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Third Person's POV

A chirp sound heard in the morning .. her eyes open.. awake from her dream.. looking af the ceiling.. its really different for her again.. starting the day without Momo.. she sighed looking around Momo's room.. searching for the girl existance.. hoping she is already back..
"Mina... breakfast" Jihyo said as Mina nodded..
She prepared everything before going to school..
Again she felt her old self come back.. but its little different when she has her friend walking beside her now.. always protect and company her..

Now.. everything turns upside down.. without Momo.. Mina can't concentrate at school.. she ignores everything and look out the windows.. look up the sky.. hoping that Momo will be here soon.. just a day.. it feels like a years already for her..
The break time bell rang as she gets up and walk to the park..
"Hey.. Mina... lets have lunch" Chaeng asked as all her friend look at Mina.. being confused why Mina didn't follow them to canteen..

"I will later.. I want to have my time alone.. first" a smile frowned in her face.. but everyone knows she just try to calm herself down.. she just can't stops being worry cause she thought it was her fault..
She walks to the park and sit on the bench.. she called her dad..
"Oh Mina.. how are you there?"
"I am fine.."
"Momo?" Her dad ask as sting in her heart felt again.. being so in deep.. missing the girl..
"Umm.. she is going back to her hometown for sometime.. but.. don't be worried.. she kept her promise.. her friend are with me.."
"Oh.. I see.. that good.. anyway.. sorry baby.. dad can't go back soon.. they still need me here... I don't know until when.. but I promise you.. I will visit when I have my off day"
"Okay dad"
"Aren't you at school?"
"Break time"
"Okay go have your lunch"
"Okay dad.. talk to you soon.. love you"
"Love you too Mina"
She hung up the phone call.. as suddenly she felt someone sitting beside her..

"She is not going back to her hometown right?" Jennie asked
"None of your business" Mina said as she wanted to go away but Jennie hold her arms and stop her from going away..
"She is in eternity.. with Rosé? Is it her name?" Jennie asked as Mina turn to look at her
"What do you want Jennie?" Mina asked
"Its not me.. maybe you.. I saw them this morning.. in eternity.. cause I am going for my report" Jennie said as Mina sit back to the bench..
"You saw Momo? Is she okay?" Mina asked
"She is fine.. but she broke the law right?" Jennie said as Mina nodded
"We can't predict Irene for the punishment.. but I ever been punish too" Jennie said
"How?" Mina asked
"She let me go.. cause the person who I protect didn't know it" Jennie said
"Thats so many possibility for Irene decision.. but Momo did something bad" Jennie said as Mina gets up
"Shut up if you just want make me pissed" Mina said as she wanna walk away..
"Rosé!" Jennie shout as Mina stop and turn to look at her..

"Who is she? You and her.. are related" Jennie said as Mina panic
"You might say its none of my business.. but how can.. The dame of Eternity come here and protect the new one.. she break the law.. she just betray the queen..for someone like you?" Jennie get up and walk to speechless Mina..
"You are hiding something from me.. and your friend" Jennie said as Mina again can't do anything
"Its okay.. you can keep it.. if we can't know about it.. but help me with one thing" Jennie said
"What?" Mina asked

"Let me meet her" Jennie said
"Who?" Mina asked
"Rosé" Jennie said as Mina giggled
"You like her?" Mina asked
"I just want to make sure.. what I felt.. to you and her.. its just weird.. you guys has something that make me so distracted" Jennie said
"I don't know when we can meet Rosé too.. but you are threating me for meeting Rosé? Seriously Jennie" Mina sighed
"Is it threating you? I help you.. you help me with my confusion.. win win solution?" Jennie said
"Fine, later I will ask Rosé to see you but I don't know when" Mina said as she walks away from Jennie.. but Jennie followed her..

"But you know.. you have to prepare yourself for the worst thing." Jennie said
"What now?" Mina asked as Jennie grabs her hand and stop her from walking
"Yaa.. let me go what are you doing?" Mina whines
"You even beg for me to spare you.. guess your friend need to train you more" Jennie said
"We can't use our power" Chaeng came and she breaks Jennie's grip on Mina..
"But we can fight without it, you should teach her to build up her body defend" Jennie said
"Why don't you help us with that? I heard you ever trained to be eternity guard before you came here" Jihyo said
"I hate that you can read my mind" Jennie said
"We don't need her.. we have Tzuyu" Chaeng said
"I can help.. but not much" Tzuyu said
"Jennie is right.. we have to prepare the worst scenario" Jihyo said

"So we are getting new friend?" Nayeon asked
"You mean Jennie?" Dahyun asked
"Yeah.. I will welcome her.. but only if Mina accept Jennie to help us" Jihyo said
"Help us with?" Jeongyeon asked
"Train Mina..cause she is the only person who can makes Mina feel so angry just for nothing"  Jihyo said
"I just know it and I am not surprise anymore.. cause she never likes me" Jennie said
"Okay.. just until Momo comeback.. " Mina said as she walks away from Jennie and her friend.. get in the class and continue the lesson..

To be continued..

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