closed her eyes. Next to them appeared a doll with a thin waist and white face; black, sunken eyes; two streaks down its cheeks that resembled anime tears; and a pink blush. It's clothing was mostly black and covered it's whole body. The feet were rounded off at the end.
"The doll." Mike gasped. "I remember that." 
Miku nodded. "It was my heaven on Earth. Finally, with that I could talk to kids around my age." She smiled. "Sorry for wasting your time, but I thought I should tell you that before I left."
"Left?!" Mike gasped.
"Yes." Miku's voice became sad. "I have to go to purgatory now. To be judged." She sighed. "I'll go to hell, that's for sure."
"No you won't!" Mike exclaimed. "You're a great person, Miku. You taught me that with Jenson." He smiled and looked upon the wreckage that was once his daughter. "Now," He gave the ghost a peck on the forehead. "Go get 'em, 'Jenny'." He smiled.
Miku's eyes filled with tears. "Thank you..." She whispered and hugged Mike tightly. Mike hugged back just as tightly.
"Before I leave..." She turned to face the bloodied Mangle and Foxy. "I would like to give you two a gift." She smiled. "It's the gift of new life. It will come when I am gone."
Foxy and Mangle's eyes widened. "Thank you." Both fell to their knees.
Miku gently wrapped her arms around Mike for one final hug.
"Hello and goodbye..." She whispered in his ear, "...My father."
Suddenly a bright flash of light filled the room. The glow itself was soft and heavenly. It was also very bright. Mike sheilded his eyes with the back of his hand. In a moment the glow was gone, and so was the ghost of the child he had come to love so much. Mike wept.
"Mike..." Foxy stood with Mangle to the side of him. Mike looked up and nearly fell backwards. Of course, they were Foxy and Mangle... But now they looked different. Around them lay two fluffy tails, four fox ears, ten bloody claws (obviously from Mangle), and two wet brown noses. On the experiments' faces were human details. Foxy no longer had his brown fur. His hook and eye patch were nowhere in sight. Both of them had human ears and noses.
"Foxy! Mangle! What on Earth?!" Mike could hardly speak. He was lucky to have gotten so much as that out of his mouth.
"We're human now, Mike!" Mangle squealed happily.
"Wow..." Mike stood up. "You both look amazing." Amazing they were. Rather than their ragtag clothing, they wore instead what appeared to be semiformal attire. Foxy's shirt was white wth collars and buttoned up. Mangle had a white blouse on. She also had a navy blue skirt, while her brother wore brown pants.
"And," Foxy's smile grew. "We remember our real names now."
Mike was speechless. "W-what are they?" He squeaked.
Foxy bowed slightly. "I'm Orion. My sister is Mindy."
"Mindy and Orion..." Mike smiled too. "You both are incredible, you know that?"
"No, not at all." The siblings responded in unison.
Mike laughed. "Wow. Tonight's been quite a night, hasn't it?"
"It has." Mindy agreed. Orion just nodded.
Mike sighed and his smiled faded slightly as he looked over at where the spirit of Mikulenia had once stood.
"What's wrong, Mike?" Orion placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.
"I'm just kind of depressed that Miku is gone. Now I'm alone." He responded sadly.
"You're not!" Mindy grinned. "Yah've got us!"
Mike smiled a little. "That's true." He sighed again. "But I mean my home life. Another empty room in the house, I guess."
"Actually..." Orion let off a sly smile. "We'd be happy to fix that."
"What do you mean?" Mike asked cautiously.
"Weeeeell~..." Mindy pretended to be innocent. "With the Marlons dead and this place no longer having a purpose~, we thought that maybe staying with you would be an option."
Mike contemplated this. The three had become pretty close. Mindy's wounds had healed, so that wouldn't be much of a problem in terms of care, and plus he really needed the companionship...
"Fine." He grinned. "Let's get out of here before the boss finds out, though."
"Yay!" Mindy threw a fist in the air.
"All right!" Orion grinned. "Thanks, Mike! You've got no idea what it means to us!" He didn't realize what he was doing and pulled his friend in for a hug. Mikes face turned bright red.
"What's up, Mike?" Orion pulled away slightly upon seeing the night guard so red-faced. "You sick or something?"
Mike didn't know what it was. He just knew that it felt kind of weird being this close to him...
"Um, it's nothing." Mike realized now it was very awkward talking to Orion.
Orion didn't buy it entirely but decided to say nothing. "Alright." His grin returned. "Now to get us out of here."
"Lead the way, Captain." Mike gave a salute and Orion dashed off for the exit of the lab.
"Hey, wait for me!" Mindy screamed as Mike began to chase after him, laughing and giggling the whole time, and all three of them happier than ever before because they had found their happy ending.


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