chapter 6

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Its giant head slowly turned and six, red, bug eyes met us. It had blue skin, stood twice if not three times our height, even though it was on four legs. Also, it appeared to have curling long white horns. I could see chains around its ankles and wrists that were loosely attached to the wall behind the creature. Its teeth were long and sharp and the two front teeth curled out towards us. Its feet were at least the size of a small car with claws to match. I noticed it had a thick tail that could kill with a single blow. There was a puddle on the ground, it was a mixture of drool and blood, the puddle was growing bigger as the monster looked straight at us. The face of the creature had the snout of a dog and a big brown nose. There were scars all down the creature's arms and legs, and I could tell there were even some new cuts on the beast. Furthermore, it was wearing some type of armor that looked as if it was built out of bone.

The ground rumbled as it let out a blood curdling roar, causing Karen and I to cover our ears. The creature reached out its large hand with 3 feet claws. Its hope was to grab us but was stopped by the chain that was connected to the wall. Karen ran out of the room leaving me with the horrid creature. It let out another roar and caused me to fall. I crawled away till I saw the sight of Karen.

"Evander, Evander, please I don't....wanna die....please," Karen managed to despite her crying uncontrollably and gasping for breath.

"We're not gonna die," I said as I felt a surge of anger go through me.

Karen winced and said, "Your eyes changed to red again."

"Good," I whispered under my breath. I got up and went through the doorway facing the monster, Karen was behind me still crying.

"Evander what are you doing? You're going to get yourself killed,''she said nervously.

"No, I won't," I said confidently. "I have more physical strength when my eyes are like this. Plus you have magic don't you?" Almost everyone did, I knew if Karen was here she would have some type of ability. She nodded. "Well what can you do?" I asked.

"It isn't anything like yours," She started, "It allows me to cast certain spells. I've been working on it since I was really young, but most of them are really unpredictable since I haven't perfected them. I feel like we need to name the monster Bavaharr."

"Well make them predictable, we need all we can if we are to defeat this awful monster, and sure Bavaharr it is," I told her. She nodded but still looked uncertain. I turned away from her and walked into the room with the monster. It let out another roar, this one a bit quieter than the others, but still terrifying. "The door is past the monster on the other side of the room," I said looking at the door. "We aren't getting past without knocking out this thing first. Even that would be hard to pull off though, if we have the opportunity to kill it, we should," Karen gasped but didn't say anything to disagree, tears were still running down her cheeks.

I walk further into the room staring the monster straight in the eyes. His eyes widened as I jumped up and nailed a punch in its face, the monster was knocked off balance, but quickly recovered. I leaped away from the monster as it swung a massive paw at me. It tore off a piece of my outfit, its knife-sharp claws barely avoiding my skin. It growled angrily as it tried to move towards me but was once more it was stopped by the chains. I watched trying to catch my breath as it turned and ran to the wall it was attached to. It started clawing at Its chains. I rushed into action as I saw one of the chains on its arms give way. It turned just fast enough to see me coming towards it and dodged my attack. I skidded to a halt and tried to run back to where Karen stood, but before I had managed to make it out of reach I felt a heavy paw slam against my back, causing me to fly across the room and land heavily next to Karen.

"So do you want to help this time?" I asked, coughing up a bit of blood.

"S-sorry," she mumbled. "Take a moment to recover, I'll try to keep it from breaking the rest of the chains." Karen snapped her head away from me and started chanting something before an orange blast darted across the room, just missing the creature's arm and hitting the wall behind it instead. It made a small charred dent. The beast turned its head to see Karen prepare another blast, but couldn't move out of the way in time to avoid the attack. It wailed in pain as a black burn appeared on its back where the beam hit. It fell on its knees and snarled at Karen. I got up to attack the beast, not noticing that Karen was preparing another attack as well. As I hit the monster knocking it to the floor, Karen's blast hit me in the leg. I fell to the ground and yelled in pain.

"Evander!" Karen screams as she runs towards me as the beast gets a hold of his balance. Glaring at me, he wacks me in the chest, as he did so his claws dug into my skin causing me to once more scream out in pain. Karen made it to me and clumsily picked me up, stumbling out of the room, me in her arms. We got out of the room and she set me down as gently as she could on the stone floor.

"I'm so sorry," Karen apologized. "I have a healing spell, I can fix your leg and scratch, do you think you'll be able to fight again once you're healed?" I looked Karen in the eyes with determination.

"I will kill that monster," I hissed out. "Your healing spell better be accurate or else I'll kill you too," I said harshly. Karen looked horrified and I suddenly realized what I had said. Did I really just threaten to kill Karen? I thought to myself dumbfounded. "I didn't actually mean that I would. . ." ''I started before just finishing with, "Just try to heal me correctly." Karen nodded at me and held her hands over my injured body. She mumbled something and green sparks showered down from her hands. I saw the skin on my chest stitch itself closed but all the pain of the scratches remained. I also felt the bone in my leg move back to the correct position and winced at the pain. Karen stopped and looked down at me worriedly.

"You're completely healed," she said. "How do you feel?"

"Like I'm dying on the inside," Karen visibly cringed at my comment.

"Try to stand," she encouraged. I sat up, my chest burning where the scratches had been. I tried putting equal pressure on both legs but fell back down as a shooting pain spread through my once injured leg. It was odd, I could feel that my leg was fine but I still had all the pain from the break.

"Why do I still have pain?" I asked Karen, the monster still screeching.

"Well ummm, I don't know. I-I-th-think..." Karen tried to spit words out but she couldn't, she stared at the ground in shame. I tried standing up but the pain was immense and I fell face first into the ground. My chest hitting a rock, shooting pain up my back. I felt something wet soaking my outfit more. I flipped onto my back and stared down at my chest, the wound had reopened. I layed in a puddle of my own blood. My breathing was heavy and fast, my eyelids became heavier.

"Evander! Please Evander...I'll help you. The wound reopened cause I couldn't do the spell right...I don't think I'll be able to do it again, I'll bandage you up please just stay with me..." Karen's voice drifted off as everything was going fuzzy, I was losing my consciousness, I looked at Karen one last time, I smiled then everything went black.

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