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Third Person's POV

"I never know Mina gonna sneak you in without me knowing.. thats so rare of her" Mr.Myoui said as I am helping him packing things in the house as Mina is at the kitchen preparing some lunch for us
"Sorry" Momo said as she giggle
"You don't need to.. I am glad to see this side of Mina thats long gone.. she used to be really cheerful girl when her mom is still here" Mr. Myoui said as he take a photo frame of Mina and her Mom from an old suitcase
Momo walks closer to him as he show Momo's the picture of Mina smiling so wide with Queen Ruby..

"Its really short time.. she even doesn't remember her younger self" Mr.Myoui said as she took a ballet shoes from the suitcase..
"Is it Mina's?" Momo asked as her dad nodded
"Her Mom.. is amazing woman.. sweet.. kind.. and really intelligent.. she never force Mina to do anything she doesn't want.. and Mina choose this.." Mr. Myoui gave Momo the ballet shoes of young Mina..
"Why she doesn't do ballet again?" Momo asked
"I don't know.. since her mom left.. she  go to the ballet academy.. but she can't do it.. she told me.. she doesn't want it anymore" Mr.Myoui said

"Cause I can't see Mom Standing there.. watching me dance.. and cheering me up anymore.. every song become so gloomy for me.. without Mom.. And I can't even have my steps with that mood on me.." Mina suddenly comes in and hugs her dad
"Sorry baby" Mr.Myoui said
"Thats just the things I remember.. when everything suddenly dark.. I feel like I don't want to do that again" Mina said

"But Mina you wanna keep this? Or you want me to throw it away?" Her dad asked as he hold the suitcase.
"Maybe.. sometime you can show me.. or your dad.. your ballet" Momo said
"Its not even fit on me anymore... and I don't remember it" Mina giggled
"Maybe your Mom wanna see it from up there too.." Mr.Myoui said
"Hmm.. I will consider it.. but lets get our lunch" Mina said as she wanted to walk out the storage room
"Mina.. but you wanna keep this right?" Her dad asked again as Mina turn to look at her dad..
While her dad hold the photo frame of them..
"Hmm.. I will take it" Mina said as her dad smile..


After lunch Mina take the suitcase to her room..while Momo is still with her dad helping his with the dirty dishes..
Mina wanted walk out her room after put the suitcase in her room.. but she stops again she looks at the suitcase of memories that her Mom left..
She walks in again and open the suitcase..
She take the photo frame.. looking at the picture of her and her Mom.. she even don't know she can smile that wide with her mom in her ballet dress there..
Then she suddenly take the dress out from the suitcase..
Then suddenly something dropped on the floor..
Its a brancelet that her Mom used.. she wonder why its there..the bracelet of two orb.. Black and Pink orb..while she looks at it  then suddenly someone come from her window..
"Sister" Rosé called her as Mina smile look at Rosé who finally visit..
She take the bracelet as suddenly she felt something hard pushing in herself from her hand..
"Mina you okay?" Rosé grabs her as Mina look at the bracelet she held.. and the Black Orb is suddenly gone..
"Where is it go?" Mina said as she look around the floor..

"What?" Rosé asked as Mina showed her the bracelet on her hand
"Its Mom's she always wear it.. look at the picture.. she wear it and it has two orb on it but now its just one left.. I saw it before still has two" Mina confused as Mina give Rosé the brancelet..
But suddenly Rosé felt the same.. she felt that bracelet pushing inside herself..
"Its gone" Rosé said as Mina take her hand .
"What? Where is the Pink orb" Mina look at Rosé
"Didn't you feel something? When you hold this? Mom.. must have left something about this, she never told me" Rosé said as she took a photo frame of Mina and her Mom before.. she looks at her Mom's hand and she realize there is something written on the back of the picture..
She took off the frame and turn the picture..
'Black for the Black Swan, Pink for The Rose.. its the last thing He left for you guys, his drop of Blood..'

Rosé read it as Mina look at her still confused
"He?" Mina asked
"The King, Our Dad.. the Orb.. is his  drop of blood for us.. thats why its became one to us soon we touch it.." Rosé said
"But what is it for?" Mina asked
"I don't know.. I will try to asked Laura later.. anyway.. I need to inform you something" Rosé said

"Mina you okay? What are--- ohh.. Rosé you here" Momo brags
"The catcher has a plan.. they will meet the queen and tell her about us..I already prepare my guard that we can trust in the gate from earth to eternity.." Rosé said
"So sudden" Momo said
"Cause they know they can't fight you guys here, and Mina" Rosé said
"So what we gonna do?" Momo asked
"Prepare yourself.. for a war.. I will try to buy some time.. but Jihyo told me too.. it will come soon.. the war" Rosé said
"You still have to go back?" Mina asked in worried
"Irene.. trust me more than anyone else.. maybe I can hold more time.. don't be worried.. I will be okay" Rosé hugs her sister
"I have to go.. I already Inform Jihyo about this.. just stay alert and prepare" Rosé said as she walks and jump off the windows..

"This fast?" Mina look at Momo
"Its okay.. you have us.. we will get through this baby" Momo said as Mina hugs Momo tight..

To be continued..

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