Chapter 23: So, What do You Say?

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"Thanks for meeting up with me Ronnie." I say as we sit down in the Dinner. Tomorrow we graduate and everyone is all packed up to go back to Riverdale so we can start our own lives.
"Yeah, of course. What's up?" She asks, tilting her head. Me and her are friends, but not super close. I mean, we hang out but not a lot alone.
"I need your help." I start and she lifts her brows. "Picking out a ring." I finish and she screams. In the middle of a diner.
"OMG! You son of a bitch you're proposing to Betty!?" She screams which gets a lot of turned heads.
"Yes ok. I'm doing it at the end of graduation. But I need your approval on rings." I say quietly. "I got a bunch but I need your opinion."
She nods and I grab the first one. It's a banded ring with a large diamond in the middle with little diamonds around it.


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"Hmm. No." She says bluntly.
"Ok. About as subtle as a sledgehammer." I laugh and grab the next one which has a silver band with mini diamonds and then a circle diamond with blue specks. .


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"Barf." She says and I look at her offended. "What? It's pretty but not Betty. Next before I puke." She waves her hands and I sigh. "Hey you asked for my opinion and you are not giving my best friend and ugly ring." She huffed and I pulled out the last ring.
It has two silver bands with on that splits to reveal the diamond. The bands are decorated with small diamonds.

"OMG!" She squeals and takes the box

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"OMG!" She squeals and takes the box. "If you do not use this ring I will hurt you. She will love this so much Jughead!" She said jumping up and down in her seat.
"Really?" I ask. I mean, she was being brutally honest so she must like it.
"Yes. Now, let's plan the proposal." She says and takes out a notebook.
"Uh, ok." I say and start telling her my plan. "So after they call all the names and we are about to throw our caps, I have it all set up that the box will be in my cap. I'll take it off and get down on one knee and propose." I explain and she smiles.
"Oohhh. That's so romantic. Ok. I'll talk to the head of graduation and make sure that everything is set up for tomorrow and they stop so you can propose." She says and hops up. I believe her because saying no to Ronnie is impossible.

They just called the last name and I am sweating like a maniac. I am standing by Betty as the last person walks to all of us.
Veronica winks at me and I take a deep breath. I can do this.
But what if she says no? I mean, what if there is someone else. Has she been cheating on me? Have I been cheating on her? Wait, no. Ok now I'm just overthinking.
She won't say no. I mean we have been together for like 5 years and had one break freshman year. I love her. She loves me.
She'll say yes. I got this.
"How exciting is this?" Betty asks and I nod, my mouth too dry to talk.
"Now, as our last thing tying us down to school, we will throw our caps and start our new life." The woman in charge of graduation says. "But first, we have a couple that would also like to start their new life." She says and I take another deep breath. "Please remove your caps." She says and I do, revealing the ring in the box.
Betty's eyes widen and I get down on one knee.
"Elizabeth Cooper. From the day you came to Riverdale I knew I loved you. We have been through hell and back but we stuck together. You are my sunshine in the dark. You are the only thing that has kept me going. I want that forever. I want to be with you until the day I die. Betts, I don't know what I would do without you. Baby you are the best thing that ever happened to me and I don't want to lose that. I want to start our own life. I want to have kids that we can raise and a dog for them, or whatever you want." I start and she has her hand over her mouth and is trying not to cry. "Elizabeth Cooper, will you do me the honor of being Elizabeth Jones. Betty, will you marry me?" I ask. Nervous can't explain what I'm feeling.
It feels like the whole world stopped. Everyone is staring. Dad is smiling at me and Alice is crying. Ronnie is crying and recording. Everyone else is just watching, waiting.
Betty pulls me up and kisses me lovingly.
"So, what do you say?"

Sorry 😁
I'll update soon I'm working on the next part I promise
I love the Ronnie and Jug duo as friends cause I feel like V would act like that. Idk it was a lot of fun writing that part.
Comment what you want to happen after she says yes or no 😏
Vote please
Love you guys

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