poki: it's such a beautiful evening!
lily, skipping rocks on a lake: take that you fucking lake
the following text is about fed's not-so-nice actions against yvonne and lily, and reiterating my response on lily an albert's break up. if you are not interested please scroll to the bottom and comtinue to the next chapter.
I am really happy that yvonne and lily have the platform to be able to speak about their experiences with fed. I am thankful that the other otv members and their friends, as well as their fans, went out of their way to help them through this already hard year and send them the love and support they really need right now.
I feel disgusted after knowing what fed and some of the other men of otv have done to their female friends, and it's unfortunate to see that fed's actions caused his departure from otv but it for the better. this also means, beyond this point, fed will no longer make an appearance in this book.
if you would like to update yourselves on what happened, yvonne and lily posted a link on their twitter accounts to a twitlonger post about their experiences with fed. however, the links may be broken for some so I'm sending links to the web archives of their posts to avoid that.
https://web.archive.org/web/20200628033524/https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sr9tiofurthermore, looking back on the chapters of this book, I just want to reiterate my response about lily and albert's break up because I feel like it wasn't good enough even though I got little to no backlash for it and it happened last year.
again, I am so happy that lily has the platform to speak up about her experiences, and thinking about what albert did to her disgusts me even to this day. before that point, we had only seen the happiest moments of their relationship and having to read they broke up really struck me. I was shocked and appalled at albert for what he had done to such a loving and selfless girl and felt extremely horrible for lily for having to go through another episode of depression.
I am thankful that her friends and fans sent her the love and support she needed at that time, though the otv members' responses about albert was kinda uncalled for and am thankful they apologised for it. both lily and albert made twitlonger posts addressing the situations last year, but I'm not linking them as this is in the past and something that shouldn't be of our concern anymore.
again, thank you to everyone to sent their love and support to lily and yvonne and also taking the time to read my response if you did. please do not send any hate to yvonne, lily, fed, albert or anyone else mentioned in yvonne and lily's twitlonger posts and my response. their and my intentions are not to ruin anyone's career or to hate on them. their posts are simply to speak up about their experiences and my response was to inform anyone who may not have heard about this and want to update themselves.
much love xo
UPDATE: lily has posted on twitter another link to a twitlonger post elaborating on some things relating to chris and
their trip in taiwan, and about fed:
Incorrect Offline TV (& friends!)
אקראיQuotes Offline TV would probably never say in real life: featuring the members of Offline TV (with some former and new) and their friends! Most of these quotes are not mine, credit goes to the original posters. Please note some chapters didn't age w...