Chapter 7: Severus Snape

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He must have misheard although it had been told so clearly, because that name couldn't possibly belong to this guy.

He couldn't find Severus Snape attractive, no matter what he had gone through and however mentally ill he was, he still wasn't that far gone into insanity. Certainly not so damaged that he thought Severus freaking Snape was sexy.

It was an impossibity.

The name didn't match the man.

Yet, as he continued watching and the seconds passed into minutes, he began seeing it. The small trail of clues that had been scattered for him to find. He saw the small details that were far too similar. The nose was crooked in the same way as the middle aged teacher's, the eyes were familiar although they didn't carry the same hate for Harry as they usually held, and he could see how those facial features could turn into his future professor. His hair wasn't greasy now like it had become later on at some point, the way a man with no interest of his outer appearance would look. His clothes was the opposite of Snape's future outfits, but that wasn't strange since he wore something akin to rags at the moment.

They were so different but underneath it all they must be slightly the same, because it was undoubtedly Severus Snape; Harry's teacher in a younger form.

A youthful version...

The handsome form.

The realisation of who he was speaking to made him go rigid. Snape had always despised him and those feelings were amicably shared, because Harry had never felt any warmth towards the cold-hearted professor either. He felt a sinking stone settle in the bottom of his stomach. There was no chance he was going to be on friendly terms with him now either, it would be far too weird.

Hooch was returning, hurrying over the grass with a sour grimace. He sneaked a last glance in Snape's direction.

The boy had turned pale and actually looked a bit green, like he was freaking out on the inside. If he hadn't heard about the fear of heights, he might have thought Snape had eaten something bad, like the wicked candy distributed by the Weasley twins' during Umbridge's evil rain in Harry's fifth year. Students had been eating the Vormous Wobbly Worms to get out of detention with that monster. It had worked like a charm, but the result was students everywhere with facial expressions of how they were going to vomit at any second, resembling Snape's current state.

It was strange how Harry hadn't recognised his professor. He remembered the occlumency lesson where he accidentally viewed one of Snape's hidden memories, but he had been so focused on how his father wasn't the hero he had imagined, to really look at Snape. He also guessed that the incident happened a few years ago, before he grew into his looks...

"Okay let's get started then!" Hooch shouted as she arrived, volume unnecessarily loud considering how close she now was. "Well go on, get the broom Snape. You can't fear it. If the broom recognises your fear it won't respect you."

Snape gritted his teeth, but did as she said. He held out his hand and angrily spat out, "Up!" The broom obeyed instantly.

Harry followed but did it Silently without even whispering the word. He had always found it easy to control brooms. It was as if they knew he was excellent at flying and excited to let him jump up on them.

"Don't think about the height and you won't be scared," He said kindly when he noticed how Snape climbed on to his broom with shaky legs and clutched his hands around the handle as if he trying to hold on for his dear life.

"That's easier said than done," Snape snarled. His tone was a strange mix of aggression and sadness.

Everyone could see that he was terrified, and since they sadly weren't alone multiple people got to see exactly that.

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