Chapter 16: Going Back

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The rest of the night is spent debating clothes, and I get a little more comfortable. We decided on some jean shorts and white shirt. As much as I feel better, I'm still not comfortable and would rather wear jeans and a long sleeve, but I need to do this.

I wake up to my alarm and in Jug's arms. I hear him groan and turn it off and I sit up.
"Betts, are you sure? You don't have to do this." He says and I nod.
"I know, I just want my life to feel normal again." I whisper and he sits up and hugs me.
"I know baby. I have almost all my classes with you, it will be ok." He says and kisses my forehead.
"I love you." I whisper.
"Believe me I love you more." Jug says and I giggle.
"Nope." I say and stand, ending the argument.
After I shower and do my hair I grab my outfit, which V convinced me isn't too revealing. It's a white shirt, shorts, and my vans, and I just have my hair down.

"Juggie, won't people stare?" I ask him unsure

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"Juggie, won't people stare?" I ask him unsure. Jug has basically been living here so he just grabbed his outfit out of his bag and things from my bathroom.
"No baby. You look beautiful, and every scar shows how strong you are." He says and kisses me.

"You don't have to do this." Jug says as we stand in front of the school. Well, I am leaning on him, still not a fan of the crutches.
"I have to. I have already missed so much of my senior year. Anyway, college results are coming soon and I will not miss that." I tell him. We both applied to NYU, our dream school and a few backups.
"Ok, but we can go home if you need to." Jug says and I nod.
I crutch up the steps and people are staring. At my crutches, scars, just me. I have been gone for a long time, and a lot of people probably thought I was dead. Jug glares at them if they look too long, but my face is just constantly red.
"B!" I hear and see V, Cher, Kev, and Toni all coming towards me.
"Hey." I say quietly. I feel like it's my first day again.
"Coop!" I hear from behind me and jump a little.
"Hey, it's just Sweet Pea." Jug says and rubs my back.
It's just Sweet Pea.
"Hey Sweets." I say.
He picks me up and gives me a big hug, which hurts a little. I wince and he realises, putting me down.
"Are you dumb?!" Jug says angry at Sweet Pea.
"Baby, it's ok, he forgot. I'm ok." I say and cup his face.
"I, I just can't let anything happen to you again." He whispers and I peck his lips.
"I'm right here." I whisper back.
We walk into english and I get a lot of stares. Not surprising.
Everything was ok until lunch.
I was sitting there as Jug made me eat when a group of the football players came up behind me. Arch, who was with us, tensed up.
"Hey Cooper. We heard what happened." Chuck started with fake pity. "I wish I would have known sooner. I would have gotten a round myself-" he starts but it cut off. I see him on the ground and notice Jug is now standing with a bloody knuckle. He crouched down and pulls Chuck up a little from the ground.
"You shut your fucking mouth. She has been through a lot of trauma and doesn't need your dumb ass talking about it. If you talk to her again I will kill you. Don't forget that you know what I can do." He growls.
They leave quickly and Jug changes completely when he comes over to me.
"How did they know?" I ask mad. "Does everyone know?"
"Baby, I have no idea but no one will bother you, I promise." He says and hugs me.
Besides that the rest of the day is uneventful, and my arms are sore from my crutches.

"I'm so proud of you today." Jug says as we leave.
"Thanks Juggie. I thought people would laugh." I whisper the last part.
"Baby no. They all feel awful besides Chuck but I took care of that." Jug says and kisses me. "I love you." He whispers.
"I love you more Juggie." I say and kiss him deeply.
We go upstairs and lay down, when I start thinking. What does the cuff really mean? Like what does it represent? Is it a promise thing?
"Hey Jug?" I ask and he hums in response. "What does the cuff mean?" I ask and he turns to me.
"It means that I will protect you. Today, tomorrow, forever. It means forever. It's not just a casual thing. It means I love you. It means that I want you here forever." He whispers and I smile wide.
"I love you. Forever and always." I say and kiss him passionately.
"Betts, it is kinda like a promise ring..." he says and his face gets red.
"Like marriage?" I ask and smile.
"Yeah. I mean we are obviously too young, but in the future." He says and I kiss him again, now filled with pure love.
"One day I'm gonna marry you Juggie." I whisper, our foreheads testing against each other's.
"I can't wait." He whispers

So soon they will be off to college and everything and that will be in chapter 18 or 19. I will say it at the beginning of the first year of college chapter but I don't have big plans for college, and my big thing that I am leading up to is right after. Because of this they will be at college for 4 years, and each year will have a chapter explaining what happened that year. Then it will pick up at graduation
Please stay tuned because I have a big announcement at the end
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