Chapter Three

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"Well you certinatly made an impression on the Enderdragon," I say.

"Yeah I know! Wow he is so kind! He gave up a lot of his power for me!" Sophie squeals. I nod.

"Sshh!"she whispers



I crouch. Over a hill is a human with full iron armour and a diamond sword. I pray to Notch, please don't let him see us.

But he does and he walks over, bow on hand and shoots. Sophie gasps and pulls me to the ground. The arrow does not hit me but scrapes my arm. I let out a cry.

"No! You are hurt! Oh my Notch!"

"W-we need to g-go," I stammer.


I watch her closely. Something isn't right. Her eyes are purple and snowflakes spin round her. My eyes widen.

I wake up. Sophie is standing over me.

"What happened?" I ask and sit up in my bed. "I don't really know, I -teleported," she replies. Before I can reply she says: "But never mind that, the Enderdragon has chosen his successor when he dies!"

"What!! Well who is it" I cry. Sophie and the End Healer exchange looks.

"We don't know, he said they will find out when he is dead."

"But he gave them a clue," says the Healer.

"How is your arm?"

"Oh its fine, left me with a nasty scar though," I say."I guess I am not the next Enderdragon."

"Hey Charming!" says a voice.

"What? Oh hey Spindleweb!" I beam.

"Can I meet your cave spider friend then?" I ask.

"Oh no, Charm you must let your injury heal, I bet it still aches," says the Healer. He is right. "I asked the Enderdragon about my teleportation. He said: some things you must find out for yourself" Sophie says.

"Strange," I say.

"Yeah, I know anyway get well soon I should probably go, the Enderpeople are not thrilled at my arrival," she says soflty.

"Wait Sophie don't go," I say.

"I must...oh yes and you have some visitors," she leaves and my family walk in.

"Oh Charm we were so worried," says mother.

"You have a lot of explaining to do! What on earth were you doing on a server?" Booms father.

"Lay off Blackstar! Can't you see he is hurt?!" Snaps mother.

"Oh I'm OK mum, anyway, have you met Sophie?" I ask.

"Yes and I think you should tell her that she cannot be your friend. Creepers and young Endermen should not mix!" Sneers mother. I gasp.

"What? What do you mean?" I question.
"You know fully well what I mean it it's wrong and against the word of Notch to mix with other girl mobs! Imagine a Creeper and Enderman child!" Cries mother. My blood is boiling.
"Get out of here!" I scream "you are not in my life anymore!"

They leave. I can't believe I did that. My parents, how could they. Well I will show them when the Enderdragon takes my side. Sophie walks in. I turn away.

"What happened?"she asks, curiously.

"Nothing- and can we just leave it there."

"Well um...Zombria is performing at the Snowhitest Cave wanna go?"she asks.

"Zombria? Really? Can't stand his jolks and trolls," I inform her.

"Nah me neither I thought you would like him. Wanna go see Spindleweb with his mate?"says Sophie.

" Sure I think they went to Aresce Caves, teaming with spiders," I say.

We reach Aresce Caves and there isn't a mob in sight. A wounded Skeleton on half a heart walks out. "Are you okay?" I ask stupidly. He jumps as he can not see us. "Who are you? A mob?" He asks.

"Yes I'm Charm and this is Sophie," I say.

"Have you seen a spider with a cave spider?" Sophie asks.

"Player! You are a player! Please don't hurt me! I will sound the alarm you want string!!" Yells the Skeleton .

"No! We aren't players! We are here to see Spindleweb now please explain how you got your injury," Sophie says calmly.

"Players obviously, they raided the cave killed almost everyone Spindleweb isn't here he didn't get here in time from the Enderhospital but hmm Spish we haven't found him yet...we don't know if he is...still living

"What was that all about?" I ask. Sophie shrugs.
"We need to find Spindleweb and who destroyed this cave and destroy them. The mobs WILL WIN!"

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