Chapter 16

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*Courtney with red eyes ^^


I have been driving for a day I finally decided to stop at a gas station and get some more gas and a red energy drink, a bacon and egg sandwich it's not blood but it will do for now I had to wear sunglasses I found in the car to hide my red eyes.

I kept on driving I was 3 towns away from Wolf Creeks when the car started making weird noises "we have been notified that this car has been stolen we are shutting down all auto functions and calling the police. " it said before the car pulled to the side of the road and switched off.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" I screamed why did it have to stop right here in the middle of a creepy forest I quickly got out of the car I got all my bags and started running with my super speed I have to leave before the police get here.


I have been running for a while now and I am getting really tired I stopped running when my legs felt like they where about to stop working and when my vision started to become blury I sat down on a rock and took out my energy drink and started drinking.

My bracelet started flashing red meaning that I needed blood but I was in the middle of nowhere and there is none or thing around me my vision started getting even worse and I started developing a headache.

I started seeing a black dot the black dot started absorbing all the color around me until it was the only color I could see.


I opened my eyes to see that I am in another unknown bedroom what the hell is my proplem why am I always in different unknown bedrooms.

I looked at my bracelet to see that it stopped flashing so that means someone feed me and changed my clothes I was wearing long black pajamas and I smelled Clean so that means someone bathed me so that means someone saw me naked! I immediately cringed thinking about that.

"Ooh I see that you are finally awake" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Cortney ?" I said with a shocked expression as I looked at her.

"Yeah it's me, when we found you I almost didn't recognize you." she said coming closer to me she sat at the end of the bed.

"You have red eyes." I said to her.

"Yeah so do you where have you been" she said with concern I was shocked since when does Courtney care about anyone but her self.

"Somewhere that was definitely not paradise" I said to her I don't trust her so I am not going to tell her the truth.

"I can tell by your bruises" she said.

"So you're the one that saw me naked" I said.

"Yeah but would you reather one of the guys" she said laughing.

"You have a fair point" I said laughing.

"So where's cherry." I said to her

"A long story for another time but for now just know that she is not here." she said getting up, "we are about to leave we have to go back to our coven if you want you can come with us we are desperately in need of new members" she said with a strangely warm smile that I didn't expect to come out of Courtney.

Let me think about this.


Pros : of going with them.

I can stop running.

They might protect me against Kyle.

My money will eventually run out so I need might be homeless so I need them.

And they will have blood.

Cons :

This might be a trap.


"Yeah why not it's not like I have anywhere else to go" I said to her she smiled back at me.

"Good cause we are leaving in 10 minutes so get dressed and meet us down stars" she said leaving.

I got up and checked if all the money and jewelry where still in the bags and surprisingly they where all still in my bag so this means that they are actually good people who don't go around stilling people's things.

I got dressed and took all my bags and went downstairs.

This all right here markes the beginning of a new chapter in my life.


I am a Savage classy,

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