Chapter 4: The Sorting Hat

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Harry wanted to turn around and leave. To flee from every intrusive eye that had fallen upon him, yet he kept walking in the direction of a small, wobbly chair where the sorting hat rested. Anywhere in the world except there had been preferred. He wished ridiculously enough, that he could travel back in time again, or perhaps it would be travelling into the future, and tell himself that trying to travel through time was an awful idea. The type of idea that caused situations like this.

The air was heavily scented by food that made his mouth water, but his throat was still becoming dry from nerves. Carefully he stepped forward. Hundreds of people were observing him as he sat down and placed the thousand year old hat on his head. Somewhere in the crowd his parents sat, probably looking at him as well, perhaps gossiping with their friends about him; the mystery boy.

Just a moment later Harry heard the ancient voice filling his head, knowing that this conversation would thankfully be just between them, overheard by no one.

"Ah, Harry Potter... Or shall I call you Harry Peverell like the rest does?"

"What?" Harry's breath hitched.

"No need for that I suppose, when I know all of your secrets. So many hidden desires, so much darkness, but there's also a lot of greatness inside of you. Love and kindness, mixed with trembling ambition. You don't want fame, but you want to be adored and loved by everyone. It was difficult being the chosen one, so many hating you for no reason, but also so many loving you for the wrong reason. No wonder you despised it all and ran away... But you ran a bit too far, didn't you? Too far back in time..."

He was suddenly morbidly aware that this hat knew everything, and if it wished so, could spill it all. Would Dumbledore find out?

The hat chuckled, the sound ringing in his head, "Do not worry Mr. Potter. I won't tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me. As a hat who can read anyone's mind, I'm forced to confidentiality. I would be a very dangerous weapon otherwise. But even if I could, I wouldn't betray your trust."

"Thank you," He whispered quickly.

"Now where shall I place you... Gryffindor before, but-"

"What?" He said in a shocked voice, "What do you mean, 'where?' It's obviously Gryffindor that I belong in."

"Surely you remember what I told you last time you had me placed on your head. I can, after all, see the memory clearly in your mind."

"Yes you suggested Slytherin, but you chose Gryffindor. And that was the right choice."

"At that time, with those people; yes. However, now there's no threat of Tom Riddle looming over your head, or children of death eaters who wish daily for your death."

"They wished that?" He asked, feeling a bit pale.

"Oh I do not know what the future holds, it was merely a guess of why I would place you in Gryffindor when you so clearly belong in Slytherin."

As Harry debated this absurd notion, the idea of living in Slytherin with a bunch of death eaters, his heart quickened with anxiety. He would never be able to get a good night's sleep with them surrounding him when he was at his weakest. How would he be able to defend himself when he was unconscious?

"... There's of course a possibility of Ravenclaw being a good match for you. You would be surrounded by the smartest and brightest of Hogwarts, learning just how remarkable you can become..."

Harry was too confused to follow the conversation properly, as the hat kept saying the most ridiculous things. His mind was spinning. Nerves were making him nauseated. Thoughts collided with each other, and he was still very hung-up about the possibility of becoming a Slytherin.

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