Chatper 6

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Get ready for some tea


Once we finally got to the beach after caring Olivia for what felt like a hour my legs feel like they are going to give not I'm not saying she waze a lot she actually was light. zayn kept looking at me like he was mad or something I don't know why maybe because i was holding his little his sister.

"Harry go with zayn to get wood" i hear liam saying snapping me out of my thoughts "ok, i said zayn and I started walking towards where liam told us to go to get wood which is where most of the trees are I guess you would call it woods. we started walking and all you can here is the ocean in the background and are feet stepping on sticks zayn started picking up so sticks so i do the same i been down and pick up a sick right by zayn and my hand touches his i pull my hand away from his real Quick. "hey mate I'm sorry if i made you mad by caring Olivia here" i say while looking at him right in the eyes making my stomach twist inside.

"No your good mate" he says looking back at the ground. once we got all the wood we could get we walk back to liam and Olivia to see them sitting on the beach talking. "here you go payno"  i say dropping the wood for liam "thank yon herald" liam said laughing. liam finally g0t the fire started it took him at least a year. we all are sitting on the sand by the fire.

"Who wants the first beer?" liam yells! "me, Olivia said before i can even look up liam handed her a beer and she is chugging it. "hand me one" i said "here you go harry, liam said "want one zayn?" liam asked while looking at zayn. "no i best not, "are you to scared?" Olivia asks while laughing! which makes liam laugh. i Give zayn a look like you don't have to "i will take one zayn" said while still looking at me in the eyes.

So i have had at least 5 beers liam has had a lot and i say the same for Olivia zayn only had like 2 so far which is good "i have to use the bathroom" Olivia says and standing up. "i will take you but you have to use it in the woods" i said then standing up. "ok, she says and giggles a little "lets go this way" i say to her. ok I think we are far a enough. i say "just go find somewhere" i said to her "ok, she said walking off. she has been gone for a long time now "Olivia are you done?" I yell!  boo she says jumping on my back making me fall down before i hit the ground I turned so that i can put my hands on the ground. once my hands hit the ground I'm hovering over Olivia with are faces inches from each other "are you ok?" i say before i can even get up she presses her lips to mine i can teste the beer in her mouth her lips are very soft before. I know it she puts her hand in my curls making me groan i pull away and look at her in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I did not mean to do that" she said while trying to get up i get off her and stand up. "it's fine don't tell zayn about this he will kill me" i said touching back of my neck "i wont she said awkwardly" we start walking back to zayn and liam. when we finally get back to them after the most awkward walk I have ever "had took you guys long enough" liam said while taking a drink from his beer "sorry I got lost" Olivia lies think god.

"So how old are you? again zayn" liam ask "I'm 17, "same mate and harry here is 16 if you did not know"  "oh nice, zayn said while grabbing a beer woah he really is drinking "so zayn want to go surfing? tomorrow with me and harry and Olivia Liam asked I guess" he said rolling his eyes "i don't know how to" zayn said while laughing "we can show you mate" liam said.

I woke up feeling like someone was hitting my head with a rock i cant remember anything from last night all I remember is that I kissed Olivia i just hope zayn doesn't find out he will kill me probably that's his little sister. i rolled over and grabbed my phone to see what time is. oh crap its 11 am I'm supposed to go surfing with them in 30 minutes i jump out of bed and run and grab my clothes.

"About time you get here mate I thought you was not coming" liam said "sorry about that i over slept" i said taking my shirt off I can see zayn looking at me from the corner of my eye I look over at him but he looks  a way really fast that was weird "is Olivia coming?" i ask "no she is throwing up zayn" said looking at me in the eyes "oh, I said looking at the sand "so we going to go surfing or going to sit here and talk"  liam said laughing and running in the ocean "I guess we should go" i said looking at zayn he just nods.

"I don't know how to surf!" zayn yells from the beach i did not even realize he did come in the water with me "i forgot liam!" yells back "we could just go jump off those rocks into the ocean?" Liam asks me "yeah that would be fun"

"ok zayn we are going to go jump off some rocks into the ocean" "that sounds like fun mate"  zayn said putting his arm on liam shoulder some reason I wish i was liam with zayns arm on my shoulder


Omg I can't believe Olivia kissed Harry
I hope you all liked this chapter tell me your thoughts

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