Chapter 13: Not for long?

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"Anyway, Why'd you said i'd hate you now?" He asked pressing his lips in her forehead not breaking the hug

She sighed deeply before answering. Looking up to him as she spoke...

"....perhaps because..." She paused as she slightly loosen her arms  around his waist

"...I'm mean." She plainly said before letting her arms fall to her sides.

"No" Jaemin answered shaking his head


"...i never hated you...i'll never do."

"So you agree about me being mean??"


"Are you mocking me??"


"Stop it. Straight face doesn't suites you"

"So is my face wavy or something?"

"You're still annoying, Nana..."

"What's that? I didn't heard it~" He teased poking her cheeks making his childhood friend's face turn a bit reddish

"Nothing.Uh uh."

"Oh c'mooooon~ Say it agaaaain?Pleeeeaaase?"

"You'll stop annoying me?"

"....uhm...yeah, No." He smiled teasingly

"Well...suit yourself..." she said pausing looking straight at his eyes

"...i hate you" Vallerie said before removing his arms away from her, her arms crossed as she walks away from him, Pouting...

Jaemin giggled following her towards the ellevator door ...

' Hey! Where's my kiss? ' He mouthed facing her but she might have not noticed since she's on her phone by the moment.

A minute before going out of the ellevator jaemin's phone vibrated, a message notification popped up on his phone lock screen..

" Kiss yourself.        "
We're not a couple
"-R                              "

"Let's pretend nothing           "        happened...for now, okay?
Let's wait for the right time
Got your # from Mr. Jung
"-R                                              "

He sighed before tilting his head to vallerie, A smile on his lips.

"...i'll try"


Walking pass by him, Jaemin pulled her into a hug before kissing her in her cheek near her lips...but
wrong move...

'Someone' was watching them


"Hey!What--' Vallerie was interrupted as they heard a feminine voice

"I'm not alone i guess huh, Vallerie?"


"How's your contract with whatever label?" Soran asked looking at  jaemin's arms. She grinned as she fix her necklace...what an odd necklace

Jaemin put an arm around Vallerie's shoulder before stepping in to the  conversation...

"I'm her childhood friend..."

"And her sunbaenim...need something from her?" Jaemin asked clicking his tongue

"Her sunbaenim kissing his junior trainee? Are you a pedophile? Hah!" She laugh  looking at jaemin's eyes then to Vallerie who stared back at her with cold glares

"Your choice of words... It's really concerning..." Vallerie started before she continued

"And Just how close were you to tell that he was kissing me? You know things could look different by distance and angle" Vallerie defended making Soran cock an eyebrow. Soran cleared her throat before speaking

"... Vallerie, Goodluck on your'll need it...really" She uttered as she turn her back to the two pressing her necklace. She left without looking back but walking with confidence...

"....are you fine?" Jaemin asked bending to Vallerie's level

"...not for long" She answered before walking pass by him

'Not for long?...' he wondered following her trying to catch up...what not for long? He thought before entering the room with her

Vallerie's Pov

She's planning something isn't she?

"... Vallerie, Goodluck on your'll need it...really"

She's making it too obvious...

Want your revenge?

You'll just embarass yourself

How could you even become our leader before?

Oh yeah, You payed the producers.Tsk!

What a sore loser...

But...sorry, I'm not gonna let you destroy Hyena's dreams...Not ever, I won't be like you...

No one can get on my way...'

'...No one can drag me down' i grinned  lifting my head up. I'll see you again soon, Soran...


Short Yeah? I found my eyeglass! But the screw was loosened it keeps sliding down on my nosebridge!Anyway, Thanks for reading this!

I'll work on making fluffs!Sksksk i'm not so good at it! Because i was never affectionate to everyone i know.K Bye!

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