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"What do you think they're talking about?" Felix, who was beside Seungmin asked.

Seungmin looked over his shoulder, gazing at the two who sat at the corner of the cafeteria in a 2 seat table.

It seemed like for him, that Haneul and Wonpil were having a deep talk. Wonpil had a worried look all over his face. Haneul however, had her back slightly turned away from them so Seungmin couldn't see her face.

Seungmin's eyes didn't leave them as he still felt the swirl of jealousy inside him. He saw Wonpil frown, his eyes glassy and ready to cry.

Wonpil's hand reached for Haneul's, which was on the table. Seungmin felt his eye twitch, and before he could burst, he turned back swiftly to eat his food.

"Who knows." Was his reply to Felix.

For one last time, Felix looked at Haneul worriedly and turned back to his lunch.


"Tell me, what's bothering you?" Wonpil had the most soothing voice Haneul could ever ask for. It made her feel calm inside.

"Please don't.." she sighed. "I don't want to drag you into all my troubles." Haneul put on a weak smile before taking a bite of her lunch.

"No." Wonpil said firmly. "Whether you like it or not, I will be the big brother you never had and I am going to do my job."

He leaned forward, elbows on the table. "Now please, tell me." His voice was now softer and less demanding, as if he was begging.

Haneul put down her fork, her eyes lifting up slowly until it locked with his. With a sad smile, she nodded her head.

"You remember when I introduced to you Zach?" She asked.

Wonpil blinked his eyes a few times as he tried to look through his memory lane. When he finally remembered, his eyes lit and his mouth opened wide. "Oh! Yes I do!"
He had a huge grin on his face as he said so.

"Why? What about him? Did he cheat on you? He broke up with you?" He bombarded her with questions.

"Ah, no-" Haneul chuckled.

"He forgot your monthsary? He didn't get you a gift? He lied to you?" He continued before gasping. "Did he get someone pregnant?"

Haneul bursted into a fits of laughter at his goofiness. "No!" She said in between laughs.
"He.. uh.. I"

"I broke up with him." She confessed, clearing throat.

Wonpil froze in confusion, a brow slowly raising. "You..? Ended it?"

Haneul bit her lower lip as she slowly bobbed her head up and down. Wonpil gasps again, grabbing her shoulder and shook her.

"Why though? Did you cheat on him instead?" He questioned, making Haneul's face scrunch up in disgust.

"What? No. Don't think so lowly of me." She uttered. "Just let me explain, okay?"

He abruptly pulled his hands away and sat properly on his seat. "Oh, okay. Sorry." He mummbled, smiling sheepishly.

"Okay so, I broke up with him because I discovered he was..." Haneul raised a finger to the side of her head and twirled it. "...psycho."

Wonpil's eyes widened,putting a hand on top of his mouth to stop himself from over reacting.

"Oh my gosh!" He whisper-exclaimed. "What did he do next?"

Haneul felt her throat tighten, it feeling dry at the thought of what he did. "Well to start,"

"He killed my bully. He ripped the head off of the body and sent me a picture of it." She felt the food rushing up her throat, but she held it back.

She shut her eyes tightly for a second before continuing, Wonpil staring at her in shock and terrified.

"Next, when my best friend kept from me a secret... Zach, killed and ran her over with a car." Haneul's eyes started to get watery. This wasn't unnoticed by Wonpil, who quickly took out his handkerchief.

"Turns out, the secret my best friend kept from me w-was tha-at.." Haneul's voice started to crack and a single tear fell rolled down her cheek. "...she was pregnant. I lost two people that day."

"Oh, Hannie.." Wonpil pulled his chair over to her side and sat beside her. "I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that. Especially after... your father died."

Wonpil pulled her into his embrace, Haneul throwing her hands over his neck. She sobbed in his chest, as quiet as she possibly can.

"A-and he's b-back to," she hiccuped in between. "...fi-find-d me.."

Wonpil sighed, saddened at the sight of his little sister crying. "You'll be safe here with us. Don't worry." He said while running a hand through her locks. "I'm sure JYP will do his everything to keep you safe."

The two were to immensed in their sad little moment that they weren't able to notice the jealous gaze of someone from afar.

OoF this is shorter than the others


Not like anyone reads in anyways


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