chapter 10

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My eyes were blinded by the light when I woke up. I rubbed my eyes and looked around, to my shock I was back in the room with the beheaded monster.

"Evander, you're awake. You know you really have to stop passing out, I'm getting worried about you," Karen turned around facing me.

"I think it might have to do with how much blood I lost," flashbacks started to flood into my mind, I forced them to the back of my mind. "We need to find out what those pictures meant, I think it has something to do with being able to keep going forward, I mean why else would the pictures repeat,"

"You have a point," Karen gets up and starts to search the room.

"What are you doing?"

"If the pictures have something to do with us getting out of here there has to be some sort of clue right?" Karen inspects the wall looking for anything out of the ordinary, "come on help me we will get this done faster."

"Yeah ok, i'm going to find some bonngle berries. Maybe they have something to do with it," I said.

"Yeah sure, you just want food," Karen laughed.

"I mean you're not wrong but also I haven't eaten in forever." Karen rolls her eyes at this, I walk out of the room and start looking for the strange plant.

A few minutes later I seemed to have found myself at the river. "I wonder how I got here. I took a left not a right." I walk out of the room only to find myself back in the river room again. Ok this is not normal in any way whatsoever, I thought. I tried once again to leave the room but I ended right back. I sat down, "maybe I can wait this out I'm sure it will eventually wear off, right?" This I was not sure of.

"What? How did I get here?" I looked up to see a familiar female.

"How'd you get here. . ." my voice drifted off because I knew the answer.

"What was that, Evander?"

"Nothing," I replied, it wouldn't help talking for hours about why we were here. Karen turned around and walked out of the room but walked back in a second later.

"What the heck," She murmured. "Something's wrong Evander."

"I know, we can't leave this room and I don't know why."

"We should look for clues!" Karen said excitedly.

"What are you so excited about?" I asked.

"It's like we're in a movie or story, I just think it's cool, when I was younger I never thought anything like this would happen."

"We crash landed on a planet we didn't even know existed, fell into strange underground tunnels, found and killed a monster, and found an underground river that heals fatal wounds yet you decide to now think it's cool?" Karen quickly nodded.

"This is the first time we don't seem to be in immediate danger! For once we can just have fun and explore!" Karen said, pulling me up from the ground. "Now look for clues."

"Okay," I responded, walking around the room and looking for any new changes to the room.

"Evander!" Karen screamed.

"AH, what?" I jumped startled, turning to see Karen pointing to the red writing on the wall.

"It changed! The writing changed, it says something completely different from before." I walked over to Karen and read the writing on the wall.

I warned you to run but you did not listen. The river saved you once, perhaps it could save you again.

"I'm not the only one who finds that creepy, right?" I asked, staring at the wall.

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