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Today was the long-awaited day,

And she knew what she had to do,

This whole fiasco was turning into one, long play,

And after tonight, she and he will definitely be through.

Their date at her house played out in her favor,

For she ended up learning quite a few things,

She knew that this moment she will forever savor,

with every drop of joy and happiness it brings.

Her legs stretched so far as she strode to his car,

And her feet tapped on the floor with a loud beat,

She walked past the bar then observed from afar,

That he was in his car seat and she felt complete!

There he was all alone with nothing in his hand but a phone,

Oblivious to his surroundings (so long as she did not come any nearer),

So she mentally prepared herself then threw the large stone, 

which landed with a sharp crack on his car door mirror!

There was no time left so she hurriedly went on the move,

but she knew what she had done would guarantee her a victory,

For at her house, his constant gushing about his car could only prove

That any damage done to it would certainly lead him to his misery!

Now thirty seconds till eight and her legs had never run so fast

to the beloved bar that she previously passed by on the street,

But she came to a halt and, though the music was a loud blast,

She still heard him say "You're ten seconds past when we were supposed to meet!"

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