Tʜᴇsᴇ Nɪɢʜᴛs

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Olivia was 18 when her and Josh decided to give it a shot. they were in the midst of shooting season three of hsmtmts when they first started dating. now over a year later, they shared an apartment when in Salt Lake for filming. they were in love. he had never felt like this with anyone before meeting Olivia.

the couple had designated weekend nights to sit out on their balcony and look at the stars. the only time they didn't was if they were in a fight, which they rarely were. it had become their peaceful time. when they were stressed or just needed a break from what was going on, they relied on those weekend nights under the stars.

Liv was at her keyboard in their room messing around with different chords when Josh walked in. "hey Livy, you ready?" he asked. she just nodded and got up from her keyboard and reached for his hand. their fingers interlaced as they walked towards their balcony. Josh grabbed a blanket on their way out.

they both sat down on the outdoor couch cuddled up together. they looked out at the city and sky before them. Olivia placed her head on his chest as one of his arms wrapped around while the other interlocks with one of her hands across their bodies. they sat in comfortable silence. they didn't talk a lot during these nights, but they usually didn't need to. music played softly as they took in the view before them. Josh laid the blanket over them before returning his gaze to the view.

"hey Liv?"


"i love you."

"i love you more."

she leaned up to place a soft kiss on his cheek before returning her head to his chest. he held her tighter before looking back towards the sky. he longed for moments like this. luckily for him, they came at the end of every week. even if it was a stressful week, just sitting here with her made Josh feel better. she made him feel better.

she loved these nights too. after a long week of filming, she liked to take a load off. these nights she felt relaxed. she loved being with Josh. he made her feel loved, and it had been a long time since someone made her feel loved.

"hey Josh... thanks for being here, with me." she said to him softly. "i wouldn't want to be anywhere else." he replied.

the two then returned to their silence and continued to look at the horizon. the two slowly fell asleep as they sat and watched the stars.

the next morning when Josh woke up, he found Olivia still sleeping in his arms. he smiled down at the girl before placing a kiss to her head. she shifted around and opened her eyes to look up at him. "morning." he said to her. "good morning." she replied.

as they got up, Olivia started to pick up around their apartment while Josh made breakfast. the two sat and ate in silence. when they were together, they didn't need to talk a lot. they were content with just being there with each other. it was a lazy sunday, meaning they usually just sat around and watched movies all day or played music. they decided to go with the movie route. they laid in each other's embrace as the movie played in the background. they weren't really paying attention to it. instead they were whispering to each other, sharing kisses now and then.

sometime during the movie they both dozed off and didn't wake up until around 3. they loved spending their days together, but they were both silently waiting for it to get dark, so they could sit out on their balcony.

"hey Livy, our food is here!" he called out to her bringing the pizza to the kitchen. she walked into the kitchen and took a seat next to him by the counter. "is it dark out yet?" she asked while after taking a bite of her pizza. "not yet. trust me, i want it to be dark too." he said.

soon enough both of their wishes were granted at around 7:40 when the sun finally started to set. Josh made his way out into the balcony and started some soft music before going to get Liv from inside.

she was in their bathroom putting her hair into a messy bun when he entered. as she finished Josh walked up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist. she looked at them in the mirror as he placed a gentle kiss to her neck. "come on. let's head outside." he whispered as he grabbed her hand.

unlike the night before, Liv sat in his lap as he held her close by the waist. "i love these nights with you." he said to her. "me too." she replied before leaning back into his chest. it didn't matter that the next day they would be back to filming. it didn't matter that they would have to wait six days before they did this again. they would love to do it every night, but their schedules didn't allow it. it didn't matter that their week might be stressful. none of it mattered, as long as they could sit there together on weekend nights and look at the stars.

they both loved these nights. they both loved each other. they would sit out there every night if they could. when they sat there together it was like all of their problems would melt away. that's why they loved these nights.

they sat out there for hours enjoying the view, talking, and just being with each other. afterwards Liv went and changed into one of his t-shirts and some pajama shorts while he stopped the music and picked up their stuff. when he entered their bedroom he found her already in bed reading a book. he smiled as he slipped in beside her pulling her to him. she giggled and turned off her light while setting the book down. she snuggled close to him as he placed a kiss into her hair.

"I love you my beautiful girl."

"I love you too my sweet boy."

they both fell asleep with smiles on their faces. only six more days until they could sit out under the stars again. the loved sitting out there together. they loved each other. they loved these nights.

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