Apologies: Chapter 28

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Third Person's POV

27 FEBRUARY 2019

Eunbi woke up feeling like a riot just passed by her body, twiddling her muscles in a meandering, almost unbearable spin, so that she's dizzy with even opening her eyes.

The jet lag yesterday was still vivid in her head, occupying most of her thoughts.

"Ugh," she groaned as her hand reached out to turn off the alarm clock that seemed shaking the grounds with its annoying series of sounds, "This is why I hate being on a plane."

07:05 am

The clock on the bedside table read.

It's still early.

She wanted to sleep more, but her phone tinged, rendering her attempt to drift back to dreamland incomplete.

"Seriously.. so early."

Irritatingly fishing her phone, she squinted her eyes trying to adjust from the brightness of the screen as she read the text message.

From: Mr. Obnoxious

Finish everything there ASAP. I think they're already making a move. You better be here.

As the name suggested, it was obnoxious enough to pique Eunbi's once serene demeanor, "Aish. You don't have to remind me." she grunted, tossing her phone somewhere and sheepishly moving to the bathroom to get herself done.

.   .   .

Everyone's smiling widely, sounds of joyous clapping hands resonating all the four corners of the room.

As expected.

Another successful presentation done by none other than Hwang Eunbi.

The head doctor returned back a smile and bowed as she mouthed them "thank you". Actually, she almost forgot some parts of her speech earlier, but thanks to some memory trick, she remembered it back so fast, just like a fleeting screech of time.

The moving of time..

Constant and boring, yet so powerful.

At some point she kinda hated it, hate how time basically controls her whole god damn life.

Geez, Eunbi's too old for this now.

She was supposed to stay there for around 3 more days but the message she received earlier was obliviously giving her panick, she almost thought of flying back in Seoul, which was greatly opposed by the man sitting at the passenger seat beside her.

"I told Yuna that I won't go here, yet she insisted. What the hell." Eunbi grumbled, swiping up and down on her phone, surfing her sns. "This is so boring, I want to go home now."

"Just say that you miss Dr. Jung."

"Oh, yeah and her as well. I miss Yerin.." she nibbled her bottom lip, suddenly shy at how fast she crumble when it comes to Yerin. "--a lot."

Literally, like a whole lot.

The last time she saw Yerin was at the rooftop, where Eunbi admit that she might have been a little too harsh to her.

She regret it soon enough.

Eunbi wasn't intending to intimidate Yerin or scare her or what, she was just also overwhelmed hearing Yerin say those words to the patient.

She was just caught off guard by the heat of the moment that she have unconsciously let her emotions overruled her.

She just extremely despises the idea of someone dying.

That's it.

And knowing that Yerin was, as Eunha told it, turning back to her old broken self again, and leaving her alone in Korea to fly in here was the thing that's aggravating Eunbi more than anything.

I mean yeah, Yerin's not completely alone. Eunha and Taehyung were there, and might her other friends as well.

But the principal thing is, Eunbi's not there.

She's thousands of miles away from Yerin, literally separated with hundreds of mountains and oceans.


Eunbi's missing her.

"Hold that for the time being," Jun said, showing the tablet that displayed her whole schedule for the day, "You still have two meetings to attend to. But for now, we'll drop by somewhere to have lunch."

Her stomach churned at the mention of the word, "Do they have korean restaurants here? We should go there. I want to eat tteokbokki or uhh bibimbap."

"Let's see about that." he chuckled seeing how fast Eunbi changed from longing someone to craving food, "I think there's one nearby."

Jun nodded and went to instruct the driver about where to go, the girl on his side was just then playing some games to occupy herself during the whole drive, when someone texted her again, resulting for the game to straightway went over.

"ARGH! I ALMOST BEAT THE HIGH SCORE!" the foreign driver threw her a confused looked through the front mirror in which she responded with a bleary "sorry" and an awkward smile. "Dang, what is it this time?"

Eunbi's heart literally exploded upon reading the text.

"God dammit, they're fast." Jun snapped his head hearing the sudden curse, Eunbi's eyes grew dark and somehow the car was suddenly engulfed in some scary mist, "Jun, let's go to the airport now."

"But Eunb-"

"I said now!"

That was the time Jun knew what's the fret was all about.

And in a blink of an eye, the car diverted its direction and speeded up like they were literally flying.

All Eunbi could think was the fucking message and how the hell can she get back to Korea in just two hours.

For pete's sake she's in America right now and the average flight time is atleast twelve hours, do the quick math, there's no way she'll gonna make it in time.

She opted not to do this.

But heaven on earth, there's no other choice now.

"Fucking-" she hissed, mad and scared, glancing at her phone for the last time, "Jun, tell them an excuse why I cannot make it. I'm running out of time. Drop me off at the next alley, there's no people there."

The tension was increasing every passing second, and if this won't subside any later, Eunbi might pass out from anxiety.

Enraged, the man pinned her down her sit to calm down her nerve, he knew exactly just what she's up to, "Don't you dare fucking do it, Hwang."

Eunbi sighed heavily, her fingers unconsciously rolling up into a fist, "I'm sorry, but I have to."

"You're gonna kill yourself if you do it!"

"Oh well," Eunbi smiled with pain in her eyes, the car pulled to a stop and she got out of it, "Then I guess, I'm gonna say hello to satan then. Wish me luck. This is farewell."

The man shouted at the top of his lungs, but before his words had the chance to be heard, just like specter, Eunbi had already vanished into thin air.

Maybe, just maybe,
this is really farewell.

If so,


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