Epilogue (Karen's POV)

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It's been ten years since Evander killed Queen Isolde and made me the queen of the ruvataur. Since then we befriended the aliens and stopped the war that had apparently been going on for fifteen years prior to our arrival on Doxetis. The commander explained to us Evander and I were sent as part of a deal with the ruvataur, a deal Queen Isolde broke as soon as she used Evander to attack Covanity. The commander apologized to us for many years about sending us to Doxetis and we forgave him.

I stood on the top of the mountain which held Xerthia within. We had cleared away most of the forest around the mountain and replaced it with human towns. Currently about three fourths of the population on Earth had been moved to either Covanity or Doxetis. Evander was a wonderful leader, he treated the ruvataur just as he did the humans. I'm not sure the ruvataur ever accepted me in the same way they did Evander, I think it has something to do with him being able to turn into a dragon and into a form more like the ruvataur but it doesn't bother me.

Evander's and I's family lived with us in the castle now, but what I'm happiest about is we're about to add one more to our family. I looked down at my stomach. One more month. There was a squeaking sound next to me and I turned my head to see a mostly red lizard with some other colors on its back and stomach.

"Hey Bullseye how are you today?" The lizard squeaked again in response.

"You're so much like Dart was," I said picking up the lizard and putting him on my shoulder. I sat down on the grass and looked out into the horizon where the sun was setting. This was my favorite spot to come to relax and watch the sunset. I heard footsteps behind me and turned my head to see Evander walk up and sit down next to me. We sat in silence for a few minutes until Evander spoke.

"Remember when we first came to Doxetis?" He asked me as my head lay on his shoulder.

"Yeah, it was the worst few weeks of my life," I responded.

"I think it was the best of mine, because if that never happened we never would have become so close." I chuckled sitting up again. The sun had set and stars had started lighting up the sky above us. A cold breeze drifted through the air making me shiver. Evander wrapped his arm around me trying to warm me up.

"Come on, we should get back to Xerthia," I said, starting to stand up. "We promised to introduce some of the human children to the ruvataur pups tonight."

"I still don't see the point of that," Evander sighed, also standing.

"Well I always was the more caring one," I said, grabbing Evanders hand and starting to lead him down the mountain. We were happy.

The End

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