chapter 17

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When I woke up something felt off. I couldn't tell exactly what was wrong but I felt tired and my brain felt fuzzy.

"Evander, how are you this morning?" Isolde asked as I sat up.

"Fine," I responded, groggily. "Just a bit tired."

"Evander, dump a glass of water on the female to wake her up," I grabbed a cup and started moving to a sink to fill up the cup with water. I didn't know why I was moving but I also wasn't against it. I filled up the cup and walked over to Karen dumping the water on her head. Karen shot up and looked around the room confused.

"Evander, what the heck!" Karen spluttered.

"Sorry," I said, not really meaning it.

"Why are you so weird?" Karen complained, drying herself off with a blanket. I didn't know how to respond.

"Evander we must go, we have training to do, the female will stay here, we have no use for her," the queen gave Karen a nasty look. I wanted to tell her so many things but I knew that I would end up getting myself killed for challenging the queen. I followed Isolde into the forest. I looked up towards the bright sky and it reminded me of Earth. This planet reminded me of Covanity.

"This planet looks like the planet I was originally supposed to go to, is there a reason for that?" I questioned the queen.

"What have I told you about asking questions?" she snapped.

"Sorry," I responded, not really meaning it but still saying it.

"Now go over there and transform," the queen commanded. I did as she asked, I was moving but against my own will, it was almost like I was a puppet and Isolde was the puppeteer. I made my way to the destination she pointed to and transformed into my dragon form.

"What now?" I sighed.

"Fly as high as you can." I did as she asked. As I flew higher into the sky the ground began to morph into one big blob. I could tell when I had reached my height limit when the air was so dense it was hard for me to breath. What now? I'm too high up for Isolde to speak to me, I thought. I glanced around the landscape in the distance, I could see what seemed to be a civilization. Before I knew it I was flying back to the ground. I wanted to explore the civilization and find out who had made it. At the thought I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. What if this was Covanity and Isolde had tricked me?

I landed and fell to the ground, I couldn't move. I tried to stand but my legs wouldn't let me. I tried to open my mouth to ask Isolde what was happening but no words would come out. I had no control over my body. Suddenly, I stood.

"I told you not to ask any questions," Isolde said. I tried to respond but no words would come out. "Yet you question me and dare to think that I tricked you."

Can she read my thoughts? I wondered.

"Well, maybe you aren't as dumb as I originally thought," the Queen said. "You still let me take you to Covanity and get you to drink the water though." She said,

I thought, The water you gave me last night? What does that have to do with this?

"Very good question, Evander. Did you ever notice the water tasted weird? For example, the water from the river. It had a chemical taste if I remember correctly. I'm sure you didn't notice because you would have gotten used to it, but the water I gave you last night was the same as the water in the river. It was engineered so that I would be able to control you after you drank it. Thank you so much Evander for falling right into my plan, it really did make my life easier." the queen said. My eyes widened. Isolde started walking towards the direction of the civilization. "Now come, the ruvataur have a war to fight against the humans and you are what decides the winner."

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