Part 5

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The next night, at exactly 11:30, when Bonnie was in her library with Jenson and Foxy was arguing with Mangle again, Chica worked happily in the kitchen, making a batch of "Thank You" cookies for Mike. Chica smiled and sang sweetly to herself as she worked. She loved to cook.

Suddenly, from a corner or the kitchen, a shadow quietly shuffled and retrieved an unknown item from behind it. Chica became aware of this and did not hesitate to turn around, pulling out her knife in the process.

"Who's there?" She demanded. No response.

"Do I have to cut someone around here?..." The blonde muttered to herself. "Bonnie, I swear to god, if that's you I will cut you. I'm not kidding this time." The shadow did not respond.

"That's it." Chica returned to her work, setting her trusty knife beside her. "I must be going insane..." The shadow took this as an opportunity and dashed to the other side of the room.

"A-HA!" Chica lashed out with her knife and swung, trying to hit the shadow, whatever it was. "I knew there was something there!" The figure just flashed a toothy grin and pointed it's weapon at Chica. A loud shot was heard and the blonde was shoved back into the wall by an invisible force, blood splattering her right shoulder.

"Ah!" Chica cried out in pain, the dark red liquid from her side covering her eye and impairing her vision. "Where are you!?" She blindly stabbed with her knife, but hit nothing. "What's going-!?"

All that came next was the sound of a second gunshot. Chica's chest became soaked in blood. What happened to her was she blacked out, the last thing she saw being the figure of a woman with what seemed to be blue skin, a rosy red blush on her cheeks, and two huge blue rabbit ears...


"Mike! MIKE!" Foxy jumped down from the ceiling air vent, scaring the life out of the security guard currently on shift there.

"Foxy!" Mike knew something had happened. "What's up?!"

"Follow me." Foxy stuffed the man up the vents and led him to the bunker.

"In here." The fox-human mix led Mike into the kitchen, where Bonnie, Mangle, and Jenson stood, all in tears. Bonnie was holding a camera and rapidly snapping pictures.

"What the hell happened in here?!" Mike was astonished at what he saw. In the center of the group was the carcass of a brutally murdered Chica, holding her knife, which hadn't a single scratch on it.

"Chica was murdered." Foxy stated the obvious, "Not thirty minutes before you came."

"Oh, no..." Mangle's jade green eyes flashed with anger and panic. "Mike, brother, do you know what this means?!" She turned towards the night guard and Foxy.

"The Marlons really are back." Foxy let a tear roll down his cheek. "And they took Chica from us..."

"No, stupid, one of us decided to go on a rampage!" Mangle snarled sarcastically. "Yes, it means those jerks are back from the dead and here to kill us!" She cast a glance onto the body of her shorter friend, who, as she noticed, had a massive slit across her throat. "And they took our friend from us..."

Bonnie began to cry, her short purple-and-magenta hair bouncing. "I-I'll get some tissues from my room." She headed off to the library. Jenson looked at her father.

"Looks like I'll have to come home with you tonight." She sighed. "Chica... she was so sweet and kind..." She looked around at everyone in the room. "This woman," She pointed down at Chica's lonely carcass. "Will always be remembered in our hearts as the best friend that ever lived, do we all understand?" Everyone, even Mike, nodded, tears glimmering in their eyes.

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