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(Josh and Olivia are not famous in this one, and they go to the same high school in California)

Olivia Rodrigo. The perfect girl. The girl that every guy wanted and every girl wanted to be. Kind hearted, sweet, beautiful, smart; she had it all. She was down to earth. She cared about issues in the world. She was the girl who would take time out of her busy day to go do charity work. She was talented too. She didn't have enough time to join the theatre, but she sang for fun and posted covers and originals on her social media. After all she was Olivia Rodrigo. The perfect girl.

She loved her life, but sometimes she got tired of living that cookie-cutter life style. Every once in a while she wanted to get into some trouble. She had plenty of friends, but sometimes she couldn't help but feel a little lonely. Especially since her brother passed away the year before.

Then there was Joshua Bassett. The not-so-perfect boy. He and Olivia had what some would call a summer fling. The summer before school, they did everything together. They had a lot of fun together. That ended just before the school year started, but they were still friends. He didn't necessarily want it to end, but he respected Olivia's wishes. She didn't want to end it either, but she was going to be very busy once the school year started and wasn't sure if she would have time for boys.

Josh is what some would call a 'bad boy'. He was a kid with good morals as in he'd never cheat on a girl, start a fight unless he had to, or anything like that, but he did find himself in detention quite a few times. Let's just say his morals were good but a little loose. He didn't show emotion a lot, but he seemed to have a soft spot for Olivia.

Our story begins on a normal Friday morning at Ocean View High. It was a rough morning for Olivia before she got to school. She was missing her brother extra, and was tired of being the perfect girl. She went to school not exactly wanting to be there. That day Olivia felt like getting into a bit of trouble, and to her luck, there was Joshua Bassett at her locker. "Hey Liv!" Josh said as she approached her locker. "Hey! Whatchu doing here?" she asked. "I don't feel like going to class this morning, and I want your beautiful self to skip with me." he told her. They were friends, but they were still a little flirty at times. For Olivia, there weren't feelings involved, at least she didn't think so. Josh, that was a different story. His feelings didn't go away after the summer.

"You're lucky Bassett. I'm in the mood for some trouble today." she said smiling at him. After a few minutes of chatting away the bell rang, signaling for people to go to class. Josh grabbed Olivia's hand, and they ran through the hallway, laughing. They get to a staircase that leads up to the roof. When they get to the top of the stairs, Joshua peeks his head out of the door to make sure no ones up there. The coast is clear, and the two teens make there way out onto the roof.

Olivia makes her way towards the edge, looking out at the beach in front of her. Josh goes and stands by her. He too, looking out at the view. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of this view." Olivia says. "It's beautiful just like you." He replies, and she thinks he's joking, but he's not. Olivia just chuckles at his comment, and he smiles. She had been missing her brother, but Josh always seemed to make her feel better.

"So what have you been up to lately? We haven't talked that much in the last two weeks." Olivia says changing the subject. They go and sit on one of the benches before Josh speaks. "Nothing much. My mom and dad finally made their divorce official, so I haven't really been at home too much in the last couple of weeks." he says looking down. "Josh I'm so sorry. If you ever need to talk I'll be there for you." Olivia replied with a sympathetic smile.

Josh had told her about his parents fighting over the summer. They talked about many things that summer. However, Olivia failed to mention her brother even though that was her main struggle at the time. Everyone pretty much knew that her brother had died in a car accident, but her and Josh never got around to talking about it.

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