Chapter 33: It will wont it

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It's been a few months since Malachi talked to me. As of two months ago he is in prison again for life after more crimes came up. Apparently he found every girl from his 'business' that was still alive and murdered them. I was supposed to be the last one. 
I went into a month long relapse but with Jughead's help was able to recover some.
Me and Jughead have actually been great since the fight. It took about a month for me to convince him it was ok, and that I wasn't mad at him, and I apologized some more for lying about the situation.
For my fifth month check up today we got to find out the baby's gender, and I'm so excited. My little bump isn't so little anymore and the baby has been causing me a lot of pain, but I think that's normal. Veronica has bought way too many clothes for the baby and went on a shopping spree to decorate the room, both pink and blue because she couldn't wait.
"Betty! Are you ready to go?" Jughead calls up the stairs and I walk down them with my bag, smiling.
"Yep! All ready." I say and he pecks my lips then looks at my stomach.
"I'm so excited to see what gender our baby is!" Jug says and I smile. "But Daddy loves you anyway you are." He says in his baby voice and kisses my stomach.

"Elizabeth Cooper?" The doctor says and we both stand. "Right this way."
They lay me down on this bed thing and start to pull up my shirt so they can see my stomach.
Anyone I don't know touching me after my recent relapse sends me into a panic attack, so when the doctor tries to pull up my shirt I jump back and start shaking.
"Mam? Are you ok?" He asks and I shake my head.
Jughead stands with my hand in his and looks at the doctor sadly.
"She uh, I'm not sure if you're familiar with the Ghoulies and Malachi's, well, 'business', but um, she is the only one still alive today but, she has really bad PTSD." He explains, trying not to say 'rape' or 'sex trafficking' in front of me because he knows it only triggers me more.
The doctor's eyes widen and he looks down at me very sadly.
"Oh, I'm so sorry Ms. Cooper." He says and takes a step back. "Would you like it if a female nurse did this instead?" he asks and I nod.
He leaves and a minute later a sweet looking nurse. She has Jughead pull up my shirt and as she touches me Jughead traces shapes on my hand and I close my eyes, telling myself its ok.
"This might be cold." She says softly as she puts jelly on my stomach.
Then she takes a device and rolls it around my bump as the machine processes it. She takes it off and wipes the gel off my stomach and looks at me and Jughead happily.
"Congratulations! You're having a baby girl!" She smiles and Jughead hugs me.
"Thank you." I say and she smiles. She goes to hug me but stops and her smile shifts a little sadder.
"I hope you two and your baby girl are happy together. You're a very strong woman Elizabeth." The nurse says and rolls the equipment out.

Me and Jughead sit by the window as little kids go sledding by, and parents follow. How the snow makes their little ears pink and their noses rosy. We watch the moms cheer on their kids as they go down the hills by themselves, and the dads swing them around.
Everyone looks so happy.
"That'll be us soon." Jughead says and pulls me closer to him.
"Yeah. it will won't it." I smile and kiss him.
That'll be us and our baby girl...

Short chapter my bad
Sorry tbh I kinda forgot about updating but uh here it is
I don't have much to say I've just been swamped with school
Uh yeah the next part will be out soon soooo see ya then
Bye love you guys

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