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Ricky's Pov
If I would've just asked her to be my girl before sophomore year this wouldn't be happening. She wouldn't be with him. She and I would have those cute couple moments, but it's my fault that we don't. We both liked each other, but I was too scared to ask her out. Now she's with him.

Sure, we're still best friends, but it's not the same. Whenever we hang out she's on her phone texting him. Whenever we talk she always finds a way to make it about him. Whenever I see her in the hallways, she's with him.

I want to be the one she talks about. I want to be the one she's constantly texting. I want to be the one she's always with in the hallways. I want to be him.

All I want is for her to be with me, but she's so happy with him. I can't ruin that for her. Before she met him I was the one that made her happy. I was the one she went to for comfort. I was the one she always put first. Now it's him. Now, he makes her happy. He's the one she goes to for comfort. He's the one she puts first, and there's nothing I can do about it, except for let her be happy even though it kills me.

She's Nini. How could you not love her? You can't. When you meet her you realize she's the nicest person on this earth. She's so real. She's so caring. That's why I love her. That's why he loves her.

She loves him too. When she told me that she loved him my heart stopped. My heart was ripped out of my chest. I wanted to be the one she said those words too. I wanted to be her first love. I wanted to be the one she thought about at night, but I wasn't. He was.

She's my best friend. That's all she'll ever be because she loves him. I've loved her my whole life, but she loves him. All I had to do was ask her a simple question, but I chickened out. Now, I sit on the other side of the cafeteria watching her lay in his arms. She'll wave at me every once and a while, but she's too wrapped up in him to come sit with me. Maybe it's what I deserve for not asking her that stupid question.

When we were little kids I swore to myself that I would always protect her, but now, he's the one protecting her. It hurts knowing he knows her the way I do. He knows about her quirks. He knows all of it. I wanted to be the only one that knew all of it, but I'm not because she loves him, and he loves her. All I can do is just wish that I was him.

I wrote a song for her once, but I never got to play it for her. She was too busy worrying about if he liked her back. Now we're here. They've been dating for a year and a half. I sing that song to myself sometimes, wondering if that one day she'll realize that he's not the one for her, but that won't happen. I know it won't because she doesn't love me like that. She loves him.

I always wondered what our future together would be like if we were dating. We would get married, have a few kids, and settle down. She'd be music teacher. I would be working in business and teaching guitar lessons on the side. We would grow old together. I would do anything for her, but that future won't happen because she's with him.

Her moms love him too. He cares about her, and loves her unconditionally. Her moms loved that about him. I remember a time when they thought her and I would get together, but we never did. I let them down. I let myself down. When they first started dating, her moms felt bad for me. They knew I loved her, but they soon grew to love him. Of course. They love him too. I'm the only one who doesn't.

She's still my best friend. She's my only friend, but I feel like she's not even here anymore. We rarely hangout anymore. We used to always hangout. Before she met him. Now, I'll try to make plans with her, but she's always busy with him. I would do anything to be in his shoes for a day. Not even a day. I would do anything to be in his shoes just for a moment. I want to know what it feels like to be loved by her.

There was one time where I put a note in her locker, telling her to meet me on the roof during lunch. She never came. She said it was because she went off campus for lunch with him and didn't get go to her locker. I forgave her because I know she wouldn't lie to me, but it killed me knowing that once again, he was the reason that she blew me off.

All I've ever wanted was for to be happy. If she's happy with him then I have to live with it. But I just can't. I want to be the one she's happy with, but she's happy with him.

She's my soulmate. She always has been. But I'm not hers. He is. My soulmate is soulmates with someone else. That breaks me.

Every time I see them together, a little part of my heart is chipped away. She'd always ask me if I was okay that they were together. I wasn't, but I couldn't tell her that. I wasn't going to ruin her relationship with her soulmate even though I wanted to be with her. She was the girl of my dreams, but I was the guy of hers.


I can barely breathe as I see the card in front of me. It's an invitation for her wedding. Her wedding with him. She's living the future that I wanted to give to her, but she was living it with him. The last thing I want to do is go and see her marry another man, but I've always been there for her. I can't stop now.


The church was decorated with an assortment of colors, chosen by her of course. There were bouquets of flowers spread around the room. They were irises, her favorite. I said hi to her moms before heading to a seat in the back. Her moms gave me a sympathetic smile. They knew I still loved her. I could see it in the look of their eyes. I'm sure my sad expression gave off that feeling though.

I'm sitting in the back absolutely dreading what's to come. The only joy I feel is when I see her enter the room. She looks beautiful. She's wearing the dress that she had always dreamed about. Her hair was down and had nice curls. She was wearing make up, but not too much because she didn't need it.

My joy of seeing her was replaced with sadness and anger as I remembered that I'm not the one at the end of the aisle. If I would've just asked her a simple question, this could be our wedding. But it's not. She's marrying him.

Soon enough they've finished their vows and move onto the I do's. As the priest asks her I lose it. Before she can say those two words that'll ruin my life, I get up from my seat. I make eye contact with her before making my way to the door.

But before I can open the door she says something.

"I'm sorry. I can't do this."

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