Chapter 1: Imprisoned By Time

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It was the 28th August, year 1976.

Harry closed his eyes and leaned back against the metal headboard of the hospital bed. His mind was all over the place, which wasn't surprising anymore. It had been like that ever since he was left dumbfounded, horrified, and depressed after everything went wrong. Two weeks had passed, and yet he remained without knowing how to return.

Stuck, imprisoned and pathetic.

Somehow he had time-travelled back to 1976, four years before he was supposed to be born. He didn't belong here, nor did he want to be here, but what could he do? He was stuck.

Time was a bitch and she didn't like those who messed with her. This was her payback, he guessed. He had been so pompous, believing he could control time and travel back a few months to fix his mistake. It was so typical that he would turn that mistake into a much bigger disaster. Time had showed him why you don't mess with her, now he was in a prison he couldn't escape from.

Physically and spiritually.

The rain pattered against the window. He let out a long, slow breath and glared at the ceiling where an annoying lamp kept blinking. For days he had been locked in, unable to leave this white room, either pampered by nurses or interrogated by Aurors. When the solitude hit he was stuck wondering if he really was being treated as they claimed, or imprisoned until they figured him out. The guards that appeared every time he tried to leave, had answered the question, even though everyone claimed the opposite around him.

A man entered his room, instantly recognisable, as he had visited many times before. His voice was cold as he spoke, "Good news, you're allowed to leave. Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, has enrolled you. Your amnesia will be treated by the matron of the school while you study there. Hopefully, you'll be able to answer our questions soon." The man looked solemn, which didn't surprise him. It had become very clear that this man didn't like him particularly much.

"Is that so? What happened to the promise of sending me to Azkaban? It gets a bit boring in here, as you can imagine, so I was looking forward to a new adventure." An exaggerated sigh left his mouth. "It's really sad to know that I won't be getting that kiss from a dementor you so fondly spoke of. Can't lie, was kind of looking forward to it... It's been a while, if you know what I mean." He smirked, "Yes indeed, I'm very sure you can relate. You seem to have a lot of tension that needs to be released. Perhaps you should go and see them without me." He winked teasingly.

The Auror glared at him, "Don't get cheeky with me unless you want to remain here." He took a couple of steps forward, trying to intimidate him, but how could anyone be deemed as scary when you had met a snake-faced Voldemort? "My word holds weight in the Ministry... Perhaps I claim you aren't all there mentally and in dire need of being institutionalised, what would you do? It's not like you've got any friends or family that can speak up for you. Stay on my good side, or else you'll never see the outside of St. Mungos again."

There had been many people Harry couldn't stand in life. This Auror definitely made the list. The man had no idea of who he was threatening.

"I would be scared... But you've already showed me that your threats doesn't come true, so I've hardly got anything to fear. You're like a chihuahua. All bark, no bite." He stated nonchalantly, enjoying the knowledge of how he was making the man upset.

The man stormed out of the room, swearing loudly about him, but it got drowned out in Harry's laughter that followed the man outside like a curse.

That had been a few days ago.

What the man said had been true, not the part of sending him to Azkaban or having him institutionalised like a mad man, but the part of Harry being released.

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