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Third Person's POV

Mina look at the window.. where Rosé left.. she is holding the Ruby.. and she can't believe it.. she is The Queen Ruby's Daughter.. and she is Rosé's Twin sister? Its not a really detail story that Rosé told her.. she knows Rosé has limited time to be on the earth and she risked herself to come and tell Mina..
Mina still don't wanna believe that story.. because she has no memories of anything about herself..
And all of this is just weird for her..
But one thing she can't deny..
When Rosé hugs her.. she felt a bond between herself and Rosé..

She walks out the room.. still looking at the Ruby.. but In a worried.. Momo Run to her.. Momo's hand immediatly land on Mina's soft cheeks and waist..
Momo check on her girl.. in every detail of her..
"You okay?" Momo asked as Mina smile at her..
"Totally fine.." Mina said as she grabs Momo's hand and walks downstairs where her friend is waiting for her..

"Where is she?" Momo asked as they walks down the stairs.. while the other look at Mina.
"She left" Mina said and she looks at her friend.. one by one.. and they look at Mina in a worried..
"What did she said?" Jihyo asked
"Just a little history of kingdom.." Mina said
"Nothing suspicious?" Jihyo asked as Mina shook her head and showed Momo the Ruby..

"Its not hers.. but can I have it?" Mina asked as Momo look at Jihyo
"You can keep it Mina.. for now.. no one own that.. we even doesn't know about that" Jihyo said
"Okay" Mina said
They don't know.. that is Mina's.. and thats why she is asking for it.. Its hard for Mina for keeping the things she heard before from her friend.. and Jihyo will know it soon after she knows that The Black Swan is her, Mina..
And the clue is just there in that Gemstone..also Momo who found it.. she will know about it Soon ..

"Its weird.. she came for new one... and told a kingdom history" Chaeng said
"For now.. we still have to be aware.. Irene might plan something by sending Rosé here.. and Mina.. we have to protect her.. from now on" Jihyo said as Momo linger on her girl..with a immediate hugs from Mina..Momo felt more protective to the girl..
"I won't let them touch you" Momo said as she kiss Mina's forehead

"Are you guys dating, already?" Chaeng asked as Mina looks at Momo..
"As what you see" Momo said
"Is it?" Mina asked Momo as Momo look at Mina who is teasing her
"I never ask you to be mine.. but you are born to be mine.. isn't it enough for explaination?" Momo said as she looks at Chaeng
"Oh god.. again.." Chaeng sighed
"Why?" Mina asked
"We are single again" Dahyun tease Chaeng..

"A one side crush" Jihyo said as Sana and Tzuyu laughed
"Just enjoy it" Jeong said as she pulled Nayeon with her going to their room.. leaving the other
"Fine.  I will give up" Chaeng said
"Whats wrong?" Mina asked Momo
"She has a crush on you.." Momo said
"No way" Mina said
"I can read her Mind Mina" Jihyo said as she turn around and walks upstaira going to her room..
Everyone left the living room one by one..

"So..." Momo look at Mina asking for the next things they wanna do
"I should go home.. " Mina said
"Or stay here" Momo said as Mina shook her head..
"I can't leave dad alone again" Mina said as Momo stroke the girl's hair
"Fine..I will take you home"  Momo said..
Little did she know.. Mina wanted to talk to her dad.. her curiosity build up after what Rosé said to her..
If its true... then Mina is not Mr.Myoui's daughter.. and why can  her Mom be with Her dad..
That question can't stop running inside her head..
She just look out the window.. while Momo drive her home..

Momo feel somethings strange in her.. she kept something from them.. and she is hesitate with herself.. she needs to ask them... but she can't.. or else she will make her twin in a dangerous place there..

"So.. you guys already done with the date?" Mr. Myoui open the door and welcome her daughter back after she went out with Momo
"Yeah... we had a great time" Momo said as Mina sloely let her hand go from Momo's grip.. Momo just can't let the girl go.. she already Miss her in a second she let go of her hand..
But seeing Mina hugs his Dad.. Momo feel happy..
"So.. I will go now.. Thanks.. Sir... and Mina.. I will see you tomorrow" Momo said as Mina wave a goodbye..

"She is a nice girl" Mr. Myoui said as Mina cling on him
"Yeah... Thats why I am with her.. you allowed me to go on date now? How can she convince you so easy" Mina tease her dad
"She didn't convince me.. but you convince me.. I see how did you smile at her.. is already enough to convince me" Her dad said as they both sit in the living room..

Mina lean her head on her dad shoulder.. while her dad just miss how spoiled her daughther to her..
"Dad" Mina look at her dad who focus on the TV..
"Hmmmm?" Her dad hummed..
"I miss Mom" Mina said that as  her Dad look at her daughter..
"I am sorry baby" her dad said
"Why?" Mina asked her dad
"I couldn't protect your mom well and we lost her.. I miss her too" her dad said
"I don't really have a memories about her... but I felt I just Miss her" Mina said
"Mina.. actually.. there is something that me and your Mom promise to tell you when you already grow up.. but she left first and I thought it will be more harder to you... or maybe this is the right time to tell you" Mr. Myoui said
"What is it?" Mina asked
"Actually.. me and your Mom get married when she already have already about 4 years old?" Her dad said as Mina get up and look at her dad
"Baby.. I am sorry.. I think I need go tell you.. I am not related by blood with you.. but you still my daughter" Her dad said as Mina now thinks everything is true.. everything gets clear.. after her dad told her this
"Mina" Her dad called the girl who is in a dazzed
"Its Fine dad.. you are still my dad.. thank you for telling me this" Mina said as she hugs her dad
"Thank you too Mina.. you are my baby.. still whatever happened" her dad said as he pats Mina back..

To be continued..

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