Duffy chapter 12

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Duffy turned the water as hot as he cold take it. He stood there letting the water run over him. He was tired. He didn't know why because he had enough sleep. Maybe he was just hungry, They couldn't stop having sex long enough to go eat yet. He chuckled as he thought about how lucky he felt. He was glad he ran in to her at the grocery store and that he took a chance. His life was definitely different for sure. he finished showering and came out to get dressed. She had a Cute tank top and shorts on. He admired her from the bathroom door. She was smart and beautiful and she took each day as it happened. She didn't worry about the little stuff. He really liked hanging out with her and hopefully she will have a great time tomorrow.

"You ready to go eat girlie. Since you didn't let me sleep." He said as he came up behind her and kissed her neck.

"Yes please I am starving now and maybe we can go down to the pool before we turn in for the night. I would like to swim a few laps." She smiled at him once she turned around in his arms.

They kissed tenderly and he released her. She finished her hair and makeup as he got dressed.

"So what you feel like eating?" She asked. "Do you know the area enough?"

"Oh yeah there are a couple of great places to eat and have some drinks and they have great music as well. You feel like seafood or steak?"

"Seafood would be great actually."

"Then it's settled. Seafood it is. No oysters for you because your horny enough already and you been trying to kill me with that hot box of yours." He teased her.

She laughed. "Me trying to kill you that is the furthest thing from my mind. I want to keep you around for a while. You do such wonderful things to my hot box. Why would I get rid of you so soon."

"I guess you have a point there." He laughed. Then he got serious. "I really like you Marci, you do know that right?" He was nervous as he stated that.

She looked up at him standing there. The serious look on his face let her know that he wasn't playing around now.

"I really like you too. Let's just take things slowly and see where this takes us. No need to rush into saying things we are unsure of." She said wide eyed thinking that maybe he was going to say something else.

He walked up to her and embraced her. He face went to her neck and he inhaled her scent. "I appreciate you and I want to do things for you. I want to spend so much of my time with you when I am not at work. You have bewitched me I think." He said as he looked into her eyes and then kissed her deeply and soft.

She kissed him back. She pulled back and looked him in the eyes. " I will spend time with you when I have it as well. I have a great time with you. Heck not to mention that great body I get to violate everytime were are together." She tried to lighten the mood. "Are you ever gonna feed me, I am starving?" She said as she pushed him off. She grabbed her bag and went to the door.

"Dang girl you so bossy." He shook his head as he grabbed his wallet and the room key.

Duffy's heart was full and he was scared. He was happy as well. It had been a long time since he felt whole and he could actually let go of all the past hurt.

Marci was a little anxious. She really enjoyed Duffy. She was just worried that he wanted to say things that they weren't ready for. she didn't have a great track record with men and she wanted this to be real. He was someone she wanted around for a long time. She sighed, only time could tell. For now she was going to just enjoy and not worry about what may happen later.

He took her to a nice jazzy restaurant that had the best seafood Marci had ever had. They drank and even got up to dance a few times. They eventually moved over to the bar area and just enjoyed the afternoon. Soon it got dark and they walked along the shoreline and enjoyed the quiet of the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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