Duffy chapter 2

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"I am so sorry!!" Duffy walked around to see if she was okay.

The lady was already stooping down to pick up the boxes that were laying everywhere. "You know you should really watch what the hell you're doing man!" She said angrily.

All he could see was the back of her head and back.

"It was an accident, I already apologized." He snapped back at her. He wasn't in the mood for dealing with this shit. "Just leave it I will clean it up." He snapped at her as he was picking up boxes as well and didn't even look at her.

"Well ain't that some shit. You run into me, shit falls all over me and you wanna talk shitty to me!" She stood and towered over him. "Well screw you too dude."

Duffy stood to confront this snooty ass woman. "Look lady, I apologized and I told you I would clean it up. What else do you want from me?" His eyes were fire.

Marci stood there frowning at this tall stranger that was arguing with her. "Well I will need your drivers license and insurance info please. Since you obviously can't drive for shit." She smiled at his angry face. Dam he sure was handsome.

He instantly calmed and saw the humor in the whole situation. He started laughing. Smiling back at her he stuck out his hand.

"My name is Duffy. That's all the info you're getting from me, I can't risk you being a stalker." He smiled. He really looked at her now.

She stood about 5 ft 4. She was rather curvy. Her hair was short and cut to look messy. Blonde with some highlights. She had a nice smile. Not his usual type of woman but she was cute.

"Well I guess it's nice to meet you, Duffy." She smiled. "It's a strange name but you look like a Duffy."

"So your saying I look as strange as my name?" He laughed.

"Look at you getting your feelings hurt. You know your a handsome man, quit playing." She said as she slapped his arm. Oh and what an arm she thought.

"Now you're assaulting me, dam where is security when you need it." He looked around smiling.

She laughed. "Let's clean up your mess and get out of here." She said.

Wow she was bold. He liked that. "Now your asking me out? I have to warn you, I can not be bribed out of pressing charges." He joked.

They began cleaning up but continued with their silly banter.

"Sir you have it all wrong. I said let's get out of here, meaning so I can leave and forget I even saw you." She said smiling despite what she was saying. She was excited that he wasn't offended but joking back with her. She had yet to meet someone that did that.

"Dang girl make up your mind. First you want me, now you want to forget me. We haven't even slept together yet." He said with that charming voice.

"Dang you don't waste anytime do you." She stood after gathering the last box. She placed it in the shelf. She smiled at him.

"I believe you were the one saying you wanted to take me home." He said slyly.

Dam this fool was smooth. She thought as she looked at him. His voice was so dam enticing. Those pretty dark brown eyes that you could get lost in. That smile that was contagious. Not to mention his tall lean sexy ass body.

She looked in his cart. "I see only one steak, you go back and get one for me and I will allow you to cook me dinner." She flirted back.

This girl here he thought. Wow she wants to play then let's go. "Ok well I tell you what, you go get a nice bottle of wine, I will go get another steak." He pulled out a business card from his wallet. "Here's my number, text me and I will send you my address, dinner will be ready by seven, don't be late. "With that said he walked away leaving her staring behind him.

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