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Third Person's POV

Mina take step closer with her friend follows her.. Irene look at Rosé as she wanna see what will Rosé did now..
"Guard" Rosé shout as the guard get in the way..
"So you lie to Jennie too?" Irene whisper as she still believe Rosé is on her side
"I know you are my best Dame" Irene continue as she walks towards the huge door while Mina is standing there with their friend..
The guard make a way as Rosé Followed Irene..
Jennie grabs Rosé's hand as asking her if she is okay.. Rosé let out a smile as she make sure for Jennie not to be worried..
Then Jennie let go of her and walk behind her towards Mina
"Myoui Mina" Irene said as soon as she see Mina clearly
She amazed that how Mina look like Queen Ruby.. but still she have to proof that she is the One she have been looking for..
"No.. my name is Sharon" Mina said as Irene Smirk
"So.. what is the purpose that you come here?" Irene asked as she try to scanned all people's Mind who came with Mina.. she can read all their mind.. except Mina's
"I can't read you.. Sharon.. from what I learn.. you are just like your mom.. I must be afraid and scared now.. but you know you are a disaster for eternity.. and you shouldn't be here.. if...... you are the real daughter of Queen Ruby" Irene said
"You didn't deserve to be Queen.. its not even your Throne.. " Mina said as Irene slowly burning in fire..

"So you want your throne? Prove me.. you are Ruby's Daughter.. bring me your twin too" Irene said as Mina looks at Rosé..
"You.. are blood controller.. like Ruby... and you are the untouchable.. also like her.. but one more.. what you have? Show me" Irene said..
"Why I have to show you? I don't wanna start a fight.. I just want you to admit that Me and my Twin is not a disaster to Eternity.. all your story is fake.. you spread it to all eternity people ..things just like what you believe.. but for us.. we are not a disaster.. we are one and we will make eternity at peace" Mina said as Irene sighed

"This is the first time... that a person being so rebel to your Queen" Irene shout loud and heard by all the people and the kingdom guard..
"Rosé" Irene shout as all the Guard is stay alert for Rosé Commands..
"Get her.. and kill her" Irene said as Momo pulled Mina to her back
"Momo" Jihyo shout at her
"You have get through all of us.. if you want her" Momo said
As Irene smirk..
"Another couple..another chance.. Rosé if you don't want to start let me start" Irene said as she looks into Momo's eyes and her Mind..
She control her mind and ask Momo to kill Mina..suddenly
Momo turn to look at Mina with her blank eyes while everyone everyone there is in panic..
"Momo... its me" Mina said as Mina took step backward as Momo get closer to her.. then Jennie run to freeze Momo..
"I like this game" Irene said as she looks at Rosé
"What is she doing, Rosé.. why she is helping them?"  Irene shout at her as Rosé walks towards them.. Irene thought she gonna stop them but.. suddenly.. Rosé sings..

"I... I where to liee.. I know what to say.. Its all the same"
Suddenly everyone look and focus on Rosé..
Her voice Hipnotize them.. the kingdom in just a silence now.. only Rosé's voice heard..
Irene held her ear as she didn't believe that Rosé Betrayed her..
Irene try to endure her voice and
"Betrayerrr" Irene shout
"Guard.. kill them" Irene shout as Rosé sings More loud.. and walks towards Mina..

"And I I know how to play.. I know this game.. Its all the samee.."
The guard all stops and can't really move as they all hipnotize by her voice..
She continue to sing.. but when she didn't saw it Irene still can get through Rosé's Power.. she go through Momo and again Momo try to fight Mina..
Mina knows it as soon as she saw Momo become different..
Rosé Keeps singging but it didn't work on Irene..
In the other hand Tzuyu run to Momo and try to push her away from Mina..
But they failed as Momo shock them with her electric..
Tzuyu thrown far from the shocks as Chaeyoung run for her..

"Mina... remember what always make Mom smile?" Rosé stops singging and try to run for Mina..
Suddenly Mina looks at Rosé's back.. Seulgi's Shadow is comming towards them.. Seulgi catched Rosé's Shadow..
Jennie saw that as she wanted to run to seulgi and stops her but Irene stops Jennie to help Rosé.. Irene control Jennie's Mind.. and Seulgi could continue to catch Rosé but
Mina sling her hand and control Seulgi.. she push Seulgi Far and throw her away from Rosie..
Irene got mad and try to control her friend.. she gets Tzuyu and Sana to fight Mina and Rosé..
Tzuyu suddenly run for Mina by hiding with Sana.. they punch Mina as she thrown to the ground..
"Noo... Minaaa" Rosé Shout as suddenly Rosé's grabs by alot of Dahyun..
"Minaaaaaaa... Remember it" Rosé Shout as Mina gets up and fight her friend..
"Turn back timee" Nayeon shout as suddenly a flash gets in them and they are back in the time when Rosé sing..

"Shit" Irene cruse as she gets Jennie and Wendy to stop Nayeon..
"Slow" Jeongyeon claps her hand as everything get in slow Motion except Mina and Rosé and her..
"Nayeon" Jeongyeon pulled Nayeon away as Rosé run to Mina again..
"Mina.. remember you are the black swan.. you know what to do" Rosé said as Irene again try to gets in Jeongyeon's Mind and get everything back in normal...
"I got it" Mina said as Rosé suddenly continue to sing again..
"Now if I keep my eyes closed.. he looks just like you"

Dahyun got controlled again by Irene and grabs Rosé pulling her away from Mina.. Rosé sings louder as Dahyun lose her grip and making Rosé escape and run to Mina..
They connected they hand as a loud thump felt in the eternity..
Their eyes turn into Red and their backs shine..
"Now" Rosé said as she start to sing again..
While Mina slowly doing her ballet again.. she dance with the voice of her sister.. as she freeze all the people the combination of her voice and Mina's dance make Irene really lose her focus.. she can't do anything.. everyone there just stay still.. Rosé's Voice hipnotize them.. and Mina's motion make all of them can't use their power totally.. Mina combine it with her blood controll power to fight Irene.. she pushhes Irene to the wall and Irene now can't do anything.. her mind and her power just freeze looking at the twins.. everyone suddenly get calm and stop fighting..

Until then Rosé stop singging and Mina stops her Movement..
Everyone become so weak.. also Irene..
Mina run to Momo and Jihyo and help  them to get up..while
Rosé walks to Irene and take the Kingdom's Crown..
"You don't deserve it.. from the first time" Rosé said Irene get her knife and trying to stabs Rosé but Mina grab her hand by her blood..and stop her.. Mina Smirk.. as she saw Irene can't do anything now.. paying all what she did..and her mom's..
"Don't waste your time.. and your strength..anymore Irene, you can't fight us.." Mina said as she push Irene back to the wall and hang her just like that..
Until Laura came to Mina and Rosé
"Girls.. enough" Laura said as she walks to Irene..
"Irene.. you want to see Rosé's, Sharon's and Ruby's Memories? I will show you.. how you and your Mom is wrong about them" Laura said as she held's Irene Forehead and shows everything to her..
Mina let Irene go as Rosé pulls Mina with her and get into the altar balcony...Rosé smile at Mina and suddenly Laura came to them after leaving Irene to calm down and think..
"You guys did it" Laura said
"Now.. tell the eternity" Laura Continue as Rosé give the crown to Mina
"No.. you take it.." Mina said
"Sharon" Laura called Mina as she sigh.. Mina doesn't want The throne.. she just wanted that its all in the right places again..but Laura and Rosé is asking her to so..
"To all Eternity people.. now.. we have the real Queen.. the first born of King Edgar and Queen Ruby..Queen Sharon" Rosé said
"The dame of eternity Rosé is the second born .. and the twin we have search for all this time.. the former Dame.. keep this story on behalf of Queen Ruby's request to stop the war...and for the sake of them.. for the sake of eternity.. cause they are not a disaster.. they will bring a peace for eternity and the world..just like they did now..This all is written by King Edgar and Queen Ruby on their last letter to us.. I will present it to the eternity" Laura said as Momo and their friend cheers.

Mina wears the Crown as the eternity cheers for her..
She walks towards her friend as.. suddenly Momo on her knee..
"My Queen"  Momo said as Rosé give a commands
"Send all your Salute to Queen Sharon" Rosé shouts as everyone on their one Knee..
"Your Highness" Rosé said as all the eternity followed her..
"Rosie.. no.. you don't need to do this.. Momo get up babe" Mina grabs Rosé and Momo to stand back as Rosé giggled
"It must be little different.. cause thats how it work here, My Queen" Rosé said
"Rosiee.. I need to talk to you..." Mina said as Rosé nodded
"And.. how about them" Rosé asked as Momo smile at Mina
"Lets have rest for a while.. we have so many things to talk for" Mina said
As Mina saw Irene walks beside Laura..
"Is she okay?" Mina asked as Rosé giggled
"Don't be worried.. laura will take care of her" Rosé said as they get into the castle..

To be continued..

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