Chapter 11

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*the bracelet ^^

Zion *

We walked into an office that I am assuming is his it was a very messy office with a lot of papers everywhere when I say everywhere I mean everywhere on the table and floor, he sat across from me I kinda felt like I was in the principal's office it was very awkward.

"So are you just going to sit there?" I asked him.

"Ooo yes I need you to sign these papers," he said taking some papers from the floor I kid you not.

"What are they for," I asked him.

"Did you ever go to school" he said I nodded.

"Then read," he said back.

We the amber coven accept Zion Moore as a new member of our coven we are glad that you were saved into our coven we are one of the oldest covens in history so that means we are one of the most respected covens.

Here are some of our rules.

1. You must be faithful to our coven and not plan anything against it.

2.never reveal what we are to humans.

3.never go outside without your sunwalker necklace.

4. Never hunt in other covens territories without there permission.

5. Never break the connection with your maker without reason.

There where more rules but they were not very interesting they where all basic rules like never leave your bedroom at night.

"So what's next," I said.

"We need to focus on you being able to control your thirst, so whenever you feel like you are losing control find your mota," he said

"What's a Mota," I said interrupting him.

"It's something, someone or a feeling that reminds you of your humanity that stops you from slaughtering your mate's pack," he said in a sarcastic tone.

"Here take this bracelet it will warn you when you become thirsty.
Take this necklace it's the sunwalker necklace without it you would be killed by sunlight, now let's go" he gave me the items.

He helps me put on the necklace then I put on the bracelet. We walked outside it was beautiful there were trees everywhere and colourful flowers all the books and movies were lying vampires are not mindless bloodsucking animals they were more they are nice and very colourful.

I stopped when I saw little children playing around I could hear their little hearts beat "what are they doing here" I asked him.

"Since we are dead and can't make our own children we adopt and when they are 18 they can choose if they want to be turned into vampires or stay human," he said with a smile on his face as he looked at one of the children a brown-skinned ginger boy he ran towards us with a big smile on his face he hugged Chris.

"This is James, my little brother," Chris said with a smile on his face..

"Hi James my name is Zion" as I said that a huge smile formed on his face you could see his two missing front teeth awwww his so cute maybe my child would have looked like him I stopped my train of thought immediately how could I even think like that he/she is saved form ever meeting that evil Kyle.

"that's cool it's almost sound like lion," he said while running back to his friends "how old is he," I asked Chris.

"3 years old," Chris said as his phone started ringing he picked it up and started talking, I immediately looked at the playing children I will not lie my heart broke when I found out that my one and only child died what made it worse was that it was by my hands, I immediately looked at Chris when he put his phone in his pocket.

"It looks like we have to cut this short Kyle is on his way to come and pick you up so I will quickly run throw some important rules with you.
You always have to wear red and black clothes I will explain why later when you come over next week" he said as we walked to the gate.

"What do you mean next week," I said to him.

"When you come and visit my mate Hazel," he said.

"What Hazel and you?" I said to him.

"Yes I found out at the hospital and another thing don't drink animal blood it will weaken you," he said as we finally got to the gate that surrounds the covens house.

"Bye Zion," he said with a smile.

"Bye Chris," I said hugging him I walked to Kyle's car.


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