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Ricky's Pov
We just sat there, looking at each other. We sat in my living room. We hadn't spoken since the wedding, and that was three days ago. What were we supposed to say. She walked out on him. Now she shows up here. How am I supposed to start this conversation.

"How have you been?"  "Why'd you do it?" I asked ignoring her question and getting straight to the point. "Do what?" she asks avoiding the topic. "Come on Nini! You know what. Why'd you do it?" I ask again. "I don't know. When the time came to say those words it- it just didn't feel right. But what about you? Why'd you walk out?" she asks. "I couldn't watch." I say being honest. "Why not Ricky? You're my best friend. I wanted you there. I wanted you to sit up front, but instead you sat in the back, and then walked out. Why couldn't you watch?" "I don't really want to talk about it." I reply. "No! You walked out during my wedding and I want to know why. So tell me."

I sigh in defeat. This is it. I'm about to pour my heart out to her. Here goes nothing.

"Because I love you Nini! I've loved you my whole life! I made a mistake before sophomore year when I didn't ask you to be mine! I was too scared. I was scared that you'd change your mind about how you felt. Then you got with him, and you were happy. I didn't want to ruin that for you by telling you how I felt! Everyday I watched you be with him. I wished that everyday I could feel what it was like to be loved by you. Every damn day! Everyday you were with him piece of my heart broke. I even lost you as a best friend! You wouldn't sit with me at lunch anymore, you were always busy with him when I tried to make plans to hangout! Don't you get it? You replaced me! I wanted nothing more to see you happy, but I wanted to be the one that made you happy! All I wanted was for you to love me the way you loved him! All I wanted was you. But you were with him. Everyday for the past 9 years I've prayed that one day I could be in his shoes, even if it was just for a moment! I wanted you to love me. I wanted to be the one at the end of the aisle. I wanted to be the one you said those vows to! I wanted to spend the last 9 years with you! I know I'm selfish, but that's how much I love you! So yeah, I walked out, because if I would've stayed and watched you say those two words, then my life would have been ruined."

By the end of my speech I'm crying. So is she. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. All I know is that this changes everything between us.

Nini's Pov
I didn't want to marry him. I never did. I was just settling. Did I love him? Sure. Was I in love with him? Debatable. All I know is that my whole life I thought I was going to marry one man. Richard Bowen. But we never got together. Then I found him. I started dating him to get my mind off of Ricky, but things got serious. I think that I was in love with the thought of him, but not in love with him.

Now Ricky tells me he's loved me all along. What do I do now? Those are the words I've wanted to hear all my life, but it took me almost getting married for him to say it. "Why didn't you just tell me how you felt?" I asked him. "Because you seemed so happy with him Nini! I didn't want to mess things up for you two. All I've ever wanted was for you to be happy." he says. "But Ricky I would've been happy with you!" I reveal to him. "What are you saying?"  "I don't know. I think that I realize now that you loving me were the words I wanted to hear all along... Ricky I-" but I cut myself off. I love him. I really do, but I just can't be with him right now. Hell, I almost got married less than a week ago. I just need time.

"Ricky I've got to go." I say. "Wait what? That's it? I pour my heart out to you and that's all you've got to say?" he says getting frustrated. "Ricky, I almost got married like three days ago. I need some time to myself." I say before walking out the door. I hurry off to my car, and once I'm inside I break down. Why did I just do that? I need time, but for most of my life I've wanted to be with him, and when he finally confesses how he feels I just push him away? God I'm an idiot.

Ricky's Pov
What the fuck? I tell her how I've felt for the past 9 years, and she just walks out? I get that she needs time, but she left me totally confused. She said she's been wanting to hear that I love her, and then she just says she needs space? I just don't get it.

I thought today would be different. I thought that by the end of today, I would've told her how I felt and we would be together. I guess the universe has other plans. How much time does she need? Should I move on?

1 month later

I haven't talked to Nini since that day she came over, but things have changed. I'm done chasing someone who clearly can't make up their mind. I've got a new girlfriend now. Her name is Lindsay. Do I still love Nini? Maybe. Do I like Lindsay a lot? Totally.

Nini's Pov
Today's the day. I've come to the conclusion. I love him. I want to be with him. I'm on my over to his place to tell him. I didn't think I'd need a month before I talk to him, but in this past month I needed to start over. I had to learn to love myself before I love anyone else.

Once I get to his place I knock on the door, and a blonde headed girl opens it. "Hi?" I say confused. "Um I think I have the wrong place. I was just looking for Ricky."  "Babe who's at the door?" he asks, and that's when it clicks. Oh. He's dating someone. Okay. Yeah no it's cool. I put him through hell. I guess it's my turn to experience what he went through.

"Oh Nini hey!" he says with an awkward smile. God you could cut this tension with a knife. "Heyyy." I reply just as awkwardly. "Uh Linds could you give us a minute?" he asks her. "Yeah sure!" she says and kisses his cheek before walking away.

"Sooo, you've got a girlfriend now. Tha-That's cool!" I say trying not to let my hurt show. "Yeah! She's great!" he replies, and then there's an awkward silence between us. "Nini, why are you here?" he asks, ending the silence. "Oh I- you know what? It doesn't matter." I say. "Oh well look about that day-" he tries to say but I cut him off. "Oh it's all good. No hard feelings?" I say. "Yeah. So um friends?"  "Yeah of course. Friends... Well I should probably go." I say. "Yeah I'll see you around I guess."

As I get back to my place I start crying. This can't be happening. It's only been a month. Is he really over me? And now he's with her?

I get what he's saying now. I would give anything to know what it feels like to be her. To be with him. She doesn't know him like I do, right? She doesn't know good of a musician he is. She probably doesn't know about all the funny moments he had as a kid, but I do. I was there for all of it. I watched him grow up. I watched him learn how to ride his bike and skateboard. I watched him struggle with finals. I watched him go through the pain of his parents divorce. I watched it all. The only thing I didn't know... was the amount of pain I put him through.

For the last 9 years, he's wanted to be with me. Now that I feel the same way, he finds someone new. Oh can I be her. All I want right now is to be her.

(There will be a part three, but later)

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