Chapter 6: First Day

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The morning came and Harry woke up, having slept through the entire night without as much as one nightmare. He opened his tired eyes, heavy with drowsiness, and was sadly met with an uncomfortable sight.

The bedroom was abandoned. Everyone had left, leaving him behind without as much as one word.

He might not have thought twice about it, if he hadn't overheard what was said about him the night before. Now however it was made very obvious that he truly wasn't welcomed. What other reason would they have to leave without him, knowing a new student would have a hard time navigating the maise called Hogwarts...

Gritting his teeth he began getting ready, dressing himself in the same dirty robes he wore the day before. He really needed another set of clothes before these started smelling, he dejectedly realised.

As he made his way downstairs he was met by no one. The common room was completely empty just like his bedroom, since everyone had already made their way to breakfast.

The hallways were equally deserted, a fact he soon became aware of. Once again he felt a tinge of irritation over being left behind. If he hadn't been here before, he would have gotten lost. Were they really so malicious that they wanted that for him? Yes, he might seem suspicious to the others, but still... He would never have treated someone like that, at least not knowingly.

Suddenly voices rang out a little bit farther down, then a crash and a loud boom. Curiously Harry kept walking, attention peeked up and wand ready. The sight he was met with made his jaw drop.

There on the ground was Kingsley Shacklebolt, dusty and roughed up. His dark eyes wide open, an unsettled look gazed them, and even though Harry had only seen him in the future, he also looked less composed than usual. On top of him sat a blonde boy, smiling widely and confidently. Harry had to admit that he was extremely handsome, but somehow familiar...

"Lockhart what the hell?" Kingsley burst out at the same time as a dark haired boy together with a girl on the side began laughing, as the initial shock had settled. "You weren't supposed to test that thing on me!"

Harry's stomach churned in disgust. "Oh no not him!" He accidentally said it out loud, making every head turn in his direction.

"Excuse me?" Kingsley Shacklebolt uttered, no doubt offended as he thought Harry meant him. "Lockhart move your ass so I can get up and kick his fat one!"

"I didn't mean that, wrong person!" Harry hurriedly interjected.

"You're that new boy," The girl said eagerly, looking him up and down. "I'm Amelia Susan Bones."

He nodded and before he knew it everyone besides Lockhart, who appeared bored and irked by Harry's presence, was drowning him in questions. He tried to vaguely respond to most. Ravenclaws, he sighed.

His eyes trailed over the dark haired boy that introduced himself as Frank Longbottom. The man looked nothing like sweet but clumsy Neville.

"So... Why were you on the ground?" Harry decided to change the topic, because the questions were becoming increasingly difficult to answer.

Lockhart crossed his arms over his chest and glowered, "That's not any of your business."

"Neither is my life yours," Harry responded with a snarky remark. "What, you people can ask me one hundred questions about my life, but I can't ask one in return of what happened here?"

"Well I don't care about your life and certainly won't ask you any questions," Lockhart bristled. "No one cares about you, so why don't you stop sticking your nose in our business and leave us alone."

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