Chapter Two

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I woke up early this morning and way before anyone else. I decided I wanted to go onto a multiplayer server so here I am now and its quite empty. I'm on the factions world and I am watching this beginner start out. I know this person can not kill me with just his fist. I'm bored. I teleport to another guy with a huge castle. This is more like it. He comes out in full enchanted diamond armour and a sword with like every enchantment.

Dusk and the monsters are coming out. A creeper girl around my age is being hit near a tree. I realize I am the only mob that has seen her and I can't bare witnessing death. Its not my nerves now its just my heart. I teleport being the human hitting the creeper with a measly wooden sword. I hit him and he swings round. Now he is stuck between a creeper and an enderman. The creeper is starting to explode and without thought, I summon him. The Enderdragon and he freezes the moment. I talk to him telepathically. "What could be so important that you summon your king," he roars.
" Its her the creeper she is going to die she is so young I can't bear it!" I say helplessly.
"If I had the power to save every mob, I would!" He booms with an irritated tone.
"However I shall save this one but never ask me again Minecraft was built for this and we should not defy our God!"

I nod. Notch would not be happy. The dragon's voice leaves my head and time continues. The creeper explodes and for a moment, I doubt my king. But the creeper does not die, the human does. The creeper turns to me.

"Did you save my life?" She asks.

"Yes well sort of I summoned the Enderdragon and he saved you," I say modestly.

"I owe you my life! Thank you! ...oh I am Sophie by the way," she exclaims.

"Yeah my name is...Dauntless," I lie

"Cool name!" She says and I smile. Dauntless seems more impressive that Charm. "But I can tell when people lie," she laughs. "Okay okay my name is Charm," I say, disappointed.

"Suits you!" She beams and I feel myself go red.

We walk through the woods and Sophie chats to a few skeletons. I get the feeling she does not really want my company but comes close to tears when I say I might go. "So how long have you been on this server?" I ask.

"Well we can't teleport so creepers stay in the world they are spawned in. I have really got to know people here. Like the guy who tried to kill me, he did have lots of stuff until he was killed in the Nether. I want to go but if I go anywhere near a humans portal I will surely die."

"Yeah well my King has banned Endermen from going there. Its a bit annoying seems as we are Purple Snowflake creatures," I say.

"Oh I get it, because the Nether portal has like purple snowflakes coming out of it," she beams.

"Oh no!" I say as the sun begins to rise.

"Oh dear I hope Audrey that skeleton you met finds shelter in time!"

"Hey look a cave let's get all the mobs in there!" I say.

"Yes but its a risk that guy in the castle might go mining in there," she says.

A few minutes later we round up all the zombies and skeletons we find and send them to the caves. "Wooo do I hear wedding bells?" Jolkes a spider.

"Hey we are just friends," I say.

"Of course you are haha my name is

Spindleweb," he almost yells.

"I'm Charm and this is Sophie."

"Saving lives are we? Never been a fan of heroes," Spindleweb laughs.

"Hey I am not the hero Charm is, he saved my life," smiles Sophie and we exchange looks.

"Anyway... I might go into the caves myself,"

"Really? Don't usually see spiders in caves," "I don't usually see Creepers with Endermen, yeah I might go see a mate of mine you know a cave spider and we may catch some slimes too," he murmurs.

"Don't your nerves go off when your in the dark?" I ask.

"No, our nerves go off at night only, they are controlled by the moon but that is not true for cave spiders!" Spindleweb explains.

"Any noon miner is going to have a big surprise when they go in that cave! Spiders, Zombies, Skeletons, Cave spiders, Endermen, Slimes, Creepers!" exclaims Sophie.

"Hmmm maybe not Sophie I mean one human and that's the end of you," I say and she frowns.

"But hey why don't I take you to the End!" I suggest.

"I can't teleport."

I sigh and begin to Belark (that's basically connecting with Notch) Notch, I wish do defy nature just once please give Sophie Ethtrance Creeper teleportation, Aplayer.

"You might have teleportation soon!" I squeal. I wait a bit before purple snowflakes spin around Sophie. "Its working!" She cries.

"Okay now think of the End think of the Enderdragon think nothing else and make the End your only thought," I teach.

She dissapears! It actually worked! My turn.

I spot her there in the darkness. Then the whispering begins.

"Everyone, this is Sophie my friend creeper and I took her here," I say.

"How did she get here? You defied nature didn't you?" Cobale gasps. Everyone in the End gasps. "Sometimes you must break the rules you know. And yeah she teleported but she is filled with the Purple Snowflake as the Enderdragon saved her himself," I yell and the End falls silent. And then, the Enderdragon comes. "Why did you bring her here?" He booms.

"It was her- our wish to thank you," I say.

"I see, now Sophie my dear come here," Enderdragon says softly. "Hello! I feel privalidged to be here and I am sorry if I have disturbed you," she says.

"Such manners! I have never met such a polite mob! Sophie you are always welcome!" He cries.

"Thank you! I come with a gift too! Here is a Creeper Star from the place where we are spawned!" She hands him the star and disbelief strikes his face.

"Why thank you! For this I will gladly get rid of your nerves. I will lose much power doing this though."

"My nerves are gone forever! how could I thank you enough?!"

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