🌸 Love 🌸

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She suddenly snapped from her thoughs and found her eyes wet. Checking her eyes and drying the tears away she sighed "When will this stop?" She slowly hit her head. "I miss you dad.." She sighed and closed her eyes hoping to fall asleep.

She woke up the next day with her father in her room that was looking through her closet "What are you doing?" She slowly opened her eyes. Her dad sighed turning around facing her "I'm sorry for yesterday. Their dad just wanted to buy half of my bussines so I didn't think all the way thru. I tought he just wanted to marry one of his sons and with thst thought I only thought about money." Her father said sitting beside her and smiling softly.

"You want me to marry already?" Hyeon Ji surprised asked her father "Come on Hyeon Ji! Your father is one of the most succesful mans in bussines. But no matter what, just find your true love and marry them. I'm truly sorry I wanted you to marry someone like them honestly. I just found out ehat happend yesterday and why did that waiter spilled wine on Nam Ju." Hyeon Ji's eyes widened looking at her father "Who told you?"

"The waiter. Min Yoongi." Hyeon Ji was surprised that her dad knew him but she didn't say anything. "Han really likes that boy. May I said that if you don't marry him Han for sure will." He laughed that made Hyeon Ji laugh too. She liked moments like this. Her and her father laughing about stupid thoughts.

After they talked for a while he left letting Hyeon Ji alone in her room. She was happy that now she and her father had a good realtionship, even if it wasn't her biological father.

"Wanna go shopping?" Han entred excited in her room. "How come you wanna go shopping? You usually hate to go shopping with me- no wait. You hate shoppings." Hyeon Ji was really confused as she never got the chance to go shopping with him, just once. "I gotta buy something for someone." She nodded looking with a strange face at him.

They both got ready and went out. "So it's a boy or a girl?" Hyeon Ji asked with a smile "Both." Hyeon Ji looked shocked at him "You have two realtionships and I just got 1?Woah, you're not that handsome!" She pouted and then chuckled. "What- No! One is for a friend and one is for..a friend." Han crossed his hands smiling a little. "Ohhh! Just a friend.. Mhm." Then they started walking faster.

"Alright, we're here!" She said before running away from her brother getting lost in a bunch of shops. They had to take everything they needed and then meet again at the same place they left from.Hyeon Ji was looking everywhere while Han just took his first item.

Then he saw his girlfriend, the one that had to get something for, Yi Seong. He tried to hide from her so she wouldn't see him buying but he failed. "Han!" She screamed running towards him. "Ah, Yy Seong! Haha, what a coincidence.What are you doing here?" He chuckled leaning closer to her face. "I'm here with my best friend, Yuna. What about you?" She asked him looking behind and around him looking for someone. "I'm here with my sister! But I lost her." Han lied to her so she wouldn't know he was gonna get her a surprise.

"Well why don't you go search for her? I'll help you don't worry!" She said trying to walk right the way Hyeon Ji left before Han stopping her "N-no need! I can go on my own." She took a few steps behind "Are you sure? I know that you're a really protective brother sometimes!" She giggled "I'm not! I really am?" He asked not having a clue making Yi Seoung laugh. "Yi Seong!" Her bestfriend was looking for her "Oh, I have to go. See you tomorrow at school?" She asked before leaving and Han nodded and went bavk to searching.

After a few minutes of walking all around the shops Hyeon Ji saw Jisung, a friend of Han's. "Oh, Jisung!" She walked slowly towards him. "Hyeon Ji, hi! Omo, you're so big!" Jisung joked "Mhm, you see me everyday at school what's so surprising?" She chuckled and Jisung patted her head slowly. "Where's Han?" He looked around the shop for him "Aren't you happy to just see me?" She pouted "No." Jisung sticked his tongue out.

"He is probably where I left him." Jisung raised a eyebrow "Where you left him?" Hyeon Ji sighed and dragged him to Han "Yes, I was right! Han!" She yelled waving at him. He loooked at them and walked towards them. "Are you done already?" She shook her head "Jisung wanted to see you." She looked at her with a confused face then saw Jisung next to her.

"Oh, Jisung!" He said both laughing at his stupidness. They talked for a while then Hyeon Ji started to get bored "Can we go home now?" She started shaking Han "No, hah!"

"Nah, you should go. I'm gonna go home too." Jisung started taking all his stuff "Alright then, let's go." He smiled and walked away.

On the way home Hyeon Ji saw Jungkook sitting alone on a bench. "Wait." She said dragging Han at him."Hellooo~ Jungkook!" She said happily smiling. "Hyeon Ji and- Oh Han. Hi!" He stood up smiling but not so happy on the inside."You said you want to go home. Then let's go home already." Han said a little pissed off and dragging Hyeon Ji. "Why don't we all grab a drink?" Jungkook smiled "Sure!" Hyeon Ji ran to him "Ah! Hyeon Ji!" Han yelled pissed. "Just one drink?" She asked him looking with puupy eyes at him. Han sighed "Just one."

They all entred in a shop and waited for a while till the drinks were done. Once they were Hyeon Ji went to take them leaving Han and Jungkook alone togheter. "So..You seem to not like me, is that true?" Jungkook asked placing his ching on his hands. "It's not that I don't like you. I hate you." He smiled. "Well that's a little bit sad, since your sister likes me." Jungkook smirked. "You-" Before he could say something Jungkook intrerupted him "Oh look your sister is here!"

// No. The story won't continue but I'm recently working at another book. Actually, more books. One of them is with Yoongi again. I published this one just to see if it would have any readers because I just deleted another story of mine that had almost no readers =( That's all thank you for reading ♡//

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