Chapter 9: Fooling Dumbledore

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Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore's name was just as long as the overwhelming list of his numerous accomplishments. The man had done so much in his lifespan that Harry wasn't able to name all of it. This wasn't because of any memory loss, sure he had accomplished so much that it would be hard to remember everything, but that wasn't why. The reason he didn't know all of it was because of the many mysteries surrounding the old man. He had never shared his past and as a consequence Harry hadn't heard everything the greatest wizard alive, as they called him, had accomplished. Not that it mattered, he knew enough. Enough to view him as a threat.

A man, so clever and remarkable, that even Lord Voldemort feared him. Harry wasn't excited about attempting to fool such a man. His heart was already beating nervously in his chest, but he didn't show any sign of being uncomfortable as he sat down across Dumbledore. His eyes ransacking the place thoroughly.

The Headmaster's office was as lively as ever. Chatting paintings, chirping bird, eccentric art and colours, brightened by a cluster of lamps and candles. The same nervous feeling he always experienced when he entered the room, returned. With it, old memories began to haunt him as well.

He remembered the time he had cried his heart out in front of the man. How he had been seated in a chair similar to the one he was using now. The horror of having lost Sirius because of a stupid decision after he had rushed off to the Ministry without taking a second to think, not bothering with checking if it had been true or if he was fooled by Voldemort's trap once again. First Cedric, then Sirius. Two deaths that could have been prevented if he outsmarted Voldemort instead of the opposite.

The man in front of him studied him with eyes full of knowledge as he stroked his grey beard absentmindedly. His expression was unreadable although he sported a small smile, one he had worn often in the future when meeting Delores Umbridge. Harry gulped. It was stressful to know Dumbledore as well as anyone possibly could, because it gave him knowledge he'd be happy to not be aware of. He didn't want to know that Dumbledore's smile wasn't truly kind. It was devious. Insincere and sneaky, but warm on the surface.

Dumbledore sighed heavily, "Mr. Peverell, it seems like we've got a big mystery to solve since we barely know anything about you."

Harry remained quiet.

"If I may, can I see your wand?"

It was a question he hadn't been prepared for, but it didn't surprise him. His wand had been inspected many times and taken away from him when he was imprisoned in the hospital. It was a bitter feeling to be forced to depart from it once again, but he reluctantly handed it over anyway. What choice did he have?

The inspection began. There was a twinkle in the old man's eyes as he held Harry's only possession, clearly interested.

"It's a very fascinating wand..." He rolled the piece of wood in his hands. "It shows clear signs of having been used frequently, at the same time as its slate is completely clean." Dumbledore's eyes zeroed in on his. "Of course it should be impossible to wipe out a wand's entire history, but with dark magic anything can become possible, which could explain the mystery of how a used wand seems unused..."

Harry squirmed uncomfortable on the chair, electrified with chills. Dumbledore was too clever, making him a dangerous threat if he wanted to keep his crime secret. Would he be thrown into Azkaban if they found out, or would he be protected? Surely the old man would think of him as an asset to be used... But he didn't want to take the risk and perhaps find out that Dumbledore would descard him, instead of helping him stay safe from the ministry.

"Of course, using dark magic on a wand is illegal enough to cause a visit to Azkaban... Not to forget, extremely difficult and so dangerous that very few people would dare to do such an act. It can change its entire core and make the wand very tricky and unreliable." Dumbledore's eyes once again bore into him, eyebrows drawn in slight concern. Harry was unable to make out if it was his true emotion, or a calculated move to fool him into trusting the man. "Tainting a wand carries a lot of risks so to speak. It's nothing a wizard of your age would be able to do, unless you're an extremely powerful young man."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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