chapter 8

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I'm so sorry it took so long I have been very busy but I hope you all like this chapter
What is it? i say looking at him with my heart racing "I want to hang out just me and you like with no liam or my sister he" said making blush. "sure I would love that" i said smiling "so can we just leave now?" I think about it I don't want to leave liam like that but I really want to hang out with zayn. "lets do it " i say smiling "do you know of something we could do I'm new here I don't know much?" zayn said while looking down. "yeah it's not that late we could go to this dock that i go to all the time you can see fish there and feed them"  "sure lets go before they come back" zayn said.

While walking down a sand road it's completely silence zayn has not said a word. all i can hear is are feet hitting the ground and our heavy breathing. we stopped and got some fish food so we could sit on the dock and feed fish i still find it weird zayn wanted to hang out with me alone i don't know if he thinks liams annoying or what I'm not saying I'm not happy that I'm going to be with him alone I'm actually very happy. "is this it?" i hear zayn say "oh yeah it is mate come on watch your step" I said "i got it mate" zayn said while taking his last step "this way i say, "what is this place?" zayn ask moving his head around "its a old dock that got abandoned when a storm hit i love it here tho" I said taking a seat on the edge of the dock with my foot hanging over the water.

"It is very beautiful zayn" said siting down and looking at me. I nod.and turn my head to look at in the eyes I look so deep inside his eyes i feel my breathing getting heavy. i see zayn looking down at my lips and then back up and looking right in my eyes I bite my bottom lip and before I can even look away zayn's lips Press against mine my heart skips a beat I start moving my lips with his my heart is pounding Sparks are shooting all through my body zayn puts his hand on my face. I have never been kissed like this before the way.

Zayn is making me feel is amazing I open my mouth so zayn can slip his tongue in he bites my bottom lip making me groan! zayn pulls away from the kiss and starts kissing my Neck up to my ear "moan for me Harry"  he whispers against my neck his hot breath hitting my skin I pull back "no I can't do this!" I yell "I'm sorry I should have not kissed you" he said getting up and walking away from me leaving me alone in my thoughts what just happened? I have never been kissed that way and never Felt that.

What if Liam finds out why did zayn kiss me. does he like me no he can't we only knew each other for like a week or so why did he kiss me I thought to my self with a Thousand things going through my head with nothing making sense. I Suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder I turn my head so fast I look up and see Olivia standing there.

"Zayn told me to come check on you" she said taking a sit "oh I'm fine we just got into a fight" I lie oh that's what he said she says laying her head on my shoulder I'm not going to lie it was a bit weird "what was the fight about" she said moving her feet up and down "oh we just got into it over how Liam acts" I lie I can't tell her I kissed her brother it was a mistake I should have never kissed back and it will never happen again.

"Oh I like Liam" she said I look at her with wide eyes "no no as a friend" she said giggling "oh you scared me" I said laughing "can I ask you something? Olivia it might sound weird but I want to know"  "go a head and ask me Harry,  she said smiling "has zayn ever had a girlfriend?" I ask "yeah he gets a new one every week" she says "he is like the fuck boy! of the school he gets every girl he wants" she said some reason it hurt me knowing that but why would he have kiss me if he is a ladies man it doesn't make sense maybe he did not mean to. "oh I did not know" I said looking down at my feet "why do you ask?" she said.

Sitting up and looking at me "I was just curious" I lie I just wanted to see if he ever dated a boy to be honest I think to my self while playing with my fingers "is something wrong?" she ask  tilting her head "no everything is fine" I lie everything is not fine I just kissed zayn. My head hurts from thinking so much I can't think straight.

"Harry turn your head to the side she said looking at me like she just seen a ghost" I did as I was told to do. "harry is that a hickey!" she said with wide eyes zayn most have left one what do I say I start panicking. "no it's not, I lie "yes it is who gave it to you?"
She asked touching my neck where it most be "you have one by your ear to" she said moving her hand and looking at me. "the person that gave those to you is it who I'm thinking it is" she asks.
Sorry if it was to early for a kiss but I had to do you think Olivia knows it from zayn

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