Chapter 3: Snakes

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A blonde girl dressed in Slytherins attire stood there, appearing almost transfixed when her eyes landed on his. Staring without any nonchalance that could hide her interest, which made the situation strange and uncomfortable. She tilted her head slightly to the side in a motion that made her look like she was evaluating him.

"Hello," Her eyes landed on his wand and she smirked. "Oh no, did I scare you?" It was almost like she had asked a rhetorical question, because she didn't wait for an answer. She strolled in, walking with obvious confidence as she took no further notice of his raised wand. Ignoring it almost like he was pointing the lavender flower against her, instead of a dangerous weapon. Behind her a brown haired girl with a tan complexion walked in, beautiful with bright red lips and curly hair that had been collected into a messy bun on top of her head, appearing to be of foreign decent. A dark haired boy also walked in, cute but average, followed by another blonde girl, who tried to peak over the tall guy's shoulder, attempting to get a glimpse of him. This girl in comparison to the other two, had straight hair that reached the middle of her stomach.

He snorted, "Takes more than someone opening a door to scare me."

She laughed, "Excellent." Without asking she took a seat in front of him and held out her hand, "I'm Rita Skeeter. Nice to meet you darling." She winked playfully. "This is Lucinda Talkalot and Narcissa Black." She pointed at the girls, and Harry's mouth fell open when he realized who he was meeting. Narcissa blushed shyly when he stared openly at her.

The boy cleared his throat and glared at Rita, "Really? Am I invisible? I didn't get the memo that I stopped existing."

Rita rolled her eye, "And that is Evan Rosier, Luncinda's stalker. Take my word for it, he's not worth knowing." The guy she spoke of went rigid.

"Bitch," He muttered, but his face got a bit red when Lucinda giggled at Rita's words. "I'm not a stalker."

"Oh really, then what are you doing here? No one invited you. We-"

"Don't be mean Riri." Lucinda cut her short and made a disparaging motion with a hand, with fingers covered in gold rings and Slytherin-green emeralds, as if to dismiss what Rita had said. "I think it's cute."

Evan Rosier's face turned a couple of shades darker red. Some of the earlier tension left him and he smiled awkwardly at the girl while ogling her as if she was a goddess.

Rita arched one eyebrow, as though her friend had said something absolutely ridiculous. Shaking her head disapprovingly, "You talk to much Miss Talkalot. A puppy following you around is cute. This guy? Not so much." In a cocky manner she didn't wait to hear what they had to say before her attention was back at Harry, "Anyway, we've been looking for you."

"Me?" He didn't like the sound of that. Not when it came out of Rita Skeeter's mouth.

"Yes, we had to check so many compartments before we found yours."

"Sorry for the trouble," He remarked sarcastically as he folded his arms, "Why were you looking for me?" Rita Skeeter was the last person he wanted to hang out with.

His hostility was lost on her, or she just ignored it, because she smiled warmly, "Oh you see, I'm a journalist for our school paper and I cover everything that happens at Hogwarts." There was an air of arrogance around her, and it was obvious that she was very proud of herself.

"That doesn't answer my question," He said in a stone-cold voice, completely deadpan.

"I wanted to get an interview with you. Many of the students are interested in who you are."

"I see."

She smiled brightly.

In a flash he smiled back, "But I'll have to decline that interview."

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