Chapter Five: The New Guy

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It has been a few months and me and Betty are going really good. With the cuff, I don't have to worry about guys hitting on her because they know I, and all the other serpents, will kill them. Betty is not as shy around me and our friends, but in any new situation she panics and clings onto me for dear life, and it is the cutest thing ever. I love her. But I don't know if she is ready for that yet.

It's been three months. Things with Jug are really good, and life is going well. I'm finally happy. My mom and I are stable and she got a promotion. About 2 months ago we got enough money to fully decorate our house and I have a job at the bookstore.

I wake up and it is another day of school. Ugh. I slowly roll out of bed but then remember it's friday and jump up and get ready. Cheryl is throwing a party tonight and I am super excited. After I shower and do my makeup, I let my hair stay down in it's natural waves and then pick out a baggy pink/purple sweater and a plaid skirt with my white vans.

 I eat some waffles and am out the door

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I eat some waffles and am out the door.
Archie is there to walk me to school like normal.
"Hey Betty!" He says in his normal happy tone.
"Hey Arch." I respond, kicking a pebble.
"Did you hear, a new kid from Greendale is moving here and is transfering today." He says. Archie is not one for gossip, but he is dating Veronica and my best friend knows all the news.
"Lemme guess, Ronnie told you?"
"Yep." He says.
We walked in a comfortable silence for the rest of the way there until we got to school, where Ronnie was running over to us.
"OMG! Did you hear? There is a new kid that is supposed to be really cute and I am going to try and set him up with Josie." V said, bouncing up and down.
"Yeah, Arch told me but a lot less squealing." I laughed and so did they. I then saw Jug and the serpents and we went over to see them.
"Hey Juggie." I said and pecked his lips.
"Hi baby." he said and wrapped his arms around me. "Let's get to class, I wanna walk you." He said in my ear.
I nodded and we were off to English. I was walking down the hall, hand and hand with Jug when I saw someone who I assumed was the new kid. He was tall with brown hair and dressed like a player. Of course girls were all around him. He was hot, but I was way too into Jughead to care.
"Ugh, the new guy. Total player, just look at him. I know some people in Greendale, and he likes to take advantage of innocent girls like you and use them." He said, pulling me closer. He almost sounded like I was gonna leave him for some random guy. I love Jughead, I just don't know how to tell him.
We walked into first period, and Jug was called over by Sweets to talk about some serpent business. That is when fuck boy himself walks in. he looks around, like he is eying all the girls and stops at me. He literally looks like he is taking my clothes off with his eyes and I sink down in my seat, playing with my cuff.
He struts up, winking at some girls and coming to my desk. I look back and Jug has his back to me. Great.
"Hey, cutie. My name is Logan, and I can't help but notice that out of all these girls here, you are the only one not begging for attention." He says and I sink in my seat.
"That is c-cause I have a boyfriend." I say, stuttering out of anxiety, but he takes it as attraction.
"No need to be nervous baby. How about during lunch I take you to the janitors closet and see what you are like under that sweater that leaves too much to the imagination. I can't say the same about that skirt though." He says, eying me up and down and I put my arms around my stomach. He then puts his hand on my leg and I try to push it off but he just holds tighter.
"What the fuck is your problem." A voice says behind me and I calm down. Jughead takes Logan's hand off and pulls me up to his side, his arm around my waist and trying to calm me down.
"Oh, so you are the boyfriend. Really sweetie, you could do better." Logan says and I see Sweets and Toni walk up.
"Look, Cupcake, would suggest you leave because if you touch someone who is cuffed," toni says, holding up my arm."especially by the leader, you have hell to pay."
"Cuffed? What the hell is that? He owns you? Yeah sure." He says and walks off.
"I'm gonna kill him. I swear." Jughead says, holding me close.
The class starts to fill so he has to go to his seat and the whole class I feel Logan staring at me.
Luckily I didn't have science or free period with Logan, so I got to talk to Jug. After science, we decided to go to the library and talk.
"Hey Jug?" I ask, trying to start the conversation.
"What's up?"
"What's wrong?" I ask, and realise I shouldn't have.
"What's wrong? That guy was touching you and trying to use you! He might be new, but he needs to get it through his skull that you are mine." He whisper yelled. Jughead looked like he was going to punch someone, maybe even me.
I had never seen him like this and started to panic a little. These days it didn't take much to trigger me.
"I-I'm sorry." I stuttered, backing up. When my dad would get upset, he would look a lot like Jughead did right now. Jug's face was cold and it really scared me. "Actually, I um have to go." I just wanted to get out of here.
"Betts, I didn't mean to get mad. Please, don't go." He said and tried to grab my arm but I pulled back.
I ran out of the library and found an empty classroom and sat there for a long time, crying. Everything that had happened in Chicago had come back.
FLASHBACK: (trigger warning)
"You are a worthless piece of shit!" Hal yelled and threw me into the counter again. "I never wanted you, I should have made your mother get an abortion." He said and kicked me over and over again.
"Stop, please. I'm sorry." I cried, hoping my mom would come home soon to stop him.
"Shut up, SLUT!" He screamed.
When he was done with me, I ran upstairs and looked at my hands. They were bloody and scarred. But I was worse. I was worthless and a waste of space...
END OF FLASHBACK: (trigger over)

I had never told Jughead about my past, I was scared he would think I was too broken and leave. He knew that I had some problems at home so we moved here but I didn't want to tell him yet.
I looked at my phone and it was almost time for spanish, but luckily I didn't have it with Jughead. I haven't been scared of him since we got to know each other but earlier I was. He is dangerous, but never to me, except right then, I felt like he was going to hurt me. He was so angry.
I run to the bathroom and wash off my face. I look down and my palms are dripping blood but I hadn't even noticed. Quickly, I washed my hands off with water and decided to head to spanish a few minutes early and wait for the current class to end so I had almost no chance of seeing Jug.
The bell rings and I go into spanish as soon as the others leave. Cheryl meets me there and sees my current state.
"Betty? What's wrong?" She says, sitting next to me.
I just look down at my sweater and shake my head.
"Is it Jug?" She asks and I nod. "That idiot. I'm gonna kill him."
"No. it's fine. He just got mad about Logan-" I was cut off by the player himself walking into class, sitting right by me. I look at Cheryl and she gives me a look of sympathy.
"Hey, baby." he says and puts his hand on my leg. "I didn't get to finish talking earlier because your boyfriend intruded."
"Leave me alone." I say. Trying to push his hand off. He only grips tighter, sure to leave a bruise.
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." He whispered in my ear and I looked away.
"She said stop dummy. No means no!" Cheryl said and glared at him. He smirked.
"I like a challenge." Logan said, gave my thigh a hard squeeze that really hurt, and removed his hand.
For the rest of class, he was trying to slip his hand under my skirt and I would shove it away. We sit in the back so no one noticed. Luckily Cheryl was there or I would have no idea what to do. She would yell at him every few minutes and he would stop and start again.
When spanish was over I ran out of class, only to remember it was lunch. I didn't want to deal with that yet so I went and sat in another empty class, working on homework.

Betty wasn't at lunch and I feel terrible. The way she looked at me was pure terror. I haven't seen her scared of me since we first met.
"Jughead what did you do to that poor girl?!" Toni yelled at me during lunch.
I looked down in shame. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to but I scared her when I got mad about Logan. She wouldn't let me even touch her and she ran off. I haven't seen her since."
My response was a slap in the face by Sweet Pea.
"Jug! You know she is timid and sensitive. Something happened to her and she is fragile. You were always the person that made her feel safe and now look!" Toni yells at me. I just look down.
"And now she feels like she can't talk to you. I mean she is probably scared to tell you about spanish-" Cheryl said and quickly stopped.
I felt my blood boil.
"What. Happened. In. Spanish." I said, stepping towards her.
"Nothing." She said and looked down.
"So help me, you will tell me what happened or I will go find Betty and get it out of her." I say harshly.
"Fine. Logan sat by her and was touching her all class. She would try to push him off and he would only hold tighter. When I saw I would yell at him and he would stop and then go back when I turned my head."
I was fuming. I wanted to kill him. Sweets and Fangs were on both sides of me and took me into the hall so I wouldn't kill him right there.
"Jug, calm down. We will hurt him, but not now. Not at school." Sweets said, but I still was mad. "Think about Betty. Go find her and make up. She is hurting too." Sweet Pea said and I relaxed.
"I need to go find her. Thanks but I'm ok, I will see you guys later." I said and ran off. I was checking every classroom and they were all empty. I was at the end of the hall and opened the door to see a crumbled Betty.

Hey guys!
I have the next chapter written so I will post it in a little bit, probably tonight.
Please comment and thank you for the support.
I wanted to do a time jump so I could add some drama and have all the relationships with everyone not just bughead stronger without it being unreasonable
Love you guys

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