Chapter 20: JellyBean?

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Jelly Bean is standing there, a backpack in her hand and a tear stained face. I jump up and run to her, pulling her into a hug.
"Jelly, what happened?" I ask her and she sobs into my shirt.
"I ran. M-mom found this guy and he- he started hurting me. Mom would take his side all the time and last night I ran." She sobs and my jaw clenches.
"Don't worry, you aren't going back. You can stay with us, ok?" I say and she nods.
After I calm her down, I walk her over to the bar, where Betty and the others are.
"Jelly, these are my friends." I say and point to everyone but Betty and JB waves a little. "And this is my girlfriend, Betty." I say and Jelly unexpectedly hugs her.
"Jug, you finally got your shit together." Jelly says when she sees the cuff. I raise my eyebrows by her language, she's only 13.
"Yeah, I guess I did." I chuckle. "Why don't we go back to the trailer and talk." I tell her and she nods. I look at Betty and she smiles a little.
"I'll be fine Jug, I can walk home, go talk to your sister." She says but JB stops her.
"No, I want her to come too. I wanna meet her." She says and grabs Betty's hand. She shrugs and the three of us walk out of the bar.

"Ok, what happened Jellybean." I start as we sit on the couch. She looked at her hands and Betty rubbed her leg.
"Mom's boyfriend just kept getting worse and worse. It used to be just some shoving around, but it got worse. He would beat me until I was almost passed out and mom would just watch. Last night he almost killed me, so I ran. I got on a bus and rode here." She whispers and I start to see red. My jaw is clenched and I am trying not to throw anything.
But when I look over and see Jelly hugging Betty tightly and Betty rubbing her back, I calm down.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry Jelly." Betty whispers. "I know what you mean. That's how I moved here, and uh, there were some other things that happened a little bit ago... but if you want to talk, I will talk to you about it." She says and Jellybean nods and lifts her head up.
"What happened to you?" She asks about the second thing. Betty looks down and her eyes well up. Now I go and kneel in front of Betty and rub her leg.
"You don't have to talk about it baby." I whisper but she shakes her head.
"I need to." She says and I nod my head. "You know the Ghoulies?" Betty starts and Jelly nods. "Well, they didn't like that Jug cuffed me, so they took me one night. I was gone for almost a month and was put into their little, business." Betty says and Jelly starts to understand. "And, well, they hurt me, in a lot of ways." She says and Jelly hugs her.
We talk more to Jelly about what happened, and JB really likes Betty. They bond over shared trauma and after a few hours JellyBean feels a lot better about everything.
By the end of the night, Betty fell asleep in my arms, and Jelly fell asleep on the couch.

"Jelly?!" We heard and the three of us lifted our heads. My dad was standing there, wide eyed and mouth open.
"Dad?" Jelly Bean said and jumped up. They shared a long hug, and Jelly cried a little.
"Jelly what happened?" My dad asks and Jelly looks down.
She explains the whole story and it wasn't as bad as I thought. Only one broken lamp.
"I'm calling her right now and you are never going back to that house, do you understand?" My dad says, trying to be calm. Jelly nods and my dad walks off.
"How about we make breakfast for Jelly and then we can help her unpack." Betty says and I nod. "What do you want to eat Jelly?" Betty asks and JB smiles.
"Blueberry pancakes!" She squeals and we laugh.
"You heard the girl." Betty says and takes my hand.
"JB, you get the sides and drinks, me and Betts will make the pancakes." I tell Jellybean and she nods.
I walk up behind Betty who is mixing the batter and snake my arms around her waist and lean my head on her shoulder.
"Is something wrong Juggie?" She asks when she turns and sees my worried face.
"It's just... I don't know what to do. We live in a trailer with two tiny bedrooms and now we need to fit three people in here. I'll sleep on the couch until college, but it's just stressful about everything." I sigh and she cups my face.
"Well, I wish my mom would let me have you stay at my house, but she wouldn't, only a few days at a time because, well, I have no clue. But she would probably let Jelly Bean stay." She says and I look down.
"But I don't want you to feel like you have to." I sigh and she kisses me.
"I want to. I want to get to know Jelly more and we have an extra room. I have always wanted a sister." Betty says and I nod.
"Ok, but if you ever don't want to anymore please tell me. If It's too much." I say and she nods.
"Fine, but it won't be." Betty says and flips the pancakes. "I'll call my mom right now." She says and walks into the living room area.
Jelly cuts up strawberries and grabs some orange juice and I smile on how she and Betty are already getting along.
I hear my dad yelling into the phone in the next room, but after a minute both he and Betts are off the phone and Betty walks to me with a smile.
"She said she would love to, and is getting the guest room ready right now. I told her enough but not everything about what happened, but my mom is happy to have her." She says and I kiss her.
"Thank you baby. I love you." I say and she smiles.
We sit down to eat and I decide to tell Jelly and Dad.
"Ok, so you know how the trailer is really tiny for three people?" I say and they nod. "Well, Betty offered to have Jelly stay at her house until we go to college." I say and take a sip of juice. Jelly's face lights up but my dad looks like he feels bad.
"Betty, it's not your issue. You don't have to." My dad says but she shakes her head.
"You guys basically took care of me when things happened with the Ghoulies, so I will let Jelly stay with us. I want her to." Betty says.
"Well, if everyone is ok with it, then ok." My dad says and Betts smiles.
"YAY!" JB squeals. "I have always wanted a sister!" Jelly says and hugs Betty.
"You really are the best baby." I say and kiss her cheek.

I didn't forget about Jelly
I was rlly tired when I wrote this so.... sorry it's not my favorite
But I love JB so much she is the best side character with her attitude
Not much to say
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Thx for so many reads rlly I did not expect people to actually like this.
I know that compared to other ppl it's not a lot but I rlly appreciate it
Love you guys

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