Chapter 12

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Zion *

We have been driving for an hour now and Kyle has been quite the whole time it didn't matter cause I don't want to hear his annoying voice or speech about how I am going to pay when we get back.

It doesn't matter because it gives me time to enjoy my last few hours of freedom and properly the last time I will ever go outside except for when I go and see Chris and Hazel it's crazy how they are both mates, I can't wait for Chris to tell me more about our kind it's weird saying that our kind.

Being a vampire is not that bad I can run faster than most people, I can see better I can see things that are very far away sadly that's all I can do but still how can I escape Kyle.

We finally got to the pack house my nose immediately got assaulted by the horrible smell of a hundred werewolves and the fastest heartbeats I have ever heard my vision started to become blurry I fell to the ground on my knees everything went dark......


I opened my eyes to see the same old lady from before standing over me with a glass of blood in her hand I immediately got up and took the glass out of her hand and drank the blood it tasted very strange like plastic or something it tasted nothing like the blood Chris give me.

When I finished drinking I looked at the lady with a confused expression.
"Why does the blood taste fake," I said looking at her.

"The gamma told me to give you animal blood," she said as she stood up and walked out the door with the empty glass in her hand.

What the fuck is he up to.

I heard someone approached the door I could hear that it was a man or boy by the heavy footsteps. I looked at the door waiting for them to come in the door opened to reveal Kyle he had a huge creepy sadistic smile on his face.

"I have always wanted to be a father to have smaller versions of myself walking around my house with my beautiful werewolves mate teaching them about our history and culture,
Imagine my disappointment when I found out that my mate is a human but I tried to overlook that I forgive you for being a human and still tried to start a family with you.
Then you drown yourself and kill our only child.
Zion, I don't think you realize how heartbreaking that is.
I spent most of my time thinking about how I was going to make you pay for everything you did to me " he said as he walked into the closet and came back with a wipe the handle of the wipe was made with rubber and the long part of the whip was made of silver I could tell that he wanted to leave horrible scars on me because silver permanently burns supernaturals skin, I tried to get up and start running but my body wouldn't move I sat there paralyzed with fear.

" It seems like Chris didn't tell you about the effects that animal blood has on newborns, it's perfect 3 minutes after drinking your body stops moving but you can still see, hear and feel what is happening on around you and to you.

Now, my beautiful mate, shall we begin " he says as my body fell backwards into the bed.

He undressed me and himself until he was in his boxers.
He made me sleep on my chest and my back was facing him than he started hitting me with the whip.

1 right in the middle of my back it felt like my back was being ripped apart.

2 made a cross on my back.

9 that's when I started screaming like a banshee.

10. Ahhhhhh he made a star symbol on my back with the whip.

11. He flipped me over so I was laying on my bruised and bleeding back.

12. He hit me right on my stomach.

13. He went downwards.


15. "please Kyle I'm sorry!" I screamed

16.on my knees.

I passed out after that.


What do you think happens next 😳

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